장음표시 사용
mon who indulgod in it. It was ehosen by Somefor iis lucrati veness, and by the majori ty for iis capaci ty to en hance thoir reputation or to bring thom enituring fame. This much may bo fas ely
Thoro is an ulmost irrosi stibio temptation tolingor ovor Dr. Olivor Wondoli Holmos' books,so intensely interesting is his personali ty and sos ascinasing is his Work. Eut severat Othor
for the generosi ty of an ardoris frionii. Thus Supporteti, he gradually ad vanuod in modicat reputation, but never attained any great extent of praetice, or eminenee of popularity. Aphysi uian in a great uity, his biographor continuos musingly, Soems to be the mero play-thing of Fortuno: his dogi 00 of r0putation is, for the