Nyt magazin for naturvidenskaberne

발행: 1836년

분량: 225페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 미분류


increas to aboris 400-450 There a re districis hicli are very much icher, Speciali in he weStern paris I ih counlry, ut thin ilia Tudita must se regni dedos a rich alga-fielii, considering tho reat elevation the orthori latitude, and thevor limite area investiga ted. have fabula ted he onera and specie occum in in ea chordei o algae.

Coccogoneae . . . . .


Conjugatae Q. . . . . .

23 214



Abo ut the goographic affinities of the desua id flora is morelo e salii. - an O the des mitis observuli ere o distinctWeAtern typeS, acie arcii or alpine. - the westeria typoesare o e speciali mentioned Telmemorus Brebissonii ar minor, hicli res genera and o metimes in considerable quantities, Micrasterias conferta Euastrum intermedium Docidium Mndulatum, Cosmarium quadrifarium, hici, a qui te generat, C. tumidum Staurastrum Ophiura, hicli a notin frequent, Si messalonothum, Si jacul erum. many thers, hicli areoni frequent in the ricli districles in estern Europe. Occurred, such as Netrium oblonuum ar cylindricum, hichisa quite common, Penium eaeissuum Closterium Uina, Telmemorus minutu8 astrum crispulum, si inerme, si pinnatum, hichwa frequent, . ublobatum, Cosmarium connatum, C. Ham- meri, C. Seudopyramidatum, hichoas ne i the ostfrequent desini des, C. Subundulatum, laurastrum fabrum, St. aristiferum.


194 ΚΑΑRE MONSTER STRO M. Explanation os lates.