C. Sallusti Crispi Catilina et Jugurtha [microform]

발행: 1876년

분량: 186페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 미분류


Transveho, gre veXi, Vectum, tr.

Transverto, re, ii sum, tr.

buni plebis tribunos os ho

ino: O phobi maintain auarit, protect de senil.



Turpilius, i, ' Sillinus.

Per turpitudinem asely,

so in s. Ubi gentium, here in tho Orid. Ubicumque, o P. ubi , eumque ,



Umbrenus, i m. Publius Umbre



santly Usque eo sal the way

Utrimque or Utrinque redv. uterra que , drom or On both sidesor Paris.

Vaga, ae s. a toWn os Numidia.

Vagenses, tum m pl. Vaga), thoi illi ubi iniit of Vnga.

Vas, Vasis n. , plural Vasa rarum, vesset, disti re utensii, imple

Vastitas, sitis. s. vastus , 'RSte, desert desolation devastation, min, destruction. Vasto, stre, vi , tum, tr. VnStus), O lay astu mulio empty,

Venio, Ire veni, Ventum, intr. to come arrive tu sal into.


Vestimentum, i, D. vestis in cloth

Vingo, ere, vidi, visum, tr. to

Vindico, are, livi, situm, tr. vim

Villicus, i. m. villa in the ove ter

Vincto Ire vinXi, vinctum, tr. to binit, ite, en uitule, irid ab Oiat. latior: to confine. restra in Osortisu secure, sust n. Vinco, re vici, victum, tr. . O



re r.


Tii publicationis his edition os the Classic Was suggested by the constanti increasin demand hyraeacher sor an editionwhicli, by judiciolis notes, ould give to the student the assistance reali necessar to rende his stud profitable sumishingexplanations os passages dissiculi os interpretation os peculiarities os Syntax, c., and et ould require him to mali salthsulus os his Gramma and Dictionary. It is belle ved that this classica Series need oni tote knownto insure iis vel generalisse. The publislier claim sor it peculia merit, andie leave to ali attention to the ollowingimportant particulars: The purit os the extThe clearnes and conci senes of the notes, and thei adaulation to the want os students. Th beaut os typo and aper. The andsomo strie of binding The convenience opthe shape an sire. The loci rice at hic the volumea

are sold. .

Jho preparation os hs holo Series la the original inor os American


-- tractisto in BookS IX XXVI, XXXV XXXVIII, XXXIX,



B JoHN S. HART, I L. D. Prosessor o Rhetori and

of the Englisti angvage in the College of New

The Series comprises the ollowin volumeS, ViZ.: Langu age Lessons for Beginnors, Price Englis Gramma and Analysis, Firs DL6ssons in composition, composition and Rhotoric, Arahor eourso in Literature Andrior College and Higher In titutions os earn ing: Manualis America Literaturo, 2.50 Manual of Englis Literaturo, 2.50Har Us Langu agi Lesson sor Beginners. A simple, Practicaland rationa introduction to the Stud O Grammar.

ners. A greate hel P to the Teacher ne ver a in vente d. twil revolutioni re the whole Or os eaching. y the in creased Power os expression hicli it ives to the pupit, it doubles his Progres in very Study. There is no a school ut in hicha clas cani formed sor it ad vania geous se. An Pupit ableto read tolerabl wel can serit to ad vantage. Hari' composition and Rhetori has been prepared, illi a sullanowledge of the want of bothaeacher an schola in hisini portant branch os education, and the author has spared nopa in to malae the book eminenti practica an adapte to se in the class-r m. r. Har has been engage so more hanone-thiri os a centur in the practical iuties of the schoolroona, and sor ear pastia made a speciali os the subjec os Whicli the present volium treais. The great variet and CoPi OuKnes of the Exaniples sor Practice V ill commend the book ogenera favor. In his respect it is nequali edi an similarwork hereto re pul)li hed. Hari's hori Courso in Literaturo, Englis an American, is intendedos a text- book o School and Academi es It is de inned , ille iis tr those ho have no the time o devote to the stud os iteratur a laid do via in the large ricolis os

book or Colle es, an illas a Look os resere iace. Hari' Manuallas American Literatur is a cona Panion volume

generat character ann design. It is uileiade dras a tex book or Colleges, and asin book of resereiace. In these volumes Pros. Har has embo lied the matured ruits of his lise long studies in this deparimentis letters believe he will e Mund in ad vanc os an Other ext-book on the

Rul ieci in the Comprehensi venes O the Plan, the restines of nHicli os the materiai A the ound judgmentishown in the criti cal opiniones the clearnes With hicli the severa topic are Pre sented, and the Leaut as, et a the Practica convenienc os ne mechanica arran emenis

The scholi1rly cu iure and excellent literat judgmen clis phayed ent ille these books to chighilace aio an the wortis On Engli h literature. The Plan and arran gement Present many nove seatures, and the thoroughnes Os etait, brevit an lire

cision os state ment, elegarice os style, and fouiadnes Os opinioni, hici characterige the Glumes, at so the inceres Commen dation.


tant ascit is interesting. Iis importanceia hecome o generat lyrecogniged that there are no se school in hi chri does notoccup a Prominent Position in the oum os instruction. r. Martin lale' Anatomy, Physiology, and Hygien preSent thesollowing claim to the considerationis leachers Technicalities have Leen avoided, Soriar a consistent illi the reniment of the subjeci. The style in hicli it is ritte is not ni PleaSing, but suci a tot rea lil comprehended by thos sor hoSe Sei is designe l. Superfluous matter has been omitted so thatth book an e complet ei in a much shorter perio than nyother ext-hook on the subjectissae published. Descriptive circular Senti application.

