
발행: 1872년

분량: 139페이지


분류: 미분류


On leavos os Eucalyptus viminalis. Melbourno. Reader, T.) Phoma Lythaei, CPe sy Mass. Epiphylla. Peritheciis sparsis vel gregariis, globosis, tectis, prominulis, demum erumpentibus, pertusis. Sporulis globosis,

Maculis orbicularibus vel confluentibus s2 Inm. diam. atris ;peritheciis paucis, subgregariis, ellipticis lanceolatisve, rima duliiscentibus, dein hysterii-formibus ; Sporulis lanceolatis, utrinque acutis, continuis, hyalinis 25 κ 6 μ) basidiis subelongatis, simplicibus, hyaliniS. On duali leaves os Eucalyptus. Brisbane. Lailey, 488).

Maculis sub orbicularibus, epiphyllis vel amphigenis, glauceScentibus, Subsarinosis, pustulis minutis, conidiis profusis, mox



Ηyphis brevibus, continuis, subcaespitosis, hyalinis; conidiis catenulatis, limoni-formibus, utrinque apiculatis, primo guttulatis, hyalinis, albis, 17-19 κ 12 μ. On aphides upon pumphin leaves s Cucurbitaceoe . Brisbane.

Hyphis repentibus, ramosis. Conidiis globosis, profusis, pulvere aureo-fulvo in Polyporeos insidentibus, episporio tenui, minute

CaeSpitOSUm, erumpens, atrum Corynelia simulans stipitibus compositis, radiantibus, ad basim connatis, sursum clavatiS, Vel subulatis, simplicibus vel furcatis 2-3 mm . long.) Caespitulis lcm. long, 5 mm . lat. Hyphis deorsum dichotomis, suligineis, sursum ramoSissimis, hyalinis, septatis, conidiis cylindraceis, curvuliS

Sporodochiis pulvinatis, erumpentibus, oblongis, pallidis si-lmin. long) convexis ; conidiis ellipticis 8 κ 5 μ) hyalinis, basidiis

Sursum furcatis.

In ligno putrido. Waltaki. N. Z. 290.

Sporidochio convexo, pulvinato, hypocreasormi 1 mm . diam.)aurantio, Sub discoideo. Conidiis fusoideis, continuis, hyalinis,




Broadly, and for the most part densely, effused, olive; hyptiae interWoven, Septate, pale olivaceous, fertile branches ereet, sparingly branched to variis the apex, brancliteis somelimes altornate, Sometimes in pati's, conidia hyaline, colourleSS, ovat,


SomeWhat effused, forming pallid sp0ts on dead leaves, mycelium creeping, hyaline, fertile threatis Sh0rt, erect, Septate, hyaline, Withshori laterat, acuminate branches. Conidia terminat, Ovate, cou-


HOImintho spoxium minimum, COOPe.

Effused in thin fuliginous patelles. Hyphae fleXuouS, Simple, Septate, nodulose, collapsing Wheu dry. Couidia elliptical, trisπ-


binucleate, hyaline, 12 X 5 μ.



Ve have atready alluded, very casually, to Professor Saceardo'S fifth volume of his Syllogo V Whieli contains tho first part of the Hymenon cete8. IV e return to it noW sor the purpose of One ortWo observations, preti nary to our Sueeeeding remaris, ratherthan for critieism. In the first place We congratulatu Saccardo innot ad ling the dimensions of the spores Where he oves them) to the original diaguoses, excepi in sueti cases as those of recently deserit,ed species in Whicii the spore me urements are conStitute la part of the original diagnosti. A distinet protest must beoffere 1 to the custom, noW so common, Os attae ing spore dimen- Sio S to a species Without any evidelice that the spores belong to the species originalty described, but are only added Dora speeimenS determined by the parties thenaseives, and Whicli they lancy, orbetiove to be, the species of sorne particular author Who has notiven Spore meas ements. This is altogether a delusion and astiare, and Such dimensionS have nO authority Whateuer, and cannot be aecepted a S positively the spores of the species in question. Theonly good and authentie Spore meaSurements are those given by the author himself, or obtained hom authentie typical Specimens. Mr. Brown Or Mr. Jones may ive the dim0nsions of the spores of Agaracu8 cincinnatu8, Fries, for inStanee, not hom authentic Specimens, but hom Something collected by himself, and Whieli heconsideres may be the A. cincinnutus of Fries, but also may besomething quite disserent. Neither Ain. Brom nor Mr. Jones has any right to assume that his specimens are so indubital,ly the species os Fries that he is at liberty to amend or add to the diagnosis the dimensiotis of the Spores. In order that sueti Spore meaSuremeritS may have due value they should be derived Domauthentic Specimens, and the faet Stated, othemiso the specimens cm Whieli the spores are tinen Should be accurately and satisfactority figured With their spores, and thus Some plausibie groundast ordod for the detormination. In the nexi plaee We must expreSSour sympathy With Saecardo in a dissidulty in Whieli he Wasplaeed in car ing out his design os furnishing diagnoses of alidescribed Species. Os course, he could not aet invidio ly and exclude a long Series of ne v species, hoWever doubilat he might feel of their value, although in very many cases the diagnoSes areso Wretchedly imperfeci, and the illustrative figures When given atall) so crude and partiat, that sive per cent. of them Will represent the most that Wid ever be recogniged again by anyone except theauthor himself. In one instatice. Whieli We may particulariSe, there are Seores of SuppoSed neN Species, ali by the fame hand whieli it Would bd impossibie to identisy, either by the shori desertintions or the Metelied figures, or by both of these combined. Thatthis Was felt is Saecardo Will be mandest by his tum ping together


us are SO metamorphoS0d that one cannot recognige them under

notice tWo or three Which have come under condemnation.


can produce an authentiu Specimen of Ag. lanuginosus eliner Dom

specie S.

regariis as Ag. carptu8. In One se Se he is more fortunato than