Horae subsecivae

발행: 1889년

분량: 505페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 미분류


White, radiant, potiess, Xquisitet pure,'


264 Horta Subseci P.

more humorous his humour more pitly Roberison was a Wondersul being it is no eas to exaggerate his Comi pomers. A natura sonis Falstaff, he had his


Smith ormare Cochbum, though in a different an drude Way. He ad face so anything and this is by alf the eiter half the secret os succes in


is o ouchingi referre to by Sydne Smith in his


infinitet ab ove im he had far o much of the

incongruit an droliness, he Stilliust e limite to


an osten play uel fantasti triclis. ut thedreamercis the Same en rationis, the Same tu guIS,

a the waking man who telis the dream. Philip ho


was drunk, an Philip ho is ober and remembers his lapse, is ne Philip S it is orat an imaginative man who an have imaginative reams. ou mustfirst ut in ei ore ou an ahe ut A Samson long ago ut it to the hilistines, ut of the eater

might ive instances of in frienti's it anilhumo ur; ut I could not in tryin toto so, do himanythingiui injustice. His ohes ere ali Warm andat once He id not load his revolve besore goingi d ner, an discliarge ali iis barreis at his friends. Hi sun rose ut of the socialit of the liour, and was an integra partis it and he neve repeate his


and re it o again. Butes remember et his first


essenCe an action, though osten angin Over ali fetime o more, iries a the lighining in the colli est night

There is much in favour of this Onelopes the foui


let them sal on hi tenes an CatCli them right, thos Colours e allano and rejoice in that Divine

ligitis thus beauti sying the limits of His light, and of