Acanthus mollis (Linn.)

발행: 1851년

분량: 1페이지


분류: 미분류


506 Meteorological Obam vationS. telis him that he remembers having tinen notice of the plant fisty

years since; another man Vouches for forty years.

The plant occupies a space of about 20 feet by 5 or 6, and is

not found in any other part oi St. AgneS, nor, as far as Μr. MVne knows, in any of the other istantis. T venty years Sinee St. Agnes,as he has ascertained, could not boast os even one garden, and there- fore florat culture could hardIy have caused iis introduction morethan fisty years Since, When potatoes and rye and an occasional

station noticed in f Cybele Britannicar vol. ii. p. 232 λI leave it to other botanisis to discuss the curious question of thorank of this plant as alien V or colonisi.' I have no authoritysor supposing that it is found upon the Atlantic consis of France, but it inhabiis damp and stony or rochy places in the fouili ofthat country. The peculiarly mild Winter climate of Scilly is notunsavourable to it, and it may therelare be an old is not the oldest