Corpus Florarum Provincialium Sueciæ.—I. Floram Scanicam scripsit E. Fries, Upsaliæ, 1835. 8vo

발행: 1839년

분량: 7페이지


분류: 미분류


ginui design. It will contain a very fuit account of ali that has been hitherio written on tho subjeci: und in Original figure of every species and remarhable variety will be given. Dr. Johriston intends atthe sume time to avail himself of this opportunity of adding many neW figures of goophytes contributed by his hiends, and acquired by himself, since the volume on Britisti Zoophytes Was publiShed. Corpus Florarum Provincialium Sueciae. -I. Floram Scanicam scripsit E. Fries, Upsallae, I 835. 8vo. This is the first of a series of Floras of the disserent paris of Sweden, comprising that of Schonen. Our object in noticing it hereis to give a sketch of the learned Professor's intest viems on the arGrangement of Fungi, Whicli me are enabled to do not only by the help of the work itself, but hom a letter hom the Professor himself,

e. Phacidiacei Glonium, Actidium, Hysterium, Phacidium, Rhytisma, Leptostroma, &c.)f. Stictidei.

3. PYRENOMYcΕΨΕs. I 'n'x' ' prser)V3 n QVO Principio ultra 50, natur h lissima. a. Sphaeciei. Ostiolo prominulo, sive eus tomi, quale etiam Sp. fuscae, &e.l b. Dothiorei. Ostiolo impresso, sive cryptostomi. Dichoenei. Ostiolo rimoso, sive rhegmOStomi. Cd. Perisportet. ostiolo poroso, sive porOStomi. Anam logicum Gasteromycetibus. J e. Apiosporei. Astomi nec sponte dehiscentes h. l l. Antennaria, Myxothecium, Vermicularia. f. Cytisporei. Contomycetes in nucleum redacti, - tangunt Stilbosporeos.


ginui design. It will contain a very fuit account of ali that has been hitherio written on tho subjeci: und in Original figure of every species and remarhable variety will be given. Dr. Johriston intends atthe sume time to avail himself of this opportunity of adding many neW figures of goophytes contributed by his hiends, and acquired by himself, since the volume on Britisti Zoophytes Was publiShed. Corpus Florarum Provincialium Sueciae. -I. Floram Scanicam scripsit E. Fries, Upsallae, I 835. 8vo. This is the first of a series of Floras of the disserent paris of Sweden, comprising that of Schonen. Our object in noticing it hereis to give a sketch of the learned Professor's intest viems on the arGrangement of Fungi, Whicli me are enabled to do not only by the help of the work itself, but hom a letter hom the Professor himself,

e. Phacidiacei Glonium, Actidium, Hysterium, Phacidium, Rhytisma, Leptostroma, &c.)f. Stictidei.

3. PYRENOMYcΕΨΕs. I 'n'x' ' prser)V3 n QVO Principio ultra 50, natur h lissima. a. Sphaeciei. Ostiolo prominulo, sive eus tomi, quale etiam Sp. fuscae, &e.l b. Dothiorei. Ostiolo impresso, sive cryptostomi. Dichoenei. Ostiolo rimoso, sive rhegmOStomi. Cd. Perisportet. ostiolo poroso, sive porOStomi. Anam logicum Gasteromycetibus. J e. Apiosporei. Astomi nec sponte dehiscentes h. l l. Antennaria, Myxothecium, Vermicularia. f. Cytisporei. Contomycetes in nucleum redacti, - tangunt Stilbosporeos.


ginui design. It will contain a very fuit account of ali that has been hitherio written on tho subjeci: und in Original figure of every species and remarhable variety will be given. Dr. Johriston intends atthe sume time to avail himself of this opportunity of adding many neW figures of goophytes contributed by his hiends, and acquired by himself, since the volume on Britisti Zoophytes Was publiShed. Corpus Florarum Provincialium Sueciae. -I. Floram Scanicam scripsit E. Fries, Upsallae, I 835. 8vo. This is the first of a series of Floras of the disserent paris of Sweden, comprising that of Schonen. Our object in noticing it hereis to give a sketch of the learned Professor's intest viems on the arGrangement of Fungi, Whicli me are enabled to do not only by the help of the work itself, but hom a letter hom the Professor himself,

e. Phacidiacei Glonium, Actidium, Hysterium, Phacidium, Rhytisma, Leptostroma, &c.)f. Stictidei.

