장음표시 사용
BIBLIOGRAPHYIn addition to the various editions and translations os the Latin authors, the solioWing orks have been consulted
Allen, I. H. and J. B. Greenough, Ne Latin Grammar, New ork I9O3. Bennelt, C. E. Latin Grammar, Boston, revisionis I 8. Bennelt, C. E. Θntaxis Eari Latin The Verti, ol. I, Boston, I9ΙΟ.Draeger, A. Historische Θnta de lateinischen Sprache, Leipetig 1874. Ernout A. Recherches surremplo du passi latin in Memoires de la sociale delinguistique, I 5.29 ff. Gilderfleeve, B L. Latin Grammar revised by G. Lodge , third edition, Ne
Thi chapter deat with the definitio an classificationi the
Zumpt4225 thus defines an impersona verb: The term impersona vertis stricti applies ni to thos os,hich no therbut the thir person singula is sed and whichio not admit apersona subjeci I thou he), the subieci ein a proposition,
an infinitive, o a neuter noti underStood.
Madvig I65 writes: Thos verbs re calle impersonalwhicli are used oni in the third person Singular, and have usual-lymo resereno to a subieci in the nominative. Alle an Greenough conside this a definitio os impersonalverbs: Man verbs rom thei meaning appear ni in thethies person singular, the infinitive, and the gerund These recalle Impersonat Verbs, asiavin no persona subieci. VRoby4575 says, Certain verbs in the thir singular, herethe factis the action, state, o seeliniis the prominent potni and the cloe is test indefinite are called impersonalS. Gilderfleevedao says, Jmpersona verbs are vertis in hichthe agent is regulari implied in the action, the subieci in the predicate, o that the person Sio expressed. Lane Io34 expresses his ideam an impersona thus: Somevertis have no subjectis ali in the thir person singular: theseare calle Impersonat. 'Rob Seem to have been the only one ho emphasige thesaci that an impersonat expression is used when the writer Wigheso mali the ac prominent an the actor econdary. Thisidearis very clearly brought out by a French scholar, A. Ernout in his Recherches fur emplo det passi Gatin,' in M. S. L. I 5.292. In distinguishingiemeen itur and it, eunt, Ernout Saysthat the actio is stresse in the former, the actor hein obvious and lestrio inforence, hile the lalter sit, eunt gives equat prominence to the ac an to the actor. Grammarians have classifie these impersona verbs under
the operations o nature and the time of Jay as, lucet, pluit, tonat, vesperascit This Classis vertis is ranked a impersonat, although in the ultimate logica analysis, hy, arthi heaven Personifie is understoo a the subjeci: Cf. Cic. N. D. 2.25. 65,
υε Γαρα ευς συνεχές, o dipa κε ασσον αλίπλοα εlχεα εἱ q. a The second classis impersonals a define by grammarians, consist of ve verbs os menta distress V Lane Io34), miseret, paenitet, piget, pudet taedet TheSe Verb are reali CauSative. The cause of the eeliniis put in the genitive and the person assected by the seelin in the accusative These impersonat may have an infinitive or Claus a SubjeCt as, Plaut. Seud. 282 non dedisse istum pudet me quia non accepi piget cf. Allenan Greenough 354. C. Sometimes these verti are Sed personalty With a neuter pro- nou a Subjeci RS, Ter Ad. 754 non te haec pudent; cf. Allen and Greenough 354. C, note . Raret is the subiectis appellative as, me quidem haec condicio non paenitet, Plaut. Stich. I Cf. an Ι284. 3 The thir classis impersonals a Commoni giVen, include thos Verbs hich have a phrase, laus o infinitive Ssubjeci RS, accidit evenit neceSSe'St refert certum est fit obtingit restat ConStat interest obvenit SupereSt
contingit iuvat oportet videtur decet libet placet delectat licet praestat 4 The fourth class, represente by the type ventum est the subjectis this thesis), includes: a Al the passive of the intransitive verb os motion as itur. b Alliassive os transitives used in an intransitivem abSolute ense. In litteras scribit, scribit is transitive, ut in bene scribit it is sed intransitivel o absolutely. In Plaut. Seud.
