Edible Medusae

발행: 1899년

분량: 5페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 미분류


umbrella diameter. The margin of the umbrolla is cui into about 130-180 lobes, i. e. in ea ch octant about 14-20 velar lobes be- tWeeu tW0 Smali ocular lobes Fig. 5). The number and Sige of theselobes is very variabie, even in different octants os one individual. I he velar lobes are ovat, While the ocular lobes are SomeWhat lanceo


of the Sub umbrella is uuarly alii u to that of Rhisostomu hispidium VANHOEFFEN I). The circular canat is indistinct iu mature Specimeus; but iis original position is indicatuit by the sW0lluti, in id ille part os the adradiat canal Fig. 2). Inside os the circular canat, the perradialand lutei radiat canals anastomose With the canat arcade; but theadradiat canals do not. Froin the loWur border of the gastric cavi tyoriginate four perradiat casais, Whicli correspoud to the cruciat canalos the Crumbessidae , and there also originate the canals sor the scapuleis Fig. 1). Each limb of tho cruciat canat is divi ted into tWo, So that there are eight canals for the eight orat aruis. Encharin canal Fig. 4) gives uis mauy branches, the largust 0f Whicli is branched hom the millille part of the canal Where it is divided tuto tW0 horigontal branches. The largest branch-caual ruus through thelo gitudinat axis of the lo ver portiou of the arm and gives oti a fuWlaterat branchleis; but it is divideli into many shori branchleis atthu distat end. These branchleis are almost equat in Sige and thereis not a specialty larger one for the terminal appendage, as it iS usu- atly the casu With the mediis ae of the genus Rhizostomα Pilenιa os ΗΑΕΟΚΕΙ ). Each of the t vo horigontal branches gives oti Mur orsive branchleis. Τhe largest branchlet is siluated nuarest to thulongitudinat axis of the loKer portion os the arm. These branchleis are ramised again and again and opeu in Suctorial hilis Os the dorsat, or abaxial, Wing os the l0Wer part of the arm. I he color is generalty blue, but somelimes it is darii red. Thesucking fritis are broWn, While the appendages are milky White orcolorie8S and nearly transparent. The genital gland is yello v. The male

genital gland is lighter in color than that of the fumate.

Medusen, 1888, p. 32, tab. b, fig. 1, 2


I his medusa attains very large Sige. In a full-grOUB Specimen, the diameter of the umbrella is more than 450 min.

It is found in the Inland Sea, Bay 0s Suruga, thu Arialie Bay, etc. It is known by the nauius os Bigenitur age, Toli uragd etc. Froni the narrative os seiuniis os mine, I am inclined tu belleve thala Lind of medusa called D0kWankur age in the Japan Sea is identical With this species, though I have n0t yet Seen any Specimen of that hind. I have specimens of this medusa also hom China. I his medusa closely resembles the medusa described by ΗΑECRELas Rhosilema rho lophorta ; but it naay easily be distinguished by the form of the appendage of the orat arm. In the former, the appendage is long and sustiorni, While in the latior it is triangularand pyramidat. Though the terminal and laterat appendages of the orat arm aremorphologicalty equat in value as VANHOEFFEN claimS, yet I thi liit proper tu distinguish, as ΗΛECKEL did, the medusae With distinet terminal appendages froni those Which lach them. In the lalter

I found a seri specimens os a medusa, dissering from the common edit,le species, among the medusae preserved for Dod and exhibited


The ocular lobus are much receded froni the generat umbrella

margin .

The exumbrella is pretiy thichly covered With sine 90inted granules. The distance belWedii the ceu tre os the subumbrella and thepoint os attachment of tho orat pillar is ab itit half the distance be- tW00n the latior and the umbrella margin . The orat pillar is comparativoly narro v, iis breadth in the millille

irregularly distributed. The diameter of the umbrella: 340 min. Τhe specimens examinud Meru frum the Arial e Bay in Κushu. Dec. 12, 1898.


Explanation os Plate.

adr ad radiat caualy genital glandinir intorradiat canal