장음표시 사용
THIs Treatise, on a more limited Scale, was originalty designed to afford an oviline of the Cours of Lectures I deliver on Materia Medica and Phammacy. Having changed the plan os arrangement of these Lectures, iis republication appeared to me UnneceS8ary, and it WaS Only in Consequence of the continued demand sor it, after the impression hadbeen exhausted, illat I Was inducta again to pub-tish it, extending it at the fame time, as no longer subservient merely to iis fir8t design, so as toform a System which should include the principies and the more important facts belonging to thesedepariments of Μedicat Science. The arrangement of the blateria Medica whicli
I have sollowed, is that in Whicli tho individual
substances are connected by their medicinal relations, an arrangement Whicli has sonae important advantages, and Whicli presenis iis objecis under a scientisic forni. The processes of Pharmacy Ι have considered in the oriter in whicli they
are delivered by the Edinburgii College, an orderwith whicli that observed by the other Collegesnearly Corresponds. In the preceding edition Iliad given a translation of the processes of the Edinburgh Pharmacopoeia, adding those only of more' importance peculiar to the London and Dublin Pharmacopoeias. In this edition I have thought it preserable to render this part of the work more complete, by inserting translations of the processes of ali the Pharmacopoeias ; and bygiving them in a finalter type and on a fuller page,
. In an Appendix to the history of the Materia
Medica, I have given a view of that arrangement, in Whicli the substances belonging to it are Classed according to their natural assinities. This, be-sides affording a contrast with the classificationaccording to their medicinal powers, will be offome advantage to those attending my Lectures, and enable them to derive