장음표시 사용
I. Exhortation to abandon the Impioua Mysteries of Holaisy for tho Moration ol tho Divino Word and God thorither, . . . . .
right to abandon tho Customa of their Fathera,
Instructions of Christ, . . . . .
II. Our Instructosa Troatment of our Stas, .
11 17 264852666973768085100106113 115118
α. That it is the Prorogativo of tha fame Pomor to bo beneficent and in punish justly ; Uao, the Manner of the Instruction of the Logos, . . . . 164 X. That the fame God, by tho inmo Word, restraina hom Siliis threatening, and favea Humanity lis exhorti , . 174XI. Tsat tho Nord instructed by the Lam and the Propheis, 179
ol Paternia Assection, .... 181
X. Quaenam do procreatione liberorum tractanda aint, . 244
VII. Frugaliu a good Provision sor tho Christi , . . 301
X. The Exerciam aestin to a good Lue, . . . 310 XI. A compendiona Viem es the Christian Lila, . . 313
Clothes, ...... 313ΕM MM, ...... 315 Finger-rings, ..... 315
me Hair, 317 Palating the Face, ..... 319Walaing, ...... 324 The Hodes Maiden, .... 325- ementa and Asa lates, . . . 325 Public Spectaclea, .... 326 Religion in ordinary Lile, . . . 327 Ging to Church, ..... 328 Out es Church, ..... 329 Love, and the Κisa of Chario, . . . 329 me Goverament of the Εyes, . . . 330 XII. Continuation, Min Texta hom Scripture, . . 332 Prvo to the Paedagogus, . . . 342Α Ηmn to Christ the Sario , . . 343To the Paedagogus, .... 346
III. Aminat the Sophista, ..... 362 IV. Human Arta, M Weli as Divino Knowledge, pro edimm Gω, ...... 364 V. Philosophy the Hanmaid os Theology, . . 366VI. The Benefit os Cultura, . 371
XI. What is the Philosophy which tho Amatio bids usinun3 . XII. The Mysteries of the Fiath not to bo divulged to All, XIIL AR Soeta ot Philosophy contain a Germ oi Truth, XIV. Succession os Philosophera in Graece, XV. Tho Greeli Philosophy in great pari derived hom the
XVI. That the Inventors of other Arta mere mostly Barbarians, XVII. On the saying of the Saviour, All that came fore Me mere thieves and robbera, XVIII. He illustrates the Apostle's saying, I Will destroy the
XIX. That the Philosophers have attained in some portion of
XX. In What respect Philosophy contributes to the comprehension os Divine Truth, . . . .
XXI. rae Jemish Institutions and Lama os far higher Antiquity than the Philosophy of the GreehS, . XXII. On tho Greeli Translation of the old Testament, XXIII. Tho Age, Blath, and Lite os Moses, XXIV. How Moses dischargod the Pari os a Military Leader, XXV. Plato an Imitator of Moses in Framing Lams, XXVI. Mosos rightly called a Divino Legislator, and, thoughinferior to Christ, far superior to the great Legislatore ol the Greela, Minos and Lycurgus, . XXVII. The La . even in Correcting and Punishing, aims at
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head of tho Catecholicat School at Alexandria atthe close of the second century, was originalty
a pagan philosopher. The dato of his birili is
unknown. It is also uncertain whether Alexandria or Athens was his birthplace.yon embracing Christiani , he eagerly sought the instructions os ita most ominent teachers ; for this purpose travellingextensively over Greece, Italy, Egypt, Palestine, and other regions of tho East. Only one of these teachera inlio, from a reserence in the Stromata, ali appeis to have been alivo when he wroto ) canbo mitti cortainty identi fied, viet. Pantaenus, of Whom hespeAs in ternis of profound reverence, and whom he describes as the greatest os them all. Returning to Alexandria, he succeeded his master Pantaenus in the catecheticat school, probably on the lalter departing on his missionary tour to
presbyter of the church, either then or somemtiat later.' Hocontinued to Dach mith great distinction illi A.D. 202, Whenthe persecution under Severus compelled him in retiro homAlexandria. In the beginning of the reign os Caracalla We find him at Jerusalem, even then a great resori os Christian,
and especialty clerical, piigrims. We also hear of him tr velling to Antioch, furnished with a letter os recommendationis Alexander bishop of Jerusalem. The close of his career
12 INTRODUCTOR T NOTI .is covered with obscuri . He is supposod to have died
Among his pupils Were his distinguished successor in tho Alexandrian school, Origen, Alexander bishop of Jerusalem,and, according to Baronius, Combefisius, and Buli, also Hippolytus. The above is positively the sum Oi What we know of Cle-moncs history. His three great works, The Exhortation to the mathen λόγος προτροχροιμὸς προς EVληνας), The I tructor, or Hed gogua παιδαγωγος), The Miscellantes, or Stromata Στρωματεῖς , are among the most Valuabie rematas os Christianantiqui , and the largest that belong to that early period. The Eaehortation, the object of Which is to min pagans to the Christian faith, contains a complete and withering exposure of tho abominabis licentio ness, the gross imposture and sordidness of paganism. With clearness and cogency of argument, great earnesiness and eloquence, Clement seis fortii in contrast the truth M taught in the inspired Scriptures, thetrue God, and especialty the personal Christ, the living Wordos God, tho Sariour of men. It is an elaborate and masterly mois, rieli in felicitous classical allusion and quotation, breathing throughout the spirit os philosoplis and of the spei, and a unding in passages of pomer and beau . The Pindagogus, or Instruetor, is addressed to those Whohave boon rescuod from the darknem and pollutions of he thenism, and is an exhibition os Christian morais and man-ners,-a Dido sor the formation and devolopment of Christiancharacter, and sor living a Christian lise. It consista of three books. It is the grand aim of tho wholo work is set besore the converis Christ as the onb Instructor, and to expoundand enlarcs His precopis. In the firat book Clement exhibiis the person, the function, the means, methods, and enda of tho Instructor, who is tho Word and Son of God; and
dom, salthsuiness, and righteousneSS. The second and third books lay down rules for tho regulation of tho Christian, in ali the relations, circumstances, and