This book is liat iis ille indicates, tirs Lessons in Natural Philosophyn V andri present each divisionis the subject in suchan eas and familia style, that it cannot ait o interest and instruct an child os ordinar intellige nce Beginia in ascit doesin a simple and eas manner, it Secures the interest os the pupili, fir odirect in iliis attention to objecis in nature illi, hichaeis familiar. When the interest is thus excited the sulfect is

graduali uia sol ded by presenting one aster another the familiarthings et with in the very-da wallis os lis : thu . the most common object a re ad the means os eachin great Philosophica trullis Orit so much os the subjec is presented a can claugiit illi ,rofit in ur public and Private schoibis, et hallia Leen gi ven ill e mundo embrace nil the more commonphenomena et illi in ver ' danti . . The sicis are so clearly and o plaint se sortii that the are entiret capal)le os comprehensioni thos sor hos use and bene fit his litile or is designed. Te acher interested in the Objectine sola V system os eachinet, ill find this litile book a valvabie id in urnishin subjecis sor discuSSion. Circular containing Specimen ageS,MC. Sentri an ad dreSSon application.

A. M. Professor o Mathematic in the Philadelphia Centra High School. Price by mail,

The present orti is the result os an essor to produce an Elementata Algebra sui ted to the want os classes commen cing thestu ly. I has been repared by one ho orae ars has et theneed os iust suci a book, and is the ruit os long experience

Villi illi book in and the pupi cannot helmavoid in thedifficulti e whicli invariabi present theniselves at the very threshold of the stud os Algebra. I has been the aim to give Such a presentation os the subjectas ill meet the want os Common School and Academies. Itis an elementa/F orti, andio attemptias been made to include everything hicli might be brought unde the head os Algebra. Theoreat ment os the subject is noli principi os sic bystei', ' so that the pupillat the ver ouiset is inspired, illi a degre os confiden ce hicli induces scis reliance renderin un- necessar a Constant application to theraeacher orael p. The book is commendedo teacher in the liope that it,illsati s a nee whicli the author has himself requently seli. Descriptive circular Sentin application.


In very II igh chool and Academ in the land the organi Zation os a clas in Conina ercia Arithmetic Bu iness Calculations and Ornis, ill Prove an elementis popularit and succes that will te id ricli resulis The sui feci itfelscis o intrinsicali valuatile a a means os developing thought that, e re this thesia lyresult tot gained, it oulit be erat illedo and shouli receive the specia attentionis the progressive eacher But par stomthis, the introductionis a stud so interestin in iiseis, o alti active to the scholar, and hau in s direct a bearing on his suture weli re, Will, in many an instance, decide the welsareo a school, directing the channelis popular opinion in iis avor, and Prove thenaean os illi nil it, illi ludent anxious to secure it ad vanta es. Circular containing sul descriptive notice, testimonialS, α, illi Sent to any adres on PPlication.

SUBJECT TREA TE OF. Articulation. Pronunciation, Accent, Emphasis, Modulation, Melod os spe ech, Pitch, Tone, In flections Sense, ad ence, Force, tress Grammatical and Rhetorical Pauses, Movenient, Rea linio Poet , Action, Attitude Analysis os the Principies of Gestures, an Oratory. The compiter anno concea the ope that his glimpse osour genera literature a temptrio individua researchomongiis reastires, so varie Mand inexhaustibi e . that this text-book

so the school-roommo hecome notini teacher, but ri end to thos in hos hand it is placed, and while iding through systemati developinent and trainiri os the elocutionar POWerSos the Pupit, to overcome an os the practica difficulties os instruction, may accomplisti a igher or in the culti atton

ani refinementis character.

Great care has been alien to consul the authori ged editions os the various writer represented that the extracis rona their vortis may be relie dipon a accurate though, in Some instances, preserenc has been i ven to an early edition, heia, in lateri sues, the alterations have o been dee med improvenients. Maia poenas have been introduced hicli ave ne ver besore Mund their, a into any book os selections be in no se thesii si time publislied in his countr in a permanent Orm.

It is heli eved that his book, ill be mund admirabi adapted soru e a a mea ter, ' ei ther in connection illi an os the regularseries os re ad in books, o tote alien Pi classe that, hau ingi u ed the higher rea tersis the disterent series need variet as an incentive to interest. For this Purpose e Particulari commendit to the attentionis Principat os Academies, Seminaries, i illi Schoois, orma Schoois, and Institutions sor Uouia Ladies. Descriptive Circular containing entire is os Contenis, Sentio an ad tres on PPlication.