273, amatur is Sed in his intransitive sense, although amo is regularim transitive. c The passive of the verbs denotin state disposition seelingi quali ty, whicli are intransitive in Latin and require an indirect object in the dative. In the passive such vertis are used impersonalty the dative remaining : V cf. Hale an Buck, 364. Caesar decimae legioni indulgebat hecomes in the passive decimae legioni a Caesare indulgebatur. Nostri initimi nobis invident, has for iis passive nobis a finitimis nostris invidetur. Trebonio persuasi hecomes in the passive Trebonio a me perSuaSum St. d Some deponent Whicli are raret uSed impersonalty RS philosophatum est Plaut. Pseud. 687 an defunctum sit Ter Ad. 5O8. e Some passive infinitives depending on coepi, deSino, pOSSum, Soles, etc., S pugnari coeptum Sti. H. I 5.5 desitum est potarier Plaut. Most. 958, sisti potest Plaut. Trin. 72O, Solet caveri Varro
Coepi and desino stio a very marhed peculiarity. When theyare used with an infinitive passive thenare generali put in the DasSive a pugnari coeptum est This is especiali truem Caesar an os Cicero. When the infinitive as se in an impersonat Sense and aCCordingly wa DaSSive a Change WallogiCal. In pugnare coepit, pugnare is the objectis coepit in pugnari coeptum est, pugnari is the subjeci. The potnt here is the Change of subjeci,so that instea os pugnari coepit, pugnari coeptum est the passive instea os the active Came into se Coeptum est i a realpassive hile pugnari hecam passive hecause i i impersonat. Thi usage a extende to ther phrases a lapides iaci coepti Sunt in Caes. B. G. a. 6. a. his is hardi curious instanceos attraction, ' a Lindsa calis it in his Latin Language, 22, Cf. illine ΙΙ, Ι4125. I, 2 also H. Krat in N. Jahrb. f. Phil. u. Paedag. XI, 24 f. Eduar Wolfili in Archiis. at Lexihogr.
N. Gram. Ι, ΙΟΙ. The solio in notes contain remark on apparently mPerSona passive form that have no been included With the reasons for Auch XCluSion. Note I. The neuter gerundive os intransitive verbs is used withes as an impersona phras to signis that the actio musthe done a nunc est bibendum Hor Carm. I. 37. I. Although this for is a variatio of the ventum S type,
Stuis of the Impersonalexample containing it have no been sed hecause, hilethis construction is passive in form it has no Corresponding
Gerundives an gerund like the Englisti verba in
-in were originali neither active nor passive, ut might stan sor ei ther an active or a passive In time a prevall- in passive meaning gremu in the gerundive and a prevall- in active meanin in the gerund. V an 2238. Noteis. Example os iri used with the supine fo1 ming the future passive infinitive, hile the are a variant of the ventum est type are no include in his discussion, hecausethicis the regula waymi expressing the future pasSive infinitive, an iri, although an impersonat, is no fel a one; RS, CiC ad Att. 7. 22. I eum exceptum iri puto I hinkthat there is a goin to capture him, i. e. that heri going obe captured. Iri is sed impersonali an eum is theobjectis exceptum. lane *2273. The formis the infinitive suture passive is derived iromthe notion o goin or intending, hicli easti paSSeS Verint that os suturi π. Vumpt4668 note.
Note 3 Passive used with certain adverbs suci a satis, tantum, Stuc, etc. have no been considered, hecause the dea
contained in these adverbs may be et tome the Subjeci; S, Sallust Cat. Ι9. 6 de superiore coniuratione satis dictum est). Satis, o the dea containe incit, is the subjeci. In Caes.
