Tentamen floræ lutchuensis

발행: 연대 미상

분량: 291페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 미분류


0lematis, L.


C. recta ar paniculata, . unige, Monogr. Clematis,


DISTRIB. Formosa, Hongkong, an China. Leaves ternate segment ovate, O lanceolate cordate, entire, stalhed. Anther longe thun the falamenta Achenes many terminatin in taKn seather aWns.


s6 TENTAMEN FLORAE LUTCHUENSIS. 273 Leave pinnate, glabrous deasset Mor 5, ovatem oblong- ovate, osten vate-lanceolate, cute or acuminate, roundedor retus at the base, entire, hin, areen aster desiccation. Τhis is an inter tin species, ut unsoriunatet thespecimens ure sterile and to imperiac sor further determination. There is ais a juvenile specimen, os a species of Clematis,

i the fland of Uchinu, at present indeterminabie, ut theleaves are someWhat allie to the above species, from hic never- thol scit differs by the leasset havin turne dark-broK in drring. The leaves in his specimen are 5-soliolato, it theleasset lanceolare, acuminate, entire, and 8mOOth.


Ranunculus, L. R. acris, L. Sp. l. d. 1, p. 1554 Willd. p. l. II, p. 1326 Eng. Bot. t. 652 IDC Syst. I, p. 277, et rodr. I, p. 36


DISTRI B. Japan FormoSa and China. Plie type specimen o R. ealorius, Hance, preservet tu hoΚe Herbarium, England has been examine by one sis, and


R. Ternatus DC. Syst. I, p. 242 et Prodr. I, p. I;Miq. Prol. l. Jup. p. 192 Franch et Suv. num. l. Jap. I, p. 7 Franch. l. David. I, p. 19 nou Thunb.)