장음표시 사용
sorae sanown to have had the custod of Richard Trasson et Mori, lviij. WyntoWn ed. Laing, ix. 20 ll. 2001-l0). O tho different theories of Richard 's death, that, hic is supported by our chronicie, os gradua starvatio by his heepers seem to e the mos probabi The question has been o fuit discusse elsewhere, that it,ould bo superfluous in this placerio repent What has been omne tot before. As, however, Adam fis is a fres authority, and an important authorii asaeing a contemporary for the theor of enlarce star vation, it a be elicio se What the ther early chronicies sanon thi potnt Walsingliam telis us that on hearing of the death of his hiend Richar voluntarii abstaine hom ood. The continuator of the Croyland chronicie has the fame story, hic is also found in various SS. suc a Cotton MSS. Nero A. Q. and balba g. vij. Tho Annales Rieardi II. Rolis series an Otterbourne follom this account, but ad that aster abstaining ome time Richard Was prevalle onto torio tali laod aut that it Was to late ache could notiswallo . The Mon o Evesham ives the account O voluntar abstention, but add an important passage: Aliter tamen dicitur et verius, quod ibidem fame miserabiliter interiit. V Similarly the Sloano S. 1776 has an alternative: Rex Ricardus primo de Turre ad Leodes infra Canciam, sub custodia Johannis Pelliam ibidem deinde ad castrum de Pomfrete, ubi Robertus Walyrton fuerat custos, occulte deductus est, ubi non habuit spem alicujus elevaminis. Et eciam,
pre nimia amicorum suorum interempcione dolore, tristicia reptus, non valuit consolari nec consolatorem habens, diem clausit extremum, videlicet in festo sancti Valentini. Et qualiter, penitus a nobis nescitur. Quidam tamen opinantur quod fame miserabiliter ibidem interiit; hoc est, quod privabatur penitus ab omni gustentacione aturali usque ad diem sue resolucionis. V The irkstali chronicie, scob, A3 Cotton S. Domitian xij. has Postmodo Ricardus quondam rex translatus est de turri Londonie usque ad castrum de Pom et ubi
diu ante mortem pane et aqua ut dicebatur sustentatus, tandem fame necatus est, secundum communem lamam,' in hic account it
o Richard' sufferings. The chroniel o Peter de Ichham, in Hari. MS. 4323, states that, o his remova to Pontehaci, per tempus certum custodiebatur,' and then, tandem a cibo et potu per quatuor aut quinque dies restrictus, famis inedia, cum xij annis regnasset,eXpiravit.' The fame version appear in the chronicies in CottonMS. Domitian iv. and Hari. M8 3906, and again in many optes of the Englis chroniel of tho Brut All thes authorities areis value, for although it cannot se aii that he are ali contempora , they are a leas early an sussicienti nea the time o hom that homtheirst, rumours of Richard' starvation ere very generalisbelieved. O a lator porto is the chronici in Cotton S. Titus D. X., os theearlymixteent centu , hic has a more embellished account that Richard ductus de loco in locum, tandem, ut opinio est vulgi, apud Pontifractum cibi inedia interiit. Nam dicitur cibaria in singulos dies, more regio, sibi apposita fuisse, sed esurienti non licuisse degustare.' This appear in an Englis dres in Hari. MS 53, a version
original memorandum to hicli the minute serves nSWer implies, although it oes no express an uncertaint a to hether
middi of January. An interesting fac in connectio mitti the above-mentioned minute of the Prio Counci has hithorto escaped observation me examining the original ough minutes of the counci preserve in the Cottonian libra Cleopatra F. iij. f. ), I as structi illi the caremit whicli an alteration in his particula minute ad been made, and the discovere that the minute a me no have it is no theone hic Was first,ritten This has been destroyed Therarsi leafof the proceedings of this session of the counci contain on it facenine memoranda or head os bufines to e discussed, it this titio :
'seurete g. les Seignum,' Whic iure an alteration, iure ritte Overa erasure ver caretali made Whereas, in the secon minute,
in tho Britishmuseum : Cotton Titus D. V., and Roya 13 Α. ix.: Hoc eciam anno Ricardus rex in castello de ounfrei existens, postquam audivit certum nuncium de morte comitum Huntyngdonie, Sarum, et ancie, et maXime comitis Huntyngdonie, fratris sui,' scilicet Johannis olland juravit se cibum nunquam pre dolore commesturum et Sic per quinque dies totidemque noctes a cibariis ustoditus circa festum Purificacionis eat Mario obiit, ut adimpleretur prophecia cujusdam militis Franci ad ejus coronacionem existentis, ubi vidit regis Otularem ad terram cadentem et regem ad prandium cibum suum evomentem. Quod sic exposuit 'Iste rex gloriosus erit et in cibis valde habundans, sed regni dignitatem amittet, et in fine re fame morietur. U
homicido, an many thers, an in ShOrt, a to the presentcaso os imprisoninibishops, the Clementino hapter: Si quis suadente, touchin penalties, hic Was decreod n
Was put o his tria an condemne for the homicide by one of his servants of a follower of the ad Blancho de alie God win De prinsulibus Anglioe seum to impi that Simon Dranon, ne of the udges, as refused buria in accordance Wit the term of