The beginner's Latin book

발행: 1890년

분량: 283페이지


분류: 미분류



mus. 2. Fidiim amistum habeo eum ego magis quam tuamRS. 3. Eum magi quam te amo. . Non semper eundem hominem laudamus. 5. Magister ipso te laudabit. 6. Sunt Se parte orbi terrarum RXim earum S AS in T. Or- tima nunc mihi tune ei favet. 8. Interdum mistis ipsis,

interdum inimicis nocet. 9. Semper idem erat Socratis vultus 10. In eodem pocii habitabant Androclus et leo. II. 1. Sallust is an elegant author have ou rea his vritings 2. I have Dot res thOSe, ut Cicero's. 3. Fortune favore no Fou, no them. 4. Ven ipse hyour oWnsrient Will tam 3 ou. 5. The ind of men aremo alWaySthe fame i. o ero niling With ou in the fame hip. T. He gave me th book of his Wn aecord. m. Themaster


DETERMINATIVE PRONOUNS. offers the Same re Ward to the oys The Same reWardesare offered by the master himself. 273.





HIC, iste, ill






is tum istam

istia Ille that yonder). N. ille illa illuctG. illius illius illius D. illi illi illi Ac illum illam illuctAb illo illa illo illi illas illa illorum illarum illorum illis ill1 illis illos illa illa illis illis illis 1 in is use of that whicli is ea the speaher in place time, o thought, an henc is calle the Demonstrativ of the First Per-Son mi equus, his hors cnear me, O belongin to me). 2. Iste is sed of that hicli has soni relation to the person addi essed, and enc is calle the Demonstrative of the econdPerson: Iste equus that horse near ou, or belongin to ou).3. Ille is sed of that hicli is relativel remote rom the Speaher, o PerSon addi eSSed in place time, o thought, and liene is calle the Demonstrative of the Thir Person: Ille equus, that horse yonder).4. le osten means that wel known that amous.


124 DEMONSTRATIVE PRONOUNS.5. Hi and ille are Sometimes sed in contraSt HIC, the alter; ille the former. 6. S, as a determinatiV Pronoun, Sometime approaches h1 in meaning Sometimes ille Henc it ictoae translate thico that, accordinito the conuection.

27G. EXERCIS ES.I. l. Illius hominis silium laudabant omnes. 2. Ste anies Semper latrat. I. Hujus scholae Semper memore mi imUS. 4. Dabo tibi illud carm0n pulcherrimum. 5. Illi lapidesdsim sunt. 6. Multi viri divites in hac urbo habitant T. Varii sunt coloros hujus oris . . Nomen illius poeta est elariSSimum . . Harum avium cantu nos delectat. 10. Istatua studia amo et laudo. 11. Has terra Silvi puleherrimis ornavit Deus. 12. Illud ducis consilium nobis utile fuit. II. 1. TheSe mounts in are ver Uiigh. 2. I shal si Waysbo minusu os that rioni os oui s. 3. his hin Wil bolitarisu to ou. 4. Demosthenes an Cistero ere amous δorators; tho Ormor' a Gr00k, the latior a Roman. 5. The iligens os onde cit are most retehed. 6. Theni in thes mountain is lighter than in thos valleys. T. Hegave me his preti bird . . That old armor' Wine i good. 9. I have read that book of oui s. 10. That book of ourshas been read by me, Z ou by S, TU OurSelVeS.

277. EXERCIS ES.I. 1. Hannibal, clarissimus ille imperator, Alpes montes Superavit. 2. Militum animos huc oratione firmavit. 3. Videtis, milites fortissimi, Italiam illam. 4. Illud est domicilium hostium nostrorum. 5. Galli, incolneistrum regionum,

Sarias praebebunt T. Hi erunt hostes illorum Romanorum


DEMONSTRATIVE PRONOUNA. 125 improborum . . Roma illa praecla Vestra erit. 9. VOSipSi expugnaviSti Saguntum, oppidum illud firmissimum. 10. Has Alpes, illo Pyrenaeo monte SuperavistiS RO-




aliquem aliquam aliquixor quoctAb. aliquo aliqua



aliquorum aliquarum aliquorum

aliquitius aliquitius aliquitius

aliquos aliquRA aliqua Ab. aliquitius aliquitiuAaliquitius 1 observ the seminine nominative singular, and the neuter nominative pluralis aliquis, and compare them illi corresponting ornis i quis.


