Horae subsecivae

발행: 1889년

분량: 505페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 미분류


li ille e found that his ruefulaeing was himself in


so the laterial of his life Was proiiundi m9me,- there is no the wor for it This ros in partho temperament, sto a qui k sense of the litilenessand wretchednes of mankind. His heen perceptiono the meannes and vulgarit of the realities around laim contrasteo with thesideat present totis minu could produce no ther esseCt. his seeling, embittered bydisappotniment, acting on a harSh an SaUnge nature,ende in the leva indignatio of SWift acting on thehindi an to sensitive natur of r. hacheray, it ted oni to conlpassi Onate adneSS. In Pari, O , this melancholy a the result o private Calamities. He alludes to these osten in his ritings, an aknowledge that his sorroWs ere great is neceSSarnio the persect appreciation of much of his deepest pathos. V allude to them here, ainfulis the subject is,


Oh, the ad id ages, the duli id ages; oli,

the CareS, the enmti, the quabbles the repetitions, the old Conversations ove and ver again t ut



the troubles the CareS, the rivili, the compligatiORS, the repetitions the old Conversations ver an overagain, an here and there an oti the delightfulpaSSages, the dear, the brief the foreve rememberediari the A se Chapter more, and then the laSt,


an his and was ted a i by eight years Withhim it is the en o Ends finite is ver, and infinite


Ir Thacheray's connection illi Puncrilega very early in the histor of that periodicat, andae continue a Constant On- tributor at least umto ISSO. The acquisition was an invaluableone to r. Furach. Without unctu disparagement of that augus dignitata, it ma no be sal that a first he a too excluSivel metropolitan in his tone, to much devote to natura histories of medica student and London diers, in laci, omewhat Cockney. r. hackera at nee tam pedit,ith a different toneo made iis satire universat, adapte itSsun to the appreciationis culti vate men O the ther hanci, the connection illi P ιnc mus have been of the ulmos valueto r. hacheray. Heiad the widest ange, could rite ithout restraint, and without ille fini Sh and completenes necessaryin more forma publications. The nrestrai ne practice in I incis, esides the improvement in Style an in modes os