B. G. 5. I9. 3 tantum agris vastandis incendiisque faciendis hostibus noceretur, tantum has been considere a subieci. In Caes. B. G. 6. 34. 7 and 7. 6 3 quantum pro videri poterat, quiantum is the subjeci. Grammarians a very litti concerning thi ventum est grou9. The are contento translate it by the stereotype an monotonous forms, there is a coming, eopte came, etc., ignoringior the mos par the fac that the sense of the passage implieSa definite cloe or agent, hicli is expresse or cleari implied
This division contain ali the verbs of the ventum est type thesubjects of hicli, is expressed, ould logicali he in the rst PerSon Singular: S, Plaut Merc. 465 auscultabitur. Demipho says ad portum ne bitas, dico iam tibi. o notino to the har-hor, Ptellio that nom. V Charinus is expected to angwer in the firS perSon, et ther negativel o aflirmatively. Instea os using this ver much ove orked rs person, Plautus ive us avariation, by using auscultabitur, it ill e eard V hicli sequivalent o saying, VJ willieedio andio go to the harbor. Plaut. AS. 259 impetritum, inauguratumst impetrivi. inauguravi Cf. Sumam, inte ortam, conferam 258.
Plaut Bacch. 66 desudascitur m desudasco Cf. metuam 65 me 66. Plaut. Cas. 758 ibitur cibo, bein sal in angwerrio . Plaut Cist. I definitumst m definivi Cf. remittam.
Plaut. Men. 533 factum est feci, hein Sal in anSwerri te surrupuisse aieba 532. Paut Me 538 curabitur m curabo Ci dicam. Plaut. Men. 679 factum est feci ci dedi 678, redimam 68o. Plaut. Men. 964 proventum est proveni Cf. faciam, cupio 963. Plaut Merc. 324 utSumst vidi, heing in angwerrio vide. Plaut Merc. 465 auscultabitur m auscultabo, ein in angwer toad portum ne bitas. Plaut Merc. 776 abibitur m abibo, hein in angv e to volo te abire Plaut M. G. ΙΙ73 praeceptumst m praecepi Cf. OD II7Ο. Plaut. Most. 3Ι4 imperatum est, imperavi Cf. volo. Plaut. MOS 4Ο curabitur m curabo, anSwering the Command -- tu cave muttire quemquam iveriS. Plaut. Pers. 7 vivitur m vivo, ans ering quid agitur Whicli is equivalent to quid agis: cf. ut vales, ut queo I7'Plaut. Pers. 246 tacitum erit, celabitur m tacebo, celabo, i tu hoc
taceto. Plaut. Pers. 32 credetur m credam cs commodabo.
Plaut Poen. I dictumst m dixi, hein in ans e to the command haec cura clanculum ut sint dicta. Plaut. Seud 273 amatur, egetur m amo, eges, anSWering quid agitur, Calidoret Plaut. Pseud. 457 Statur moto, ans ering quid agitur hicli sequivalent to quid agis.
Plaut. Pseud 687 philosophatum est M philosophatus sum cs diu
loquor. Plaut. Rud. 776 curatumst m curavi, hein an angwe to the command cura.
Plaut. Stich. 467 Sustentatumst m sustentavi, ans erin valuistinuSqueZPlaut. Stich. 5o credetur m credam; i. experior. Plaut. Stich. 586 sussentatumst m sustentavi, anSwerin valuistin bene ΘP aut Trin. 578 ibitur cibo, angwering the command abi huc ad meam Sororem ad Calliclem 577. Plaut. Trin. 72 sisti potest, Sistere possum; s. agam, OnStringam, accomodem, iubeam.
