The beginner's Latin book

발행: 1890년

분량: 283페이지


분류: 미분류



The colloquia avo been added, notis an integra an clneeeSSar partis the lessones, ut o servo as an incentive tolli moderate se of Latin orati in recitation, an to assordeonvenient Xereiso for training the ea an for enlarging the vocabular of tho paritor Tho Grammation tormes havo


vi PREFACE.beon raWn hie oroin the Institutiones of Rudimann. Tho colloquium on pagora has besen borroWod rom r. H. Mouror' Lateinlaches Lesebuch, an suggestion and Paris of the materiales for a very se others have been derive l

taste. ut in classiua Latin it ad atroad approauhsed homeaninitas in generat, and Dis ut a very Alight oxtensionos iis application to emplo it ascit is in the colloquia. Suelia moderate deos tin os De Wino into id bottios, it is hopedire bo Xoused Stili is any ovehor hinks that tho Latinit of his pupil Wil b injured by the se of the colloquia it is optional Withaim to omit them altogether, Without



This plan has boon sollowod vir. R. F. Loighton in his last Steps in Latin.


BOSTON, Sept. 1, 1886.



I. Introductoryes Alphabet, Syllabies, Quantity Ac-

Indicativo. Present Imperative and Infinitive. Colloquium 80 27 29 IX. Thooser Sum Perfeci, luperiret, and uturo Porisec Indicativo Perfect Infinitive. - Colloquium 85 30 3lX. First Conjugation Paradigmmi tho ser Amo G2 4 XI. Firs Conjugation Present, Imperfeci, an Future Indicativo Present Imperative an Infinitive. Ablativum Means. Colloquium, o .... 35 8XII. First Conjugation Perfeci, luporieci, an Future Porieci Indicative torisec Infinitive .... I9 l




XXIV. Third Conjugation Pressent, Imperfeci, n Futuro Indicative Pressent Imperativo and Infini

Comparative. oblativo illi Comparatives. Passage o Translation, l5 89 92XXIX. Formation an Comparison i dverbS. - o

loquium 222 93 96XXX. Fourth Conjugation Paradigm in tho VerbAuctio 96 98XXXI. Fourtii Conjugation Prosent, Imperieet, and Futur Indicativo Pressent Imperative nil Infinitivo 99 100



XXXII. Fourtii Conjugation Perieci, Pluperfeci, and Futur Perfect Indicative Perfect Infinitive. - Colloquium 231 101 103XXXIII. Thir Conjugation Paradigm of the orbCasio 101 105XXXIV. Thir Conjugation Verbs in o. TenSe of th Indicativo Pressent ImperatiVe PreSent an Perseet Infinitivo 106 107XXXV. Ruvie of the Four Conjugations. Colloquium 212 108 110XXXVI. Fou th Deciension 110 112XXXVII. Fiith Declonsion Ablativo of Specification. Colloquium 261 112 115XXXVIII. Spuciat Paradiguis. -Passage foraranslation. Qi5 116


Xu CONTENTS. LII. Partitivo senitivo. Descriptivo Ablativo audGunitive. Mativo illi Intransitives. - Dativo i servico 160 161

162 16416 171 171 172

378 175 178

LVIII. alio Subjunctivo Indir0 t uestioris .... 17 180 LIX Tho Subjunctivo, Wishes an Conditions. Colloquium 388 18 184 LX. alio Subjunctivo and Imperative. - Passage or Translation 391 18 187LXI. ah Infinitivo 18 188 LXII. accusativo an Infinitive Indirect Discourse. Passage o Translation, 407 189 194 LXIII. Participi0s 19 196 LXIV. Participies Ablativo Absoluto ...... 197 199

LXV. . Impersonat VerbSQ iseret, etc. Intransitive Verbs in Passivo. Passage o Translation,


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e in met.

i in machine.

o in holv.

o in bootiti