장음표시 사용
Italy, hic came in due course besore Lacinium the three namestha solio. cannot be identifled. 7os. CauIona, a cit of Bruttium. - Naryciam this nam Wasgive to Locri Epizephyrii, as ein a colon of the Locrian
7o7. Hippotaasa, Eolus, soni Hippotes, hing of the windsultis home is the civilia istanda. - mensa Tempsa, fame sor
7- Minorem, the promontor opposite the fland of Capri: the come Surrentum, erculaneum, Stabiae, Neapolis whose ancientiam mas Parthenope , an Cumae, the abod of the Sibyl. 7I3. aucti sonisa, Baiae, a s hion te aterinyplace in Ovid'a time. Liternum a between here and the mouit, of the
the mout of the Tiber the ancient tow of Lavinium, mea hy.
7SO. Progeniem, the emperor Augustus, his adoptemson 752. muisse Tacitus, more modestου, saxa rotea vid ri undisae sosuris, non rearidisse. - Agr. 3.73, neptemflua there,ere seyen principes moussis of the Nile. 733. Iubam Iuba, hingis Numidia, ought against Caesar at Thapsus B C. 48. 736. Pontum Caesar overthre Pharnaces, son f ingMithridates, B C. 47. - Quirini: Quirinus, an ancient m os the Romans, acidentified by them ii steti epoum'us ero,
737. Egiaso the word regularly used la triumphal processions. 738. quo B-- in his adminisurivis ases.
763. pontifici Caesar hel the ossice of fontifex marimus thehead os the state religion. The wor is sed here, in orde tosasten upon his mutae the characteris sacrilege. 767. Iulo Iulus, sonis AEneas, a the allege ancestor of the Iulia genS. 768. uatis uris, mel roundeae fars. 769. Calyctonia Diomedes, son o Tydeus, o Calydon, admounde Venus at the siege os Troy when he was intersering inhelial of the Trojans. - vianeret, and the solioWing subjunctives θ εο a, o Meinae Mac&υ the Hative reser to the subjectis
spectat oversio of the serisse maximus, ho reiade in the Regia, attached toler temple.
793. o ut a projectin portio of the livera it M a very bad Og is an portio os ibo viscera as in by the lautiterer s
822. uiua mamona the auspices could e taken only by the coirimander, ho ad been formali veste Mith the imperium. --actanas mutina mas besiege by Antony, B C. 43, an reli eVed by octavius an others acting the in the interest of the Senate. 823 Pharaiata: ecause Philippi, here Octavius an Antonydeseate Brutus an Cassius B C. 42, might be poeticali regamedas in the fame counir a Pharsalia in Thessaly Emathiacis adistricti macedonia. II
8as. Eloulla unctis: a Was in the et borhood flessana, in Sicily that Agrippa, the admirat of Octavius, deseate Sex.
833. - . Octavius as Augustus reorganige the civit instit sons o Rome. 836. Prolem Tiberius and Drusus, sons of Livia Wis of Augustus by a forme marriage. The were adopte by theiratep-sather, an Tiberius succeede hi as Emperor. 838. mion annos, i. e. the years of Nestor. 842. secto the temple of DιvusIulius fronted o the Forum. 843. Secto, i. e. the curia this ac sollowed immediatet uponthe uirier. 84s eripuli govern .nsmam. 833. obnoria, sub re D. 834. una in arte, rn his one frine l. e. his superio lint hissather. 837. non aequantibus, i. e. hemus the were both divine. 839. triformis i. e. consisting of earlli, ea, and shy. 86I mnem omiten the Penaus, o househol gods broughtis Eneas altrovorare an sword drom my, and est lished in Lavinium. 86a es Inctigalea these re generali rechone a deified heroes amon them Was Eneas himself Romulus Quirinus again a sonis Mars, one o vhose hie tities Was Gradivus, the strider. 86s Phosdsci Apollo a the tutelary deit of Augustus. 866. Tarpolas, the origina nam os the Capitoline ount: asterWard confined to a par of the hiil. 869. Aumatum, an adjective. - in relates in inis. 873. o oria objective genitive With tua.
