장음표시 사용
approach that h0uid e made to the base of themimalayas Drreliable eodetic observations and inmur table e se that at that stati0 and allis0rt oscit there is a large defectis gravi , attaining at 0r an amount of - 22 vibrations It is ver remar-kable that this is recisely the am0unt of the correcti0 that adbeen applied for the attractio os the mountains, o that the apparent vertica attracti0 of the three miles of eari crust ehween Morsi and the se leve is ero. An in actis most of the therhigh station the residua discrepane is diminished or rem0ved fge mit the correctio for the attractio of the table-land lying
par de iri sigillarilsis de a structure de a terre l0ul hsait hyp0llisitiques, c0mme cela a sit sat par seu te pr0
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