장음표시 사용
EXPERIMENT IX. HAVING divided the intestinet a dog
spolieni by r. Ramdolir, viz. by introducingtheippe extremity of the divided intestine,ith- in the lower; after avin procured a plece of candie, as directed by him, it was inserted into that portioni intestine, hich was supposed ob theippermost. heri endeavoured to introduce the superior illiin the inferior, but the ex tremities of each became so inverted that it was found ulteri impossiblesto succeed, it was here- fores ven up and realed in the way recommen
led by r. Johnieli, using only one stitch, and fasteniniit to the parietes of the abdomen Thedo took ood the Jay after On the Cth,
was observed that the faece were discli rgin althe externat wound when the animal appeared very eis, hut stili continue 1 to alae ood Onthe 2lsi, he was much worse, and the abdomenbeinitense the ligatures a the externat ound were removet to facilitate the discliarge of the faeces hicli ave a temporary clies. On the 22nd, he die J On examination thcres a fotan
28 considerable quantityis faeces and water in the abdomina cavlty one portion of the intestine had united to the externa Wound through hicli par of the faeces were discliarged.
fuit grow dogs, a transverse incision was madeinto the intestines of each of them, ,hich was secured by one stitch and fastene to the wound. No. IO, ted in about twenty- ur liours Themark of inflammatio mere very great, and thes seces ad been discliarged into the abdomen. No. II, die o the n o Alay. The intestines appeare ver much inflamed faeces a in the other instances,ere found in the abdomen, also water hicli the animal ad drank. The large intestines appeare gangrenous an tore Ver easily
old was submitted to the followin experiment atriangula piece was ut ut os ne of the mallintestines, and the wounde intestine sewn to the parietes of the abdomen. The anima very 8oon howed sympionis of indiposition and died in hirt hours. On examinatio the perito naeum and est the viscera of the abdomen excfound considerabi inflamed a quantityis,ater was also in the et Vity. I appears then rom tho resultis mysXperimention dogs that notitii the intestine in De returned into the cav1ty of the abdomen, butthat the ligatures may be uti an returnedwith the intestine, and that we need noti underan apprehensionis thei bein discliarge into the cavlty for by soni proces of the animaloeconomyis hicli, are ignorant, the ligatures have in ver instance eithe been discliargedwith the seces o been ound loosely attalched toto the internat coat of the intestine. Hi has been
30saidi Messrs Cooper an Thompson, that thereis a curious differetice in the facilit with whielia longitudines and transverse Wound of the intestatine unites. iu in ali the experimenis,hicli Ihave made, it Was ound that illi care the longi tudines unite asinindi a the transverse, nΙyrequirinia litile more attention to the die of the animal, hich should e ver sparin and liquid untd the wound has ad time to eat.
Ι certaini requires more patris to clos a longitudines,ound of the intestine completely, hanone Whichris transverse , he longitudines inci sion always occasion a diminution in the diam eter of the intestina canat, hereby productugdangerous obstructions. Q it should ei any considerable extent, probably the surgeon Wouldbe justisied in culting ut the wounded portionand reatin itis a transverse division Thismay be dones thout much endangering the liis of the animal, as appears by tW eXperimentSwhere three inches of the intestine ere reli1OVed.
ERRATA. . . . Pag 13, o faetid re ad foetid .... 16 for neces, re ad faeces . . . In the ninth line froin the bottona of the sanae page, cadantestine lar latestitie.