장음표시 사용
Prissent, or future, conseque e mode, o oondition, and transirete accordiugly e. g. rs in eis, nullo Oiata,' non eo rus abiit; nihil faeientem miserum ea morari nisi
i. In the nominativo o accusativo is in Latin infinitivo o quod mih indicativo; o. g. quod abea laal se ια--, mirum eat, or mirori. ii. In in otheris marino finito ver missi sis o εαὶ, εο iam quod εις eae eo quod Mea, in murioing
notoo butar ego non tu; by this timor Iam;
Unconnecte sentencea aro notis frequent in Latin Partiolas oras in riter liho minuta jam, rum, inde, δα onen havo o bo introducod. ut ver osten the are comnecte nos is particles, but is som mordamu νε- phaticali sorWard whic serves M a connecting idea orby the relativo. At oine times quod, quod eorum, quod si, quan Gm, ergo itaque, quare, mi de autem, nempe, seu ει porro, jam ere, quid i quid quod, δα missio usod. In descriptis clausea, line I Wa no gestingdais, tho noW mill dis pear o bo replaced by tunc, astur descriptives hero is is ibi illis, lenoe, is inri. sinuo, similarly is sed les frequently of tho past timo, though ound in has aenae occasionalty as also nunc tunc M. . 1 and 83; 10 1; 11 12; 263 18 22 and 15, 18 26. 23 26, 3 19, 33; 45, 1-16 46,1-6.
greatris ne than is dono in Latin Translate by thera ab so superlative, comparative, o simple positio osten iam is adeo, ιαμ tam , c. no si or ἐω), ometimes by the relative e. g. qua munditi hominea quae est tua bonitas. et mo osten findesinitus hero the so mouid
Thisy that', Ron prefixo similari sor effect in Englis of 10 5, 13 a ostente omitte in tran
. 38, 11, 16, 17 27 44, 23 47 8, 20 52, 12-14 20-2. Spistolor I 40. The ordoris sentences in letters is muta mors
eas an natura than in ther prose perio oranything likeri Would bo ut os placo Tho stylo Willalso e somelime Ver elliptical Verb. e. g. ire, vere, facere, Me, ferre, venire, videre beinifrequently omittodas in 3 42 Thoriamilia courteous sutura e g. dices os λεγις αν is sed sor in imperative ometimos, Malso noli dicere, me diseris, duo. . to void direct
Q. 45, s 22 47, 3, 4, 10 20 52, 17, 22. Historiis 3 41. The chia peculiarities oscidio in Latin hi ει o. torical an descriptive riting ars :α. Therus os in historic presentisamorist, a in 15, 3, Ac ta sequencs os enses dependent on thiis, thepresent is somelime treate a a present, omelime Manisoris especiali in oratio obliqua and whero sto dependent clauses come elare the present, as in s 2έ); somelimes the wo ideas aro confused, and present undimperiecta solio intermixta, as in 10, 2 11 17 16. The se of dum it sis present cf. 30 Mises similari Dom this hin os vivid narration.
. 1 2 4, 10 12 6, α; 25, 11, αβ Thoram os in historio infinitivo as a mala verbio expres rapid seque ei Vivid description; hore ouae the hiat pres omino Verba bogandor prooeede tor
Aci, an osten in participio or in verbal a stantivo in
.a 28 8, 31 and 1 21 2, 15; 4 18 7, 9, 27 12, 1 4; 26, 28. γ. The omission Dino Vect moauro est, tine, and esse, or inquis, Ver rares sis in . of sum, cf. 2, 3;4, in an in cases Ma . 3 478 Whoro in prosint participio of sum inlotio used is it existod. fa 28, 40 and 17, 24 21 3 3 24, 18 25, 28 31, 14.1 so os imporisci indic. 26, 40 or quum mith subjunctivo 7, 33 Whero me uso 'in os ablativo absolute, or pendent participis 25 ih.
