Pietas et gratulatio. An inquiry into the authorship of the several pieces

발행: 1879년

분량: 16페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 미분류







Third succeeded to the throne. A lemmontha later, at the instigationis Francia Bernard the ne i ar-rive roya Governo Of the Province of Massachusetts My Who was destrous of havinciis principalinstitutionis learnini ollo. the example of the Ens-lis Universities, the succeecling notice ma posted in the College Chapel, Saturday, March I 76I: - PRO SAL, sor a celebrationis the Deat of the late ing and the accession of his present Mesty by memberso Haruar College r V Six guineas are ive so a priae, o a guineaeach, to the author of the est compositio of the folio ing severat hinds:

Λ Latin oration. Latin poem in hexameters. Latinalem in hexametera and pentameters. Latinide. An Englis poem in long erae. An Englis ode. Mother Compositions, eside hos that obtain the rizea, that are mos deseruing, mill eoahen

particula notice f.

The Candidates are to e ali gentiemen, Whoare nosmember of aaid College, o have ahen a

'An Candidate a delivero. o more Compositions os different hincla but no more than oneo the fame hind. That gentiemen may be more encouram to trythei talent upon his occasion, it is proposed that the ames of the Candidates hali e kept secret, except thos Who hal be adjudge to deserve theprizes, oro have particula notice take of their Compositions and even these shallie kept secret ii uestred. For this purmae, such Candidate is destre tosen his Composition to thera resident, on, or be- fore, the firs da o Iul nexi, subscribe at thebottom Mith a sei e nam o motio, and in a distinc paper, to rite his o n nam an sea it up, writin the seime nam o motioin the ouiside. Non of the sealed paper containing the rea names .ill e pene excepi hos that re adjudge toobtain the prires oro deserve particula notice; the est Milite burned seMed. It oes no appear o. far est the condition o this callisere mei; ut rom the offering Wasgleane at eas a par of the contributions to a volume hic Was in typography the andsomestseecimen of the ari as et produce in the Colonies It was in quarto, o ages, and the ille


The date os publicatio seem to have been ut bach a year, sincerit a published unde a voleo the Corporation, an. 5, 762, hic directed that the Collectio in Prose an Verse in severat Langu ages compos' by ome of the ember of the College, at themotionis his Excy, ou Goverrisi Francis emard. Escie, n occasionis the Death


Bernard ac vernor ha a seat at the board foverseers, an it is uncertain Whetheris o Lieu-tenarit-Governor utchinson composed the dedication to the ing, hich, notwithstandin theterm of the vote a ve quoted is the ni prosecontribution in the volume. resident Quincy, speaking of this adoress say It style an turno thought indicate the politicia rather than the

student, an savor of the senate chamber more thano the Academy.' Inmay, 763 Iasper auduit, the Agent of the Province in Iu ndon, mentions the presentation to his Majest of the book of verses Dom the College V but nothiniis know of an expression o acknowledgmen o the par of the ing. A copy for hic the laim a madethat it was the one sent to the ing wasmo. 926 in the det Sale Catalogue, New York, 878 Par I.;


It is sal that coples on thicher aper mere Senti Englan for the member of the Roya Family, and very likel entruste to the care o Thomas Hollis, tote uitabl bound since the copymo in the 'Ming's Collectio ' in the ritis Μuseum the librar o George III., transferre by George IV. to that repositor' Mars in the ornament representin Britannia, an impression iro a die. hic Holli seem to have ad ut for hia o nuSe, an a number of books presented by Hollis tothe College Librarn a this fame devicein theircovers. Os this copy, r. ., Ρorter, the Assistant Keeper of the rinte Book in themuseum

library, writes to me as follows,- mentioningit hercopies a the fame time: Me have three copies of

the book in themuseum,- one in George the Third, librar one presente in 763 by Thomas Hollis,

Esq. an one purchase in a collectionis tracta. Non of them ho ever, have any inscription o any mar whatever. The ing's opsis a fine tali one, hanclsomely bound in re morocco, having the royalarm o the fides, and the figure o Britannia sur- motante by a star, in ac of the paneis at theback. The arm an ornament differ rom those

