장음표시 사용
TH B selections homine Lives' of Cornelius Nepos have been choson it the idea es inving familiarit With ome of the reater ames undevenis in Gree an Roman history. The editor has found by experieno that in stud of Ancient Histor assumes a ne an vivi interest homoment the pupil comes pon omethin Whichhas torme the subject of his readin in Latino Greeli, here he an compare the more generat statements of the Englisli riter With ome of the origina facts ut of hicli his histor has
The notes an exercise aim speciali a devel-oping the studens' po er of translation into di, mali Englisti, an helpin him to that cloarundorsi ding of the Latin hicli such translation implies It is ahen or grante that Orssifo
VI PREFACEWor rendering do notis necessit suppos that the pupil nows the insaning ither of the Latinor of the quasi-Englisi into hich he has inmedit. Suret it is no vn Orthy use of Ven OmOblea linguage a Latin to mine it thus minister tolli student' belle command of his mother
In preparing the Introductions and the Analyses of the Tox tho author has benefited by the criti
CORNELIU NEPos a bor a ut the ear 100 B.α, probabi at Ticinium, in Cisalpine Gaul. As his dotali id nos occur untii ea the last quarter of the centu , he live in stirring times; yet he oo no par in politios. In his iis of Atticus lis attempta to excuse his frien for hol&in Moo from public assaira, an perhaps h maybe considere to apologiet for himself at in fame time. At ali evenis, he a more os a student than a man o action, an attempteri a Catullus says in dedicatin his poema to Nepos,
'omne aevom tribus explicare chartis, doctis, Iuppiter et laboriosis.
The te ning hic Catullus ore admire isno that os a modern scientific historian Nepos palnis illi a road touch, an is no to criticalos delatis His biographies, hoWever, have decided
x CORNELI NEPOTIS human interest, an he hoWs in them a symp thy illi foreim ideas quite unusual in a Roman. His fondnos for in stud of Greeli, esides thus broadening his ind may have been a bondi the friendshi existin botmeen him and thelsarne Atticus. The orator Cicer Was also afrien o Atticus, an in turn ecam the friendos NepOS. Besidos tho Histor of the orld V referredio in the passage from Catullus ove aboVe, Nepos Wrote many ther Oas, at of hic are tost, excepi a portionis his book De Viris Illustribus.' O the sirieon or more book into hic this asdivided, e have es one, me Excellentibus D cibus Exterarum Gentium,' from hiel the selections in his volume re alien, an part os amother, Me Historicis Latinis,' embracing the livosos Cato the Consor and of itus Pomponius Atticus, in has Hready been mentioned. The purpos of these biographiesia b inferrettio tho Praefatio' namely, to present me forthoi onlightenment an instruction illi an account of the deed of great me of ali times
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turn reare themselves to a position bove their felloWs, oesyrio b overthrown by the combinediear an enu of the thers. They ere thens, Sparta, and Thebes and of these states the Greelis Whos lives are here include mere citigens,-Miltiades, Aristides, Themistocles, an Alcibiades, of A thens Lysander of Sparta in Epaminondas of hebeS. Before any of these pomer came into serious conflict With ne nother, the had to in anenem Who threatenet them rom Without Darius, hing of ersia, ho ad atready go possessiono the Gree cities hicli fringe the coas of Asia inor, began to turn his eyes toWard Europe.
xiv CORNELI NEPOTIS But nos ni his attention ut his ostro for
of hips an men but a Marathon, in Attica, te thousan determine Greelis oute te timesthei number of frightene barbarians. addenedis his doleat, Darius egan stili greater prep ration to punish the reolis; ut in tho idstos homo died, leavin the legac o revenge