장음표시 사용
This intontion Aho curri ed into praei iee, and onlior return to England mado great exertiones tointroduco in oculation into generat uso. The medicat profession oppoSed ii So Strongly, hoWeVer, that for many years the horribio distompor
The praetiuo os inoculation, though stills roWned upon by a large proportion of tho modicat
f se advorti soli in tho Ips cich Iournia in l76l forperforming the oporation by Robert Sutton, an
stipulation that applicanis must havo had the
the resultes of tho earlior experiments having been confirmod by a sortes of vacui nations, followed by
innovations on established praeficeS, indeed, Vaoeinution recei Vod for many years affer iis introduction tho moest violent opposition. Justas inoculation for Amull-pox had been denouncedfrom tho pulpit and in medicat troati ses aes adiabolicat oporation and a wiokod interserenue with tho dosiniis of Providoneo, so did a certain