2. Aliquis is usu adjectivel in the neuter torui aliquoct, and somelimes in tho masculine an feminine fornis. The samo strue o quictam an quisque Φ).3. Bosidos the interrogative qui an iis compotinds, hero is an interrogative adjective qui which, ohat f d0clinsed liko tho

etc., quorunctam, etc.

6. Aliquis, ome ne any one Without emphasisy quisquam, any one at ali emphatic) also in negative an interrogativo Sentences Qui alter 1, utSi ne and num i indefinite annone. 7. Aliqui means orne man, I don' knO Who Qu1ctam, a certain man, hom Ianow, ut don' mean to describe.

Comparo the relative in ach o the bovo Xamplus illi thonoun to hicli it refers calle the antecedent in respect fit si togender, and then to number. Look no a tho casum tho relativo in pacti of the examples, and comparo tho Englisti With the Latin Plainly tho casu of thorolative has nothinito do illi that oi tho antecedunt. I may both samei dissereni'. 2S1. RULE OF SYNTAX. - A relative DrODOMI agrees itti it nuteo uent in senuer an number.

A the person os the anteee say the relative greses illi iis dent has no essectis the relative, antecedent in gender, number, andit is rong, though customary to DEPSOD.V


Observe no the person and number of the veri, in hos two examples, an in the first two given in BO.2SB. RUL OF SYNTAX. - ti vorti of hiotior Intive ronouu i in Suhaeo agree in person nuclnumber vitti the antecessent, the QIutive. 284. EXERCIS ES.I. 1. Quis forum Romanorum rostris ornavit 2. Gajus DuiliuS, qui magnam praedam a CarthaginienSibus reportavit. 3. Quae amicitia potest esse inter improbos 3 4. Quis clarior sui in Graecia Themistocles ' 5. Quem times in mea domo 3 6. Quae animalia Sunt celerrima et ferocissima T. Omne animal quod sanguinem habet cor habet. 8. Divite sunt ii qui uis rebus contenti Sunt. 9. Erant quoque anno duo consule in civitate Romana. 10. Sunt animalia quaedam in quibus est aliquid simile rationi. II. 1. What have voti in Vour and 2. y hom asthe Roman forum adorne With tho proWs of hises 3. Osee the generat,bona o pratSe. 4. Heri rieli ho is contento l. 5. He Will e pratsed hose oourage Saved urcountry. . e love thoS WhoSe manner Rre PleRSing. 7. Tho bo has omethin in his and . . Certain laborsare leaSant to S. . e re the Samo to-da that w0Were QSterclay. 10. What things are brought o us rom

Seo 212. . The Same . . . thiat, or Same . . . Ablativo friuisuue. S iclem . . . Qui.


I. 1. Est quisquam tibi carior quam parente tui 2. Proprii liberi cariSSimi cuique Sunt. 3. Erant duo filii Rheso Silviae, quorum alteri erat nomen RomuluS, alteri Remus uterque fortis erat. 4. Sine in ullo animali major prudentia quam in cane 5. Videsne illa duo sidera utrius lux clarior est 6. Virtu eorum qui patriam nΟStram Servaverunt sempor laudabitur. 7. In Sti arboribu quae hortum ornant

trae St. 9. Nullum malum in aliquo bono St. 10. Nemo nostrum idem est in senectute qui fuit in juventute. 11. Urbo illae, quarum gloria magna St, a militibu noStri eX9ugnatae Sunt.


Re vieto the paradigmS.

EXERCIS ES.I. 1. Idem es qui Semper fuisti. 2. Hodio adsim dictitat quae lieri. 3. Cee domum quam aedificavit Johanniculus. 4. Quidam puer cachinnabat. 5. Ste homo, qui te laudabat, Si Stulti SSimus . . Suniuique cariSSima sunt. 7. Suicuique cariSSimi sunt. 8. Coram me aliquis illam subulam narrabat. 9. Egens est et i qui non Satis habet, et is cui nihil satis est 10. Beatus est quo non cupit quae' non habet.