Plaut. TruC. 667 ibitur cibo, answering qui non extemplo Jntro ieriS. Ter Ad a Io actum esse m egiSSe me Ci conveniam, faxo O9. Ter Ad. 56I factum m feci, anSWerin produxe aibas. Ter Ad 63 cessatum eS eSSavi; f. exoraSSem, ducerem 63Ο. Ter Ad 958 factumst, feci, anSwering tu illas abi et traduces17. Ter Eun. 27 statur m to Cf. quid agitur, an equivalent to quid
Ter Eun. 85 factum m feci, ans ering aufugistin ΘTer Eun Io66 dictumst, dixi, strengthening the threat si te in platea ostendero Ο64. Ter Heaut 862 inceptumst cincepi; s. i.
Ter Hec. 452 Iactum m feci, anSwering dixtin dudum illam dix-iSSe se expectare filium Z Ter Hec. 457 creditur m credo, ein an ans e to bene factum
Varro L. L. . ΙΟ perventum est, perveni; s. dicam Io5. Varro L. L. 5. 17 dictum est dixi ci video I 64. Varro L. L. 8 a dictum dixi Cf. omittora. I9. Varro L. L. 8. 2 visum est vidi ci dico 22. VArro L. L. 9. 2 responSum est respondi ci dixi. Varro L. L. . Io dictum est dixi the writer . Varro L. L. IO. 5 decurritur m decurro Ci dico.
The secon division contain ali hos examples that have adesinite cloe logicali implied in the secon person Singular RS, Plaut. Amph. 7- factum est. Alcumena Says, nam dudum ante lucem et istunc et te vidi. Hi ille heiore damn Psa You an him Sosia). V Amphitruo asks, quo in loco In hat place Z V Alcumena answers, hic in aedibus ubi tu habitas. Here in the hous where o live. V Amphitruo repties, numquam factum est di neve was one. Factum est is quiv- talent to fecisti, o neve did, meaning o neve SaW S. The
Plaut. Amph. o numquam factum est, numquam fecisti, be- in a dentalis istunc et te vidi 699. Plaut. Amph. 49 numquam factumst numquam feciSti, an-SWering audivistin tu me narrare haec hodiet Plaut. Curc. 122 nolo dici m nolo te dicere. Plaut. Curc. 7Ι4 factum est, fecisti, answerin his W question promiStin te omne argentum redditurum
Plaut Poen. 56 postulatumst, postulavisti, anSWering the re- mar valeant apud te quo volo 755. Plaut. Pseud. 5o dictumst m dixisti Cf. musSitabas. The queStio non a me scibas pistrinum in mundo tibi 5ΟΟ, ans eredh scibam, is immediatet sollowed by quin dictumst mihi twhicli is ans erexi 5Ο2. Plaut. Pseud. 5I 6 praedicitur m praedicis Cs te Ι5. his question is asked as an ans e to facit ut meminerisII 5. Plaut. Trin. 38 curatum m curavisti Cf. inconciliastin 36, exturbasti 437. Plaut. Truc. 369 ambulatumst, ambulavisti Ci soles 368. Ter Eun. 416 dictum m dixisti ci iugularas 4I7.
This grou includes ali hos vertis having a definite actor logicali implied in the thir person singular: aS, Plaut. PSeud. III 3 imperatumst. Harpax, after Speahing of the generat orthless-nes of Slaves hen thei master is absent aclds, ego, ut mi imperatumSt, etsi abest, hi adesse erum arbitror. I, as Amymaste commande me, although hecis away thin hecis here an ac accordingly . The ense of the passage requires definite subject for the active ver implied ii imperatumst,
ascis hown by erum. Plaut. Aul. 527 itur cit , Cf. pSus 53Ο. Plaut Bacch. 43 emeritum sit - emeruerit; Cf. haec.