ancient mytholog than the lanciful doctrine hich eosse allearib and se Min murit Eses istar semiae sphri s. Evem ill and date, very gro and crystal apri , eversi mandarook and river,
every aure Plata an comi cave o ooeati, an animate and hallowed by the presence an protectionis the Nympha. --
77a quamulae qualifies tenor . 77s in annum quotannis. 777. in ortua in prope position sor the worshipperi 78o. . am nev wine mustumh iledio. to a thi 78 I. Por, to the eremon alluded is in v. 727. 784. turba. i. e. of interpretation it is vid's custom, noccasion, to introduce a inestitude os these, achere. 786. Moct, i. e. the hepherd. 787. nomina is predicate: that fire and water are called des,
illustrates the ancient custonii deisyinnas objecta an poWers of
difference made heiween the Lares and Panaus, hut in thei originthe were quite differen The Lares ere deisse incestora the Pisaus were associaled wli Vesta, and morshippemon the hearth, themames ing connected with pontia, ponetralia, and othe wotas referrincto something in the interior. 3. mutanto agrees it Inoolaia understood, Subjectis
srom his roster Romulus an Remus, grandsons os Numitor, restored his authori do him, and put the usurpe to deare. 8Ia. Ponat uter no to e underetood of the mere ac of ilding the citri Whic Was iste done in common, but a to hich
8 I9. arataeo the Munder of the cit marked ut the walis hyploughinx out the pace the soda Mincturned inwares the sodrepresente the Walis, the surro the moat. 82I. - ωana thi Was no the oat,aut a pit duci the centreo the city in Rome it,as in ston of the Temple of Apollo, onthe Palatine. It was calleo mundus, and in it,ere place the o, jecis here enumerated. It ore thus a certain analog to the
corne stonem modern bulldings. - ouctum, Io an eariis. frugos, i. e. boni ominis causa.
here sed loci irrelationshiprias genuor o genisti Q ut likesauricis osten applied to the deities in reverence, as in usust, Mansueri Liber sauri 83 I. uioris tot taken illi clomina terras, inominae being ed proles Dauin that is in the way of anticipation.
833. 1ωπ thunderi the est,as a favorabie sign; ecause, a the person taking the auspices face south, the east the place of the Sun's rising was at his leae837. Celer, a mythical companioni Romulus, the eponym of the Celeres, o Roman nights. - vocarat, i. e. by thi name, mi . 843. Celer the usualistbry vas that the lo Was give is Romulus himself83 I. actylicuit, C. fratre 834. Fauniviun and Aooa, the hepher an his iis, holad reare Romulus and Remus. 833. nonctum mota Quiritea this term Waa, in historical times, applied to est the Roman citigens, in thei character os cili*ens. Iis origin is uncertain, but it Was usuali suppose to ave. been thenam os a Sabine fetilementispo the Quirinal, hichisa aste wards incorporalem it the Palatine Rome. 836. Itima, as Me las ara. 837. hoo,a 51, 2 c. 86o nominia hujua l. e. Caesar , limita Iuria acc plures .
3. Rimal Io avres liras. 2. In moelio uisu a divisionis theraeason hic is no easylo account sor, and is inconsistent With other authors. 3. Bouctem rictu. the olde fleece ram, hicli carriedaway Phrixus a melle childre os Athamas, and gaverit nameto the constellatio Aries It reali seis archiss. While Canis cloes no rise, ut eis i. e. ceases to appea in the west after sunseo in April. 4. alma ctant im ea. Theraho er give indications os the
s. Nomento Nomentum mas a town bout twelve miles
7. amen the flamen mas a species sacrificing priest, either attache to the wprshipis a special god, o to a species corporation. There Mere three of clites rank, calles mines majores the Dialis of Iupiter , Martialis, and Quirinalis the othe twelve ere devote to the worshipis inferior deities, ome of them ulteri passedint oblivion. The Flamen os Quirinus hin charge os the worshipos Robigo se V. 9ΙΟ . 9II. --rR: thi Word, a mellis no Tac ν ωI , describes the mughened sursace of the blighted plant. 9I3. nicteritiua construe With nutrita it is et known o. atroniis ille belles in most primitive communities os an influence of
the stars Pon the CTOPS.9IS. notanti perhaps an allusion to the nota censoria, or anh
9I inoauacit uctoa this a thei explanationis blight. 923. sonum robigo mean ruri a Meli as Mi I. 926. otia agit, is asseaceo in the reignis Augustus the templeo Janus a closed sor therars timerio tWo hundred years.
the donos Erigone the Virgin), claughter of Icarius. It roses i. e. reappeared in the eas Dat besore sumiso Jul α.