Tentamen floræ lutchuensis

발행: 연대 미상

분량: 291페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 미분류


273, nec auci alior. Saltem pro maxima parte).

villous richles, hicli are distincti dilate at tho base. Tashiro' specimen is logei allie tora semitriloba, L. butcanio distinguished by iis stemaeingsoni pubescent an neverhispidulous by iis fruit provide With many long richles, hichare dilate at the base, as et a denset villous an never

T. annua, L. Mant. p. 73 DC. Prodr. I, p. 507; iq.


C. Routangulus, Lamh. Eneyl. ΙΙ, p. 104 DC. Prodr. I, p. 505 Wiglit et Aria Prodr. l. Pen. Ind. r. I, p. 73 Wight Ic. l. Ind. r. l. 739; Benili. l. Ηongh. p. 40, et Fl.

Austrat. I, p. 277 maxim in sit Biol. XII 1886 p. 428;


Observ. An allie mirus ECHINOCARPUR Bl. though represente is in species in China an by one in Formosa, has neve been dis vered Withinivr limits A there metus, hoWever, to occur a litile confusion in the nomenclatur of the Chines species, publisti sonae eam ago by r. Homsleu, may venture t mahe the sonoWin suggestion:-


Tristellateia Thouare.


DIGRIB. Cosmopolitan in arm countries.


Μr. S. an a indi sent me a specimen, Which, eingunfortunates sterile is to imperfeci or specific determination in his great genus. IwJ.

Impatiens, L.


Fayam riphylia, Lamh. Encycl. II, p. 447. Lepta Diphylla, our. l. Cochinch. p. 82.

Zantho lum Lamyctianum, Cham et chlechi in 'Linnaea V, p. 58.''Z fetioefolium, Champ. in Me Journ Bot. ΙΙΙ, p. 330.


372. g. piperitum, Hooh et Arn Bot Beech. v. p. 261


Pagara, L.

Formos. p. 25.