Lord Bacon's Essays, or counsels moral and civil

발행: 1720년

분량: 503페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 미분류


the word of God sor e salth, uasi peccatum ariolandi es repugnare, O quasi sechis

Idolatriae nolle acquiescere.

THESE Things I have passed ver so

sufficienti improved by the Industry and La-hsur os an . In hich ork ii I have in an Potnt recedet fro in the opinion of the Antients I ould haverit interprete a done with a Destigia os Proceed in in Melius, no in

Aliud , illi Purposse of Amendinent an diro science , an no o Change and Innovation. For I could noti true to in seu, no to the Argument Phanille, ses e re not illin togo heyon other , ut et o more illing, than to have ther go beyon me agni 'Uhich may the et ter appea by this, tiat Iliave propo unded my Opinion na hexandin- armed, o se et in to pre occupy the Liberi vos en 's Judgments by disputatio us Confuta


tions. Fur in an thing that is ineli et oinn,

Iani in good Hope, that is the first Read in

trar Effect and Operation, that the add Authorit to Error, an destro the Authorityos that hic li is et Invented. o Controversi is an Honou to Falsehood, sin theother siderit is a Repulsis o Truth. In themean time, I calicio in Lan Ani Ner Themi-socles made, lio, hen a Deput DOm ani considerable Village had boasted great atters of it in a se Harangue, ahes hi in pthus, Friend saysme, our Vorus require a State. Certaini it a very welli objecsed to me, That m Mori as an Age Aishole Age perhaps to Prove them And βυθ-ra Ages, o Perse them. Neverthelesse, ee- in even the reales Things are ining tothei Beginnings, it illae noughrior me tohave Solon tinto Posterit , and the Di ortal

plore thro his Son, andiu Savio ur, that Hewould ouchfas gractous to Accepi these, and suci, ike Sacrifices of Human Unde stand-ing, season ed illi Religion, a With ait, and of red fit si tomis lory, and ex to the Hono uri 3 ou Majesty to hom ora Earthi in ostio unden. De Gloria.