장음표시 사용
On semi-putrid leaves of Vaccinium myrtillus. Shere, Surrey. V. atramentaria, Cooke, Sacc. Syll. 2303. On Vaccinium uliginosum. Perili, Braomar.
On leaves os Corylus avellana. Shere.
GEN. 6. CHAE:Tomllum, Uanre, Saoc. Syll. I., 220. Perithecia sub membranaceous, fragile, Strigoso. Asci Eoon dissolved. Sporidia continuous, brown.
C. atrum, Lin , Sacc. Syll. 795.
Field Day tu Epping Forosi Was talien on Satur lay, October 15th. Although thero Was stili a great dearth of sungi in tho Forest, it Was found possibio to complete a list os lapsariis of 100 species
seen during the excursion, and of these about hali a dogen Wore
Vere rarely encountered. Neverthel ess, Cortinarius orichalceus
report by M. C. Cooke on the resulis of the Foray, closed the last of the Forays of 1887.
OVate, Sometimes almost globose, With ati apiculus 9Y6 μ. - Cooke Illus. t. 850.
Colour os the pileus rathor variabio in tho tint os brown. Alliodio C. anomalus, but resembling C. Vilomeus in tho banded Stem, although less distinet, and of a disserent colour. Tho specificname is derived hom this character os the stem, Whicli is unuSual