Aurea verba sancti Egidij ordinis fratrum minorum

발행: 1470년

분량: 61페이지


분류: 미분류


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cta exti saluamem bapnaeonem. θis gens q non timet et pauet diu diabitur in many magnipauois Miritur exre salua coem in dampnamem. Ibeiares q inagis


rietur in tribulatibus flagellis. Gentes que non odimntionum suum to es salutem anime me habebunt malum io ἐoampi asinem anime sile. Omnis gens iamem unita sin nec vult audire nec obseruare ordinata est ad penam . Oisyns que turiret Vrbum dei ordinata est ad Una ire sicut sol quam coitiis stelleamitfut luilien suu respectu solis sic lunari sol ori but lumen seu respectu vinus aiesloificate. Excuse aut me eoia tuo a vis in no sum ego qiri dico predicta N p messispererer in furtis a proicerer ni dapila AEnem e tra saluare nem sue lapidis precosi quos diis tudit sanctis heremitis ivato mitiusto beato dominici, sanctas quom monachissi omni b3 sanctis suis . primus est dii eiu di succatis Π ea

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ficerat necessario mertebatur. ζerci'e


ono bro a oen alii di potis Bis . quaris quisq3 malu eis diccbae iis faciebat erae eis seruietes tu plena Π tana militate cordis. int' '' amabat rephensim es et nos onores a diligebat unitare in Oigere priniste I erat miselemtus reost. lexi' mreputabat se Oibus at is viliores ' oities alios meliores se. veprem'ipi scrutebat ano exspectabat seruiri et quieum eos reputabant Viles iPi eu eis se viles reputabat . Octau' in ola heneficia ivmBnoscut a reo a ea sibi reddebat dicentis dine qt, filii 'in si abstuleis a nobis lima tua d seristi nobis erim'peiores Oibus q

m priat deus eu expropriat. et sibi nichil aspropriat sedi toturvo astrifuit.

coeo Riatias . explicius aurea Nurba sancti FBid idectilis iramim minorum


AEGIDIUS DE ASSISIO. Aurea Verba. c. I 47o. Hain Ioue: B. M. C. I, IDI G. M. B65. Printed with gothic Ῥpes, in quarto I 32 min. , and the teXt measures 15Οform, 26 lines to a page. It has 24 mm. Initials are Dinted in recl. leaves. The si ge of a leas is aos X Bound in green moro o, gilt-tooled. THE lite o i Brother Egidio - Blessed Giles - one os the earli est companions os St. Francis, was told by Brother Leo. This Uita a s wellas Giles's Aurea Verba a re a supplementary part oi the Floretii of St. Francis. However, the Aurea Verba may have been collected even earlier thanthe stori es relatine to the Satiat. The oldest ni anu scripis os both dateiro in the hegina ling oi the foui te enth cent tiry. Brother Leo's Lise relates how Giles's conversion took place. On April 23, 12o9, a xveeli alter the conversioli os Bernard oi Ouinta valle, a Prosperous mercliant, and Peter os Catania, a canon ol the Chiarch. Giles was watting for St. Francis at a cros froad out Side os Assisi, near the Portiuncula. As the Satiat emerged iro in the woous where he had been praying. Giles lineti and begged hi in to receive him a s a companion. Dear est brother. V Francis replied God hath done thee singular grace. Ii the Emperor should come to Assisi and should destre to malae a certa in citi et en his linight, should not such a one rejoice ex e edinglyt Howmuch more then oughtest thou to be glad that God hath eliosen thee ior His linight and well-beloved servitor Then, taking the mala by the hand , he litted hi in and introduced hi in to Bernard and Peter. The Lord hathsent iis a good brother, he sat d. V whereiore rejoice we ali in the Lor l. V They sat clown and a te what they hail in their hiit. Inde ed, Francis haeto the en d a particular assection ior Giles. who accompani ed him on his earlier travel f - to the Marches ot Ancona, and to Rome . Giles also madea pil gri mage to the stiri ne of St. James ot Compos tella in Spa in and laterone to Jerusalem. Alter sonae surther inaniteriug in Italy, he obta inedFrancis 's permission to se ille clown in a hermit age at Fabriano, ne arPerugia. Here anil at Monte Repido and Celona. also in the ne ighbor-hood oi the city, he spent the rest oi his lite. Originalty a sarmer, Giles Was happi est when he could earn his living by labor in the fiet os. Near his hiat he cultiva ted a litile garden: ano, patient man though he was, he grew violent ii anyone trami ted onliis cabbages. He kept alooi irona the bittet controversy whicli flared ut aster the Saint 's death be tween the Zealois and the Conventuais: butthere could he no mista ke as to where his sympathies lay. Visit ing Assisi he saw the gorgeous cathedral bivili by Brother Elias: and , as he was Ahown a round the new convent, he caim ly remarhed. VI teli you, Brothers, there is now but one thing laching - ye should have wives. V Ηe liked his austere solitude, praying and working. So keeia was his vision Oi Paradiselliat sonae times the mere mention of the word threis him into ec sta sy. Y et his health was rohust: he furvived Francis thirty-five years. be comingas it were a link be tween the fit si and se concl generation oi Franciscans. The younger iri ars came to visit him, lis te ning to his woros as ii theyli ad been inspired by the Saint himseli. It was these rem arks - terse an lshrewd, mystical and practical at the fame time - which beca me known later as the Golden S inos of the Bles sed Giles. They treat of such things as virtu es and vices, laith, the incomprehensibili ty oi God, love, humili ty, chas tity, temptation, Pen ance, Prayer contemplation, etc. Brother Giles, as Sa id a bove, was not a learned man; probably he could not even write. Neverthel ess, he had very definite notions abo ut us eiul and useless knowledge. He once reproached a personile sirous os education, Why clost thou wish to go to the schoolsῖ Thehoight oi ali linowledge is to sear and love God. V Another time he anxious ly asked St. Bonaventura whether an ignorant man cata love God asmuch as a learned one; and when the Seraphic Doctor re assured hi in he rus hed out to the road and stopped an old woman to whom he cri ecloiit: Ρο poot litile old woman ioolisti and ignorant as thou art. love the Lord and thou mayest be greater than Brother Bonaventura. V Heliad high respect for the young Generat of the Order in spite si his greatlearia ing; and Bonaventura, in his turn, trea ted hi m with affectionate revereiace, quo ting the Golden Sarinos more than once in his Works. ToSt. Francis's romantic imagination the stur dy, hare-working, and ever- ready Giles appea recl as 'a Knight os our Round Table ; but St. Bonaventura ivas perhaps closer to reali ty in deserit,ing him as Phomo simplex et idiotus, ' inean ing thereby that he was a man Oi simple and truthiul heart. Brother Giles, beatis ed in 1777, has h ad only kind words froni the historia iis of the Franciscata movenient. 'The pure solii os Brother Giles, Paul Sabatier wrote, 'supported by that of Francis, came to en joy the intoXica ting deligitis ot contemplation with an unli eard os ardor. V Andagain: Ud his itinerant brother is one of the most original and agreeable figures in Francis 's surro undings, and it is in the lives of this sori that we must se ek the true mean ing oi so me of the passages Oi the Rule. The French scholar, however did not overrate the intrinsic value of the Golde i yiuos, whicli accor ling to him merely show the tendencies of the primitive Francis ea n teaching. V And this is what they reatly are ut te rances os a peas ant mystic, a humi, te fore runner os Thomas a Kempis. The volume is of the fingi edition and it is in excellent condition. Bought in May i' o, ironi the Benton Fund.