usuali employed in the ing's library, an in ali probabilit the hoo was presente bound I may very likely have been the ne voted by the Corporationis the College. 'President Holroke also sent a copyrio this Same Thomas Hollis, ui London, the well-known triendan benefactor of the College, an his letteranu ollis' repi are preserve in thememoirso Hollis, p. Ior, unde date Sept. 25 I762. Holy- oke calis it an attempto severat oun gentiemen here ithis, an educate in his College, to ho 'hei pious Sorromon account of the deatho ou late glorious ing thei attachmento his royal ouse, thecio the have in the accession ofhis present majest to the Britis throne, an in the prospectri he have of the happines of Britain romthe oya Progenu hic the hope for from his alliance it the illustrious hous of echlenburg. The Gree type sed in os. 5. 6, and 8, RS, accordin to Thomas, Histor o Printing, 874, Vol. i. p. 63, the isti Hollis to the College a ut III 8. This was the ni time it .as sed, and the font a destroyed on Ianuar 24th, I 764, When Har-var Hali an the Librar were burnecl. The onMI Reriem for Iuly, 763, P. a in an extende an considerate notice of the book saysthat the collection ad not Men advertised forsale in London, ut that the Remiem ad Men favore With a copy of it an close iis artici asfollows: It must be acknowledged, aiter ali, that this e. England Collection, like other public offering of the fame indocontain many indifferent

Isis et CAMus placide fluente Qua novem fasto celebrant sorores Deferunt Vatum pretiosa REGI Dona BRITANNO. Audit haec Flumen, prope Bostone ea Quod NOvANGLORUM studiis dicatas Abluit aedes, eademque verat Munera serae. Obstat huic Phoebus, chorus omnis obstat Virginum frustra ossiciosa pensum Tentat insuetum indocilis ferire Plectra juventua.

Attamen, si quid studium placendi, Si valent quidquam Pietas Fidesque Civica, omnitio rudis haud peribit

Gratia M ae. Quin erit tempus, cupidi augurantur Vana ni Vates, sua cum NOVA Noras Grandius quoddam meliusque carmen Chorda sonabit: Dum regit mundum occiduum BRITANNUS. Et suas artes sua jura terris Dat novis, nullis cohibenda metis Regna capessena ἔDum Duos pendens agitationea Gentium, fluxo moderatur orbi, Passus humanum genua hic perire, Hic renovari.

In ome of the optes, a limo paper, inserte atthe eno, mentions three verba o literat error onPP. O 24, and 43, an adda The last tanga fp. 72 ΝΟ. xl l in Some optes, to e corrected

thus: - Lucidos curru per aperta coeli Phoebus impellens, nec Avo videbat Clariorem nec, nisi per Nepotem, Viderit unquam.'

In ali three of the College librar coples this stanκ read in his corrected way; ut in the Bel. knamcopy Boston Public Libraryὶ it read L-

Lucidos currus per aperta coeli Phoebus impellens, videt haud Georgo Clariorem nec ma per Nepotes, Viderit unquam. 'In the followinclis os the contribution to the

volume, the ames of the supposed authors regi ven an after them certain letters, hic indicate the aut horities, according to this key

hen the were Written, a member of College, and wrote severat of them himself, are probabi corrept.

whic the Rev. Dr Samuel eane of ortland theoni contributor then surviving, amend the lis in the Iune number. A This fame number, P. 67 also contain an anonymous note date Iuly 3, 83, o the sub



seemingi onc the propert o Dr Eliot for it has his autograph o the y-leas, has no annotationa

. A cop in a volume o Tracis, oven to the Haruar College Librar by Samuel A. Elio in

I845, this particular op Maring the nam o thetille, Samuel Eliot, 76a.' The ames at theend of the severa pieces, and ther notes seemto se in the fame hano, and the ames corresPondi such way to those ven in the Bellina copytha it is evident the informatio came rom thesam Aource. ne of the notes, common to Othcopies, is curious. In No. i. p. 33, is his CouP

presen o ner, - Iulus, Universitatis Harvardianae Praesidis clarissimi, nepos, Fredericus Henricus Hedge, Amico suo, antiquitatum Nov-Angliae cultori perdocto, Georgio . Ellis, S.T.D.V The authors names are ive in the resident' han atthe end of some of the pieces. m. A copy hic helonge to Pros Iohn Winthrop, and was subseciuently wned by the late George ichnor; ut hos marked - . are rit-ten, in that copy, in another hand than winthrop's.

N IDa piant es inter ation P tollam a letter, it signi sinat the aut fit thus ive expresae a doubi omine piani.

Heiecam tutor in Hebremm 762. IV. ARE MONARCHA THEN SUCH UNIMPORTANT THINGS, etc. Dr. Bevamin muria H. M. Churchinad graduated in r754 at the age of tWenty, and was no acquirin reputation in Boston as a




Samuel eane, or lanae, A A B. E. R H. L. M. P. S. f. Willis' Portland p. 655.

years old. XII. QUID IBI VULT, etc. Suram Semau, AZ T. H. L. M. P. S. T. XIII. As, o HER HITE-CLIO, EA-GIRT HORE. Rem Samuel Cooperi A R. H. M. S. serotimeri B. N A. H. Εveret ados, species of measure generali unsuccesssul in Englis poetry, lyri verse Without rhyme.

ic an natura philosophnin the College. He was bom in 7I , andia grauiuate nearly thiri years