Catalogus plantarum Americæ Septentrionalis : huc usque cognitarum indigenarum et cicurum: or, A catalogue of the hitherto known native and naturalized plants of North America, arranged according to the sexual system of Linnæus

발행: 1818년

분량: 139페이지


분류: 미분류


Received through C. S. Sargent, 1918





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BE it remembered, that, on the twenty-seventii Jay os Februarn in the sorty- second year of the independence of the United States of America, A. D 1818, Solomon W Conrad, of the said districi, hath deposited in this office the titie los a book, the right whereos he claims as proprietor, in the words soliora ing,

Catalogus Plantarum Americae Septentrionalis, huc usque cognitarum indigenarum et cicurum: or, a Catalogue of the hitherin known Native anil Naturalized Planis of North America, arranged according to the sexuat system of Linnaeus. By Henry Μuhlenberg, D. D Societ. Physic. Gotting.-Berolini Imperialis Naturae Curiosorum-Physiogr. Lund. etc. Μembro. Second edition, corrected and enlarged. In consormity to the act of the Congresg of the United States, intituled, An aci sor the Encouragement of Leaming, by securing the copies of Μaps, Charis, and Books, to theauthors and proprie tors of such coples cluring the times there in mentioned.' And also tothe act, entilled, An aci supplementui y to an act, entilled, An aci sor the Encourage mentos Learning, by securing the copies of Μaps, Charis, and Books, to the authors and proprietors of such copies, during the times there in mentioned,' and extending the benefiis thereos to the


native and naturaligeri, has been compiled frona a number of obscrvations made' on living planis in Pennsylvania, and on dried specimens received Dom other paris os North America by the author. Some planis have been ad ded Dombolanical books: to distinguisti those as not existing in the herbarium of theauthor, they have been marked with a t. Os planis properly soreign, none are received in the Catalogue, is they are not, as it Were, naturalized. They are distinguished by the mark C. Many more . planis might have been added, is the Specimens received Dom other paris hadbeen more persect. The CryptogamouS PlantS Were, With very seW eXceptions,laund in Pennsylvania. The Catalogue is trintea in live column8, viz.l For the Calyx or Empalementet 2 For the Corolla or Blossom, ita Form and Colour: a For the Latin Systematic Name, distinguished by numbers sor the Genus and Species, and the Sigia os Duration: 4 For the Englisti Name ; the vulgar name, When known, is added in Parenthesis: 5 For the Place of Growth, and tho Time os Flo vering, chiefly in Pennsylvania, Whicli is tino monilis later than in Georgia. Opposite to the name of the genus, the Fruit is mentioned. To give, as much as possibie, multum in tu o, many abbreviations are u Sest, vhicli Will be eastly undevstood by any bolanist, asCal. 3 ph. read Calyx triphyllus. a pari. tripartitu S. 3 f. trifidus. Gl. 2 valv. t n. 2 st. read Gluma, bivalvis, unictora, biflora. Cor. 5 pet. 4 ph. 6 fid. read Corolla, pentapetata, tetraphylla, Sex fida.

M. maScula, male. F. semina, semate. s. read floret.

H. Hortus, mund in gardens. C. Cultus, cultivaled, or Cicui . naturaliZed, not native. O annuat, bienniat, 22 persisting, h frutescent. N. Ebor. read New York, N. Caes. read New Jei Sey, N. A. and N. Angi. read New England , . c.



. The Booka uaedior thia Catalogue, are Flora Virginica Gronovit, l762. Catalogue os North American planis. Forster, l77l. Flora Caroliniana. Walter, l788. Linnaei Species Plantarum. Will denovit, I 797-l806. Synopsis Plantarum. Persoon, l805. Hortus Cantabrigiensis. Donn, l804, i 809. Hortus Ke ensis. Aiton, first, and part os second edition. Enumeratio Horti Berotinensis. Willdenovit, I 809. Acharii Lichenographia. I 8 IO.

Schaessor, Batsch, Bolion, Fungi. Flora Boreali Americana, Michaux ; and many otherS. Hed vigii Stirpos et Specie S ΜuSCorum. I add, With gratitude, ille names os my American friends and correSpondenis, Who have generousty aSSi Sted me, by communicating SpecimenS OP SeedS. William Bald win, Μ. D. Dom Delaware and Georgia. Benjamin S. Barion, Prosessor at Philadelphia. Villiam Bartram. BolaniSt. Romelia Beck, Μ. D. Albany, N. Y.Jacob Bigelow, M. D. BOSion.

Peter Billy, froni Virginia. Johia Brichneli, M. D. Dom Georgia, deceased. Isaac Cleaver, M. D. Philadelphia. Zaccheus Collins, Philadelphia.