Plaut Bacch. 44 itur cit Cf. magiSte 448. Plaut. Curc. 336 responsumst freSpondit; f. respondit 333, ab illo 336. Plaut. Men. 65O factum m fecit Cf. homo, Menaechmus. Plaut. Men. 8o8 factumst m fecit os hoc hominem. Plaut M. G. 59 actum est, egit Ci mulier 59 I. Plaut M. G. ΙΟ85 responsumS respondit Cf. hic ΙΟ83. Plaut M. G. 332 factum est, fecit cf. mulierem Ι33Ο, viso huic
Plaut M. G. ΙΑΟ3 ventumS venit Ci uxorem ΙΑΟ2. Plaut. Most. 26 dictum m dixit; cf. Scaphae. Plaut. Most. 958 desitum est potarier m desiit potare Cf. eius 957. Plaut. Pseud. 7 scriptum est, scripsit Cf. ea 62. Plaut. Pseud. III 3 imperatumst, imperavit Cf. erum. Plaut. Trin. 38 mandatum m mandavit; Cf. qui I 37. Plaut. Trin. 3Ο actumst egit Cf. animu 3Ο6. Plaut. Trin. 6o imperatumst in imperavit; cf. ibit 598. Ter Ad 27 reddetur m reddet cf. reddet 28Ο. Ter Ad. 474 ignotumst, tacitumst, creditumst, ignovit, tacuit, credidit; f. matrem 47I. Ter Ad 508 defunctum sit m defunctus sit; es. fratrem IO.
Ter Heaut. 568 factum m fecit Syrus confirm the talemento ChremeS. Ter Heaut 628 factum est fecit, confirmationis sustulisti. Ter Phorm. 135 perSuaSumS persuasit Cf. Phormio 22. Ter Phorm. 283 ventumS venit; cf. potuit. Ter Phorm. 778 Siletur m Uet. Ter Phorm. ΙΟO6 factumst fecis ci duxit ΙΟO5. Cato de Agr. Ι44. 3 conductum erit m conduxerit; s. redemptoriS. Cato de Agr. Ι44 3 locatum erit in locaverit; f. domino. Varro L. L. . a potest agi, potest agere; i. is the DerSO towhom the aughter is promised). Varro L. L. 6. 94 itur m it Ci claSSicu 92. Varro R. R. 2. 2 6 adnumeratum est, adnumeravit Ci dominum. Varro R. R. 2 4 2 bucinatum est, bucinavit; f. SubulcuS. Varro R. R. 3. 8. I. dictum est, dixit Cf. Axiti 7. II. CaeS. B. Air. 4 3 mandatum erat, mandaverat Ci L. PlancuS
Caes. B. Air. 6. 6 discedebatur m discedebat; ci CaeSarra. Caes. B. Air. 9 4 decertatum est m decertavit; i. LabienuS. CaeS. B. Air. 3I 2 accederetur m accederet Cf. hsSteS. Caes. B. Afr. 5 I perveniretur m perveniret; i. aeSari. Caes. B. Afr. 82 3 pugnari, Caesarem pugnare; f. Cae
Caes. B. Air. 88. 7 erat imperatum m imperaverat; cf. CaeSar86. I and 86. 3. Caes. B. AleX. . 5 Succurri posset, succurrere posset; s. a
Caes. B. Alex. 75 3 configitur m consigit; cf. Caesar I. CaeS. B. C. I. 5. 3 decurritur, discessum est m decurrit, discessit,
CaeS. B. C. I. 5. 4 decernitur m decernit; s. Senatus. Caes. B. C. I. 6. 6. feratur Jerat; f. Senatu 5. CaeS. . . I. 24. disceptetur m disceptet; i. Caesar, se cum
Pompeio. CaeS. B. C. I. 26. 5 non posse agi, Libonem non posse agere; cf. Letbo. Caes. B. C. I. 37 3 imperatum erat, imperaverat; f. Caesar 36.4. Caes. B. C. I. 7 I. I configeretur consigeret; i. exercitum.
a I Caes. B. C. I. 8Ο. 5 pugnatur m pugnat Cf. equitatum8O. 4. Caes. B. C. I. 84 2 venitur m venit Cf. Afranius. Caes. B. C. I. 85. Ia dictum esse m dixisset cf. Caesar I. Caes. B. C. 2. 22 5 imperatum est, imperavit; s. Caesar 6. CaeS. B. C. 2. 25. 7 imperatum est imperavit; cs Curet 6. CHES. B. C. 3. 33. I ventum eSSet m venisset Cf. Scipio. CaeS. B. C. 3. 72 4 eSSet ostenSum ostendisset; Cf. ducis, tribuni. CaeS. B. C. 3. 75. 4 ventum eSSet veniSSet Cf. CaeSar.
