장음표시 사용
excite the passions of the people, and by seexing
These grave duties of the pastoral office and the public interesis of the Irish peopte imperatively demand
to those ecclesiastics in whose Wisdom you lime Special considence, Whose mature age and experience haVerendered them conspicuous for prudence, WiSdom,
and Weight, and Who are, therelare, best able to guide an excited assembly to What is right and honest, tomeet the fallacies of the evil-dispoSed, to guard thecause of justice, and be the best defenders of the most judicious courses. In this Way the clergy, conStituted
by God mardians os public security and defenders
of the common meat, Will be of great utility to thecounita in iis present disturbed state. Finalty, We cannot on this occasion omit to eXpreSSto you, BeloVed Son, and to Our Venerable Brethren
the Bishops of Ireland, called to fhare in Our solicitude, Our special feelings of praise and affection onaccount of the care you lime taken in common forthe delance of the Catholic education of your youm, and for the preservation of the Catholic Universi ty, by adopting such plans as seemed to you neceSSaryand expedient for the establishment and maintenance of sound and solid learning, and for the diffusion ofita fruits. With regard to ecclesiasticat seminaries, letyour attention be caremlly devoted to the youssis
aspiring to the priesthood, that they may be diligently
instructed in usessit learning and in the practice of Viriue, and that those Who deVote themselves to phi
ry, i 883, in the fifth year of Our Pontificate. LEO PP. XIII.
It has came to the knowledge of this SacredCongregation os Propaganda that, With reference tocertain matters affecting the Irish people and the Catholic Religion to which that people has alWays been
most devoted, serious differences lime arisen in some paris of the country, and haVe been carried to such
existence of a thoroum unanimi , not among the Bishops only, for of this our Sacred Congregation hasno doubi, but among the whole body of the Clergy. The destre therei ore of this Sacred Congregation is that ali your Lordships should take counset together respecting such questions noW pending, or lihely toariSe, RS are Seen to be connected With religion, and that you fhould lay down a murse of action Withregard to them, to be obserVed by yoUrseives, and imposed on your Cier . This is the purpori of the decisions you came to at the Generat Synod ofΜaynooth in 187b: for in the XXV Chapter of the
Let this then be your rule os conduci especiallyin the present circumstances, let this principie be yourguide in directing the Cler and the people, that bycarefully maintaining uni , the Catholic Religion maydatly flourish more and more. This blessing I carnestly pray God, as the Giveros ali good gisis, to VouchSala to Jou. G en at Rome, stom the palace of the SacredCongregation de Propaganda Fide dune 1' i 88o.
Whatever may be the opinion formed as to Μr. Pa neli himself and his objecis, it is at ali evenis proVed that many of his followers have on many occaSionSadopted a line os conduci in open contradiction to the rules laid down by the Supreme Pontiis in his letterto the Cardinat Archbishop of Dublin, and containedin the instructions sent to the Irish Bishops by this Sacred Congregation, and unanimousty accepted by them at their recent meeting at Dublin. It is true that according to those instructions it is is ut for the bioto sere reseras for their grierances and w striis formeis righis; but alWays at the Same time obse ingine Divine maxim to sere frat me ringsim os Godand His justice; and remembering also that it is michedio further any cause, no matter hom just, b unia ut
It is therelare the duty of ali the clemy, andespecialdi of the Bishops, to cura the excites feriisse of the multitude, and w take exerX opportunitX mithremedi exhortations to recali them to the justice and moderation inire are necessat X in ali mings, that so