장음표시 사용
a ery Stron casti a Middieliam. Caniden.
ius noctimperamicu8 98Fe8,PrOXim se gratu minu8 8 amicis, Tertim vultus patietur hostis Dira minantis.
Palfrey lying in Lauander, for the discliarge of his ro uender. Whicli accord in partwith the description here iven
shepherdaeclinis confirm this presumption, Whetiae
dearthis incident, but that Brathwait knewhimself to e to intimatel known in thenei libourhood of particular toWn to re- main, i the were described long undiS-cOvered as author of the poem. o notice One instance that mus have been an iu-tentionat mission He eem peculiartyanXious to void mentioning alterio in
therem great antiquity alWay celebratedandisve no one of therars in the orth. Indeed the bove conjecture Seem tenablefrom the circumstance that auxide is omittes and there a hinsma of Our author resided, ho obtaine much popular influetice and probabi had property and a fami lyestablislied in that town. his appear bysome iues pon the late deceas of his