Caes. B. C. 3. 85 3 posse dimicari Caesarem posse dimicare;
.CaeS. B. C. 3. 3. 3 imperatum erat m imperaverat Ci Pompei. Caes. B. G. 2. II 6 imperatum erat m imperaverat; f. CaeSarra. Caes. B. G. 3. Ι4. I noceri posse Caesarem nocere poSSe cf.
Caes. B. G. 5. 47 3 imperatum erat cimperaverat; f. CaeSar 46. I. CaeS. B. G. 5. 48. 7 praeceptum erat, praeceperat; f. CaeSar . Caes. B. G. 6 3Ο imperatum est, imperaverat; f. CaeSar 29. I. CaeS. B. G. 6. 34. 7 noceretur noceret; f. CaeSarm. CaeS. B. G. 6. 43. 4 ventum S venit, Suppi res).CaeS. B. G. 7. 36 7 ventra posset venire poSset es Vercingetorixa. CaeS. B. G. 7 6Ι. I ventum eSSet veniSset; f. ipseMO. 4 CaeS. B. G. 8 27. 5 praeceptum erat praeceperat; f. Fabius 3. CaeS. B. H. 27 6 ventum SSet m veniSSet Ct. CaeSarra. Caes. B. H. 35. ventum SSet veniSSet Ct. CaeSar. Catullus 39. 2 ventum est venit Cf. Egnatius. Catullus 39 5 lugetur m luget Cf. mater. Sali Cat. 45. 2 praeceptum erat m praeceperat; f. Cicero . Sali Cat. o. 5 ventum est consul venit; s. a conSule. Sali Cat. 55 5 praeceptum erat m praeceperat; f. conSu I. Sall. Jug. 13. 8 consuleretur conSuleret; f. Senatu.
Sall. Jug. 25. I congrueretur m onSuleret Cf. in Senatu 24. I. Sall. Jug. 29 6 imperatum erat m imperaverat; cf. Calpurnius . Sall. Jug. 52 3 praeceptum fuerat, praeceperat; cf. Metello a. Sall. Jug. 53. I imperabatur, imperabat Cf. Rutilius 2 5. Sall. Jug. 62 7 iussum erat, iusserat; ci iube 6. Sall. Jug. 75 7 ventum' venit Ci prosciscitur 6. Sal Jug. I. I ventum S venit; Cf. diStribuerat, curabat. Sall. Jug. O8. 2 caveri nequisisS Bocchum cavere nequi, visse; Cf. BocchuS. Sall. Jug. ΙΟ9 3 praeceptum fuerat miraeceperat; cf. Sulla I.
Nep. 6. I. a factum est fecit Cf. OnSecutus sit. NeP. 4 8. 3 pugnatum erat, pugnaverat Ci posuit. Nep. I 5 8. I reditum est rediit; cf. ille permisit. Nep. 8 8 4 poSSet perveniri, posSet pervenire Ci Antigonus. Nep. I 8 9 5 imperatum erat, imperaverat Cf. mittit, praecepit 3. Nep. I9. 4. I perventum S pervenit Ci valeret, portaretur.
Under his headin are place ali hos vertis hicli ave animplied definite actor in therargi person plural There are movarieties of this class, the Real and the Editorieti.
