Echinorhinus spinosus

발행: 1850년

분량: 0페이지


분류: 미분류

It may be suspected that two other described species, R. buccatis, Waltr., and R. Reichenbachii, Drejer, constitute betWeen them a variety of R. angu/tifolius, haring the fame relation to that plant that the common European R. major has to the variety β. alpina os

to commencement os caudat sin) ; pectoral sns smali, truncated; dor- sal tWο, placed very far bach, opposite to abdominat sus. Sursace of shin polished and covered Min strong bony spines os various siges and heighis, arising frona circular bases hom l th to illisos an incli in diameter. Iour. Back and sides dark leaden gray ; abdomen, throat, yc.,

base of filis brownish. Λ white line extended stoin the base of the pectoria filis to commen cement of the caudat. Five large branchial apertures.