α. Frequont uae os present participis, as 3 414. 254, both sor clausea temporal, conditiones, M.), an ala sorpersons, an classes, o sor abstinc substantives and of tho passivo participio similarly. Adeo furentes in mitate retineritia accendebat. ἐει. I. Neo deeroine sermones increpantiwm. H. LI. . 2, 15, 19 8, 19 19, 9, 32 24 47. β. Similaris of adjective a participIo, oris istav ero omitted pronus a novas rea celer insuper g
gemo principis scium. . 2, 3 9, 12 4 9, 13 11 17. δ. Frequent uso os ablative absoluto both boso and moro laequently after in mala Vreb, a co-ordinate clauso statin a res Achin, o a attendant circumstance, Ac. e. g. rubrio at ' citreuia os ua H. I. 10; os in gerund in do 24, 35 similarly of the gerundiso e.g. an. XI. 32, dia mulando metu digreditis' in modalor finia aenae, es. 22, 12 of the ablato sol used im- Personassy, .g. πω to, nunti O, cf. 4, 3. . 2 6 4, 12 11, 12, 17.ε. me os quam rum it subjunctivo, and with Participies e. g. H. I. 19; moro frequent se of the subjunctivo generassy, heraver can e stated subjectivel or here tho indefinito idea os seoquencyjustifies iis uso on tho inor hand occasiona intempolationis in indicativo in obliqv oratio, an hequent
2, 3 18 4, 22 8, 29 16, 14, 33. ζ. missioni conjunctis an disjunctis copulas. . 11 7, 15, 17. η. Unioni consusionis incongruous ideas and comatructions. . 2, 10 8, 10 16 9 7 10 14 11 1 12 16 5, 37 18, 17 22, 27.
c Imitation os Gree an os poetica forma a in Tacitean
theos of tho genitivo sor ablativo) of the objectivo genitivo, of the subjective dativo sor ablativo; os assis lives o participio sor substantisos an sor adverba: in tho se of the positivo so tho comparative in tho variet os periphrasea sor common ideas a Mah
sulcide, Ac.) e. g. volgu mutabus subitis adrogoma minoribus sermonia nimitia vehementius quam caute, δα . 2, 2 22, 11, 14, 23 23, 28. κ. Genera tendencyrio brevisy, condensation, and ollipse os preposition an nouus a mel a verba a in γ); Dequentosage of Vect in peculiar senses, εις agere, to continue lise, tu tendere, to encamΡ - ι re, saepe re duo. or it peculis constructions, .g. vor, potion it accusativo. . 4, 14 10, 8 11, 2, 11 22, 4. Go inlinit milla seen that mos of tho oculiaritim involvo, et ther imitatio of Orsok ston asci tho G in artici or participio a mero underat d-or an affectation os brevit' or a presere e sor a subjectivo turnis thought suggestive minor than explicit, or lasum a d iro for singularit o variet of expression.
thought in anothor' miud his reasonings, o statemendi, obliquo and stato them directi With or mit ut a prosator hosiad. 'ho invised, Ac This latur oratio obliqua, marhedoni by theos of the past so the present, lupersectsor persect Would, could Ac. sor mill can). Ambiguities
β. In Latin in vor cannot s inus loth in tho in LMindiositivo mood, ut is thrown into in infinitiis o sub obuetia. unctivo. Tho subject ecomes an accusativo, the Verba infinitivo both in tho main an in tho inordinato
Commanda an exhortations dependent ori monet, monuit ut, duo suppressed, re put in the presen or imperieci subjunctive. I, 6. 8, 15, 11, 3, 14, 12, 15. 24, 20. mostions . Independent queationa hen pus in ora tio obliqua, obliqua. ias the -- clau8es, are expressed by tho accusativo wit tho infinitivo boing dependent oti dicit, duc noton rogat, δα), .g. Quem non videres Except Where thosecon person of the oratio recta has to e expresseri When to avori confusion in subjunctis is mostly used, a d it mero a dependent clause So nonne videabecomes nonne videret but nonne video, videmus faecomo nonne se Oidere an nonne videt, rident nonne videre
The indisset interrogativo homoveri proximates to a simple dependent clauso When attache to a main Verbexpresset, an is trealed a such see β); quaerit ubi esset to ubi tu esses, ubi ipse Met. E. Question originali in the subjunctive lis othordependent clauses When ut in oratio obliqua remala inino subjunctivo it a change of tense accordis to Ihor 3 30 ζ e. g. utri pare-ο ecomes utri pareret viri parendum esset y in oratio obliqua in both cassaequali a main overning Ver o a conditio boingsuppressed: Hres, a iuria Otho vis hold good that in subjunotius