The doctor in history, literature, folk-lore, etc

발행: 1896년

분량: 315페이지


분류: 미분류


286 INDEX.


F. R. H. S.


Muny charming original illustrationes ure include l. It is bouutiiully printsed in bold clear typo, and bound in amosi attractive Style. PREES OPINIONS.


It is just the right sori of book for a prige or present, and should find a place in every Band of Hope and Sunilay School library. - The Abstame, S

A pathetic interest attaches to this volume, it being the last legacy of Μr. JackSon Wray. It is a Story with a purpose to advocate the clainis of total abstinence. The plot is laid in a finali village of the East Ridirigof Vorkshire, and the author Shetches the awful ravages of intemperance in that smali community. The victims include a minister, doctor, and many others who Mund, when too late, that the red, red wine biteth like a serpent. Though terribly realistic, the picture is drawn from life . and every tragical incident had iis counterpari among the dwellers in that village. It is ahealthy and powerfui temperance tale, and a Dari ess exposure of the quietdrinking that was so Common in respectabie circles thirty yearS ago. Itshould find a place in Our school libraries, to he read by etder Scholarg. MethodisI TimeS. This is a powerfui story, the last hom the pen of an indefatigableworker and true friend of the total abstinence cause. The scene of the O'ertrue tale is laid in East Vorkshire, the author's native districi, whicli heknew and loved So well. The characters appear to be drawn froni liis, an devery chapter has a vivid and territile interest. The frienciship be tweenold Aaron Brigham and Littie Kitly is loriching. The tale of trouble, Sorrow, and ut ter ruin wrought by the demon os strong drinti might wellrouSe every man, wOman, and Child to figlit the destroyer, Whicli, in theunklding of the story, we See enStaving minister and people, Sham ing the Christian Church, breal ing hearis ali round , and wrecking the cleares thopes of individuals and families. A strii ing and piti fui tale, not