The works of John Fothergill, M.D. ...

발행: 1783년

분량: 435페이지


분류: 미분류


i 769. Some Account of the late Peter Collin-son, F. R. S. &c. In a Leiter to a Friend. -- Page 333. An Eslay on the Character of the late Alexander Rusieli, M.D. F.R. S. 3SS. 76S. Considerations relative to the North

PLATE I. Winterana Aromatica, or Cortex Minter anus. - Page Ι63.

the Terra Dponica. - I9Ι. III. Cosa Arabica. - 279. IV. Head of the late. Peter Collinson, F. R. S. &c. - 335.

V. Head of the late Dr. Rusieli, F. R. S.


and Cure of Fevers. Octavo I 772. Price 2S. II. The Natural History of the Tea tree, with Observations on the Medicat Qualities of Tea, and Essedis of Tea-drinking. First printed in Quarto 1772, Price 4s. The Second Edition isnow in the Presse. III. The Naturalist's and Traveller's Companiona containing Instructions for collecting and preserving Objects of Natural PHistory. Oetavo,1774. The Se cond Edition, frice as. 6d. The Third Editiora, ei larged, is noW in the Prest.

London. Octavo, I77 . Price 5s. The Se cond Edition is preparing for the Press, with an additional Volume, Which wili complete thu

State of Phys c prior to the Trojan War. An Oration deli vered besore the Medicat Society of London. Quarto, 1778. Price 68. VIII. Observations ora the Plan proposed for es ablishinga Dispensary and Medicat Society, with Formulae Medicamentorum Pauperibus praecipue accommodatae. Octavo, I 779. Price IS. IX. A Leiter to Sir Robert Barker, Knt. F. R. s. and George Stacpoole, Esq; upon GENERALI NOCULATIO N. Quarto, I 779. Price 6d. X. Observations on Baron Dinas datu's Rem arks onDr. Lettsoni's Leiter to Sir Robert Barher, and George Stacpoole, Esq; respecting GENERALI Noc ULATIO N. Octavo, I 779. Price 6d.


Feπ Iears ago 'Iome Phlificetans in London agreedio meet together for theis mutuat improvementis the practice of theis profession. The reigniuisesses of the fa n, mito the methori os cura that mere found mos esse Iual ; and neis discoveries ius sic, euher here or abroad, more rapecialbsura astho tbem e es bad either mari or examineri mere intended to be tbe principat topies of conversation. The persons wbo formed this focis , mere eitheriuch as Bad the care of hespitati, or mere other fein fome degree of repute tu their professton ; and consequento hia frequent opportunities of ma ingobferoations the emes, and of veri ing, in thecours of their practice, the disco ries of others. When di cult cases occurred to av of them, the res mere confulteri and that method V cure, Ghicis appeared most likeb to be attended mith succes, was

tris , and the eUent communicateri

men these meetius had continued a considerable time, fome of the members became defrous of ma ingsbe public parta ers of the a antages that mihi

Observations and Enquiri es. Preface to the Medicat Observ. &C. Vol. I.

important publication, bas certainb been a ver 'considerabis contributor to it, as t e mandi us ul

Vo L. II.



. From the Medicat Observations and Enquiries, vol. i. p. 3o3. Read November a9, 1736. IN SCROFULO Us DI SORDERS


Corfex Peruvianus

noted a scrofulous tenden cy.

By this method, in about a sorinight, he Was te to bear the light; and, in a monili, I had the satisfaction to ste him perseetly recoVered. The success of this experiment induced me

of a thin spare habit, pale sichly look, with theeyelids so much fWelled, and the Cyes se tenderias to be incapable of bearing the least glim mering of light; and his face Was here and three . crusted with moist scabs, which had almost co- vered his chin. I ordered a decoction of the Barii to be given, to the quantity of a spoonful and a half, three times a day; and a smali pili, with one grain os


tender and painsul, and other symptoms aPPearing of his former indisposition, the fame reme- dies Were repeated, and produced the sanae eia festos as besore; and that he might be securea froin the like returns for the future, Ι advised that he mouid talie the decoction and pilis forten days or a forinight, once in three monilis, for aboUt a year. This advice was punctuallycomplied with, and he remained free Dona any symptom of the disorder about four years, Domthe last repetition of the medicines, When he wasseiged with the confluent 1 mall-POX, at that time very rise and fatal, and died of the second


In the year I7so, a poor Woman brought herchild, somewhat more than a year old, affected with a very painful scrofulous ophthalmy, to Dr. Clephane and me, then at Scarborough. Amethod like the former was directed, and we had the satisfaction to find, ere We lest the place, that the child had reaped from it ali the benefit e could wissi. A young gentieman, about seventeen, Os athin habit, in an employment that admitted but


of litile exercise, accustomed to a plentiful table, and deriving Dom his parenis a scrofulous lain destred my assistance sor a large indurated parotid. I directed a two-ounce draught of the decoction of the Barh, with about forty drops of theguaiac. volatilis to be taen twice a day, and to be continued during two monilis. By the use of this remedy he greW strongand more florid: the tumour did not in- creasse, but feti sonae hal foster than at firs .

Having thus stopped ita progressi, I advisesthim to desist about two monilis, and then to repeat the fame remedy: but no considerable henesit accrued from this second coiit se; the mour, though lesis than at fita , was stili ob servabie.