3. PYRENOMYcΕΨΕs. I 'n'x' ' prser)V3 n QVO Principio ultra 50, natur h lissima. a. Sphaeciei. Ostiolo prominulo, sive eus tomi, quale etiam Sp. fuscae, &e.l b. Dothiorei. Ostiolo impresso, sive cryptostomi. Dichoenei. Ostiolo rimoso, sive rhegmOStomi. Cd. Perisportet. ostiolo poroso, sive porOStomi. Anam logicum Gasteromycetibus. J e. Apiosporei. Astomi nec sponte dehiscentes h. l l. Antennaria, Myxothecium, Vermicularia. f. Cytisporei. Contomycetes in nucleum redacti, - tangunt Stilbosporeos.


202 Molinicul Societν.

Phallodoi. Analogi cum Hymenomycetibus. Tuberaeei. Analogi cum Discomycetibus. c. Nidularacet. Analogi cum Pyrenomycetibus. Lycoperdinet. Trichodermacet. Hyphomycetes persectius eVO-

a. Isariet sive Hymenomycetes elementares. b. Stilbini sive Discomycetes elementares. c. Mucorini sive Pyrenomycetes. d. Mucedines sive Gasteromycetes elementares cum Trichodermaceis confluenteS. e. Dematiei. f. Sporodermei sive Contomycetes in floccos concatenati. a. Sclerotiacet sive Hymenomycetes Tubercularet sive Discomycetes elementares. u. c. Stilbo Orei Sive Pyrenomycetes elementares. d. Illosporei sive Gasteromycetes elementures. e. Sepedontei sive Hyphomycetes elementares.

February 12, 1839. homas Bell, ESq., V. P., in the Chair. A paper froni Mr. Schomburgh, enti sed ' Remai kS on the Greater Ant-bear Myrmecophaga jubatu) Was read. This paper commences With some generat observations On the Edentata and Monotremata: the author then proceeds to give a detulled description of the animul under consideration. The folloWing is an abstraci of the remaining portion of the paper, or that whicli relates to the habits of the animal. Μr. Schomburgh observes, that at a distance the Ant-bear appears to be a much talter animal than it reatly is, oWing to the elongatedand nearly erect hair of the mane, and also the erect manner in Whichit carries iis large bushy tail. When Walliing, the outer portion of the fore Dot is applied to the ground, and the long elaws are thendoubled inwards. It runs With a peculiar trot, and is not, as hasbeen represented, Sio W in iis movemenis and eaSily overtaken ; forwhen chased it Will Leep n horse in cantor, and does not tire readily.


202 Molinicul Societν.

Phallodoi. Analogi cum Hymenomycetibus. Tuberaeei. Analogi cum Discomycetibus. c. Nidularacet. Analogi cum Pyrenomycetibus. Lycoperdinet. Trichodermacet. Hyphomycetes persectius eVO-

a. Isariet sive Hymenomycetes elementares. b. Stilbini sive Discomycetes elementares. c. Mucorini sive Pyrenomycetes. d. Mucedines sive Gasteromycetes elementares cum Trichodermaceis confluenteS. e. Dematiei. f. Sporodermei sive Contomycetes in floccos concatenati. a. Sclerotiacet sive Hymenomycetes Tubercularet sive Discomycetes elementares. u. c. Stilbo Orei Sive Pyrenomycetes elementares. d. Illosporei sive Gasteromycetes elementures. e. Sepedontei sive Hyphomycetes elementares.