I. Real. The Realfrst plura refers to definite persons, as Ter Phorm. I 35 factumst, ventumst, vincimur. Vincimur is a rea firAt personplura active an has for it subjeci, Geta, hori Speaking, and hi master. In the fame line, TerenCe Ses factumst and ventumst, in o impersonat whichiave so the subject of thei equivalent actives fecimus and venimus, the Same SubjeCt a vincimur. Geta aYS, factumSt, VentumSt, Vincimur. e id it , we Came, We were Conquered, o we did as Phormio advised , we went 4 couri , e loSt our case . V Vincimur Clearly shows that factumst an ventumst re equivalento actives with an implied subject in the realiurgi person plurat. Plaut. Curc. 646 ventum est, venimus; f. ea me Spectatum tulerat per Dionγsia 644.
Ter Phorm. 64 pervenirier potuit m pervenire potuimus; s. volumus 64 I. Ter Phorm. 773 possiet discedi m possimus diScedere; i. geSserimu 772. Varro R. R. I. 44. 3 dicetur m dicemus cf. Licinius 3 and Agrius. Varro R. R. 2. 2 6 agitur m agimuS ci emptor, ille. 23
Caes. B. C. 2 3I. 4 credi, nos credere; Cf. habeamus 5. Caes. B. G. I. 44. 8 concedi oporteret nos concedere Oporteret Cf. OS. Lucr. 6. 32 Occurri nos occurrere; Cs tendimus 26, possemus
Sall. Jug. 3Ι. 26 vindicatum M vindicaverimuS Cf. vivamuS.
a. Editorial. In his grou have been place thos impersonat denotingwhat the writer hinks, knows, o says. To auoi mentioning himseli exclusively, he se an editoria plural. V his Some- times means himself, a in Sall. Jug. 33. a diximus, hicli is
equivalent to dixi an Clearly means the writer Sallust only. O the author a include ther besides himself in his first plural, a in Varro L. L. 9 54 dicimus hicli has for subject we
ma Substitute an impersonal, havinitor it equivalent active a subject in therars plura editorial a in Sall. Jug. 6. I dictum est That dictum est is arars plura editorial is prove by Jug.
33 2, 34. I, 37. 3, 38 6 Where diximus i Used in the Same sense. BY caresul comparison,ith the active pluralii the Same para-
graph, it has been fel that the fix examples of Varro hicli sol-low, shouldie classe a firs plura rather than firs singular. The fourteen example o Caesar hicli are cited are also selitote plural rather than singular be auge Caesar Se theirst plura active much more frequently than firs singula active. Evidencessor this salven in Appendix I. Varro L. L. 5. 74 dictum est diximus cf. dicimus, videamus
5 75. Varro L. L. 9 54 dicitur m dicimus Cf. dicimus. Varro L. L. 9 76 transiretur transiremuS Cf. dicimuS. Varro L. L. 9. 8a perventum est m pervenimus cf. dicimus 83. Varro L. L. 9. 98 responderi poteS reSpondere OSSumuSI s.
Sall. Jug. 6. dictum est diximus; f. diximuS 33 2, 34. I, 37. 3, 38. 6.
This clas includes ali verbs of the ventum est type, hichliave a definite actor logicali implied in the secon plural asPlaut Bacch. 757 erit accubitum. In 753 Ch Salu SayS, Mnesiloche et tu Pistoclere, iam facite in biclinio cum amica Sua uterque accubitum eatis. V Then in 757 instea os repeat- in the seconditurali uses the impersonal erit accubitum hichis equivalent to accubueritis ascis hown no onl by accubitumeatis in 755, uti exsurgatis 58.
Plaut Bacch. 757 accubitum erit m accubueritis ci accubitumeatis 755. Plaut M. G. 737 desisti, vos desistere; cf. istis. Varro R. R. 2. II. I praedictum est praedixistis; s. adieceritis. Caes. B. C. 2. 38 3 auditum erat, audiveratis Supsely, You,