장음표시 사용
Deflagratus, a, um, adj., Sed Pharm.). Potassii nitras deflagratus, ni re balis. Deglutio, ire, 4th Conjug., to sMallom doeton med.)Deglutiendus, a, um, to be setoallogeses Deinceps salso dissyllabie), adv., heu forti, one affer auriter. Deinde, adv., then, neat. Deinde Cola, aseraUaris Stratu. Deiectio, onis, s Subs. 3rd dech, a motion med. . Post singulas dejectiones isqvidas, after eata liquid motion. Deligo, aVi, a tum, are, V. a. I Si Conjug., Io binae. Deligo, delegi, delectum, delIgere, v. a. 3rd Conjug., to Seleu,
sdo, edi, esum, edere, V. a. 3rd Conj., irregular, to eat.
E. hujus sormae, a plasfer of this Sisare. E. lyttae, a bsister. E. plumbi, diacblon.
Supposuit exemplum epistolae ClCERo), ne appendia a co of
Exhibeo, ut, itum, Cre, V. a. and Conjug., to exhibit, displudi. Used in medicat sense, to Prescribe a remed) . J
Faba, ze, s subS. Ist decl. , a beau. Physostigmatis laba, Calabar bean. Ad magnitudinem sabae, a fiesce the sise of a beau. Facies, ei, s. Subs. 5th deCl., Me face. Facit Is, e, adj., Comp. sacit Ior, superi . facilismuS, easF. Facio, iaci, sactum, sacere, imperat. lac, V. a. 3rd Conj., D mahe.
LATIN-EN GLISU VOCABULARY.Fetidus, a, una, fellae, also, laetidus. Spiritus ammoniae fetidus, spiris os ammonia. Fictilis, e, adj., made of civ. Olla fictili S, an earthenware Dr. Ficus, his, dat. and abl. Plur. sicubus, s Subs. 4th deCl. , a M.
nominative . Fiat massa, let a mas; be made Angi., maste a man).