February 12, 1839. homas Bell, ESq., V. P., in the Chair. A paper froni Mr. Schomburgh, enti sed ' Remai kS on the Greater Ant-bear Myrmecophaga jubatu) Was read. This paper commences With some generat observations On the Edentata and Monotremata: the author then proceeds to give a detulled description of the animul under consideration. The folloWing is an abstraci of the remaining portion of the paper, or that whicli relates to the habits of the animal. Μr. Schomburgh observes, that at a distance the Ant-bear appears to be a much talter animal than it reatly is, oWing to the elongatedand nearly erect hair of the mane, and also the erect manner in Whichit carries iis large bushy tail. When Walliing, the outer portion of the fore Dot is applied to the ground, and the long elaws are thendoubled inwards. It runs With a peculiar trot, and is not, as hasbeen represented, Sio W in iis movemenis and eaSily overtaken ; forwhen chased it Will Leep n horse in cantor, and does not tire readily.


202 Molinicul Societν.

Phallodoi. Analogi cum Hymenomycetibus. Tuberaeei. Analogi cum Discomycetibus. c. Nidularacet. Analogi cum Pyrenomycetibus. Lycoperdinet. Trichodermacet. Hyphomycetes persectius eVO-

a. Isariet sive Hymenomycetes elementares. b. Stilbini sive Discomycetes elementares. c. Mucorini sive Pyrenomycetes. d. Mucedines sive Gasteromycetes elementares cum Trichodermaceis confluenteS. e. Dematiei. f. Sporodermei sive Contomycetes in floccos concatenati. a. Sclerotiacet sive Hymenomycetes Tubercularet sive Discomycetes elementares. u. c. Stilbo Orei Sive Pyrenomycetes elementares. d. Illosporei sive Gasteromycetes elementures. e. Sepedontei sive Hyphomycetes elementares.

February 12, 1839. homas Bell, ESq., V. P., in the Chair. A paper froni Mr. Schomburgh, enti sed ' Remai kS on the Greater Ant-bear Myrmecophaga jubatu) Was read. This paper commences With some generat observations On the Edentata and Monotremata: the author then proceeds to give a detulled description of the animul under consideration. The folloWing is an abstraci of the remaining portion of the paper, or that whicli relates to the habits of the animal. Μr. Schomburgh observes, that at a distance the Ant-bear appears to be a much talter animal than it reatly is, oWing to the elongatedand nearly erect hair of the mane, and also the erect manner in Whichit carries iis large bushy tail. When Walliing, the outer portion of the fore Dot is applied to the ground, and the long elaws are thendoubled inwards. It runs With a peculiar trot, and is not, as hasbeen represented, Sio W in iis movemenis and eaSily overtaken ; forwhen chased it Will Leep n horse in cantor, and does not tire readily.


202 Molinicul Societν.

Phallodoi. Analogi cum Hymenomycetibus. Tuberaeei. Analogi cum Discomycetibus. c. Nidularacet. Analogi cum Pyrenomycetibus. Lycoperdinet. Trichodermacet. Hyphomycetes persectius eVO-

a. Isariet sive Hymenomycetes elementares. b. Stilbini sive Discomycetes elementares. c. Mucorini sive Pyrenomycetes. d. Mucedines sive Gasteromycetes elementares cum Trichodermaceis confluenteS. e. Dematiei. f. Sporodermei sive Contomycetes in floccos concatenati. a. Sclerotiacet sive Hymenomycetes Tubercularet sive Discomycetes elementares. u. c. Stilbo Orei Sive Pyrenomycetes elementares. d. Illosporei sive Gasteromycetes elementures. e. Sepedontei sive Hyphomycetes elementares.

February 12, 1839. homas Bell, ESq., V. P., in the Chair. A paper froni Mr. Schomburgh, enti sed ' Remai kS on the Greater Ant-bear Myrmecophaga jubatu) Was read. This paper commences With some generat observations On the Edentata and Monotremata: the author then proceeds to give a detulled description of the animul under consideration. The folloWing is an abstraci of the remaining portion of the paper, or that whicli relates to the habits of the animal. Μr. Schomburgh observes, that at a distance the Ant-bear appears to be a much talter animal than it reatly is, oWing to the elongatedand nearly erect hair of the mane, and also the erect manner in Whichit carries iis large bushy tail. When Walliing, the outer portion of the fore Dot is applied to the ground, and the long elaws are thendoubled inwards. It runs With a peculiar trot, and is not, as hasbeen represented, Sio W in iis movemenis and eaSily overtaken ; forwhen chased it Will Leep n horse in cantor, and does not tire readily.