M. Tulli Ciceronis De imperio Gnaei Pompei oratio ad Quirites: (Pro lege ...

발행: 연대 미상

분량: 196페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 미분류



AN ILLOSTRATO IOURNAL OF S ENCE. NATURE expound in a popular and et authenticmanner, the GRAND RESULT OF SCIENTI FIC RESEARCE, discussing the mos recent scientisic discoveries, and polatin out the bearing of Science pon civilisationand progress anxiis laim to a more genera recognition, as et acto chigher place in the educationalustem of the Count .

It contain origina articles hali subjecis mithin thedomatho Science Reviews Settin forti the nature and value os recent Scientisic ores Correspondente Columns, forming a medium of Scientisic discussion ando intercommunication among the mos distinguishedmen o Sciences Seria Columns, giving thereis of themost important apers appearin in ScientificIournais, both Home an Foreign Transactions of the principat Scientific Societies and Academies of the orid, Notes, &et In Schools here Scienceris inclucourse of studies, this paper Nil be ait telis halcis dola in Science ali popular Without lowering the standare it a vast amount of informatio is bro Compass, and student are directed for hat the need The various JWit Science teachin in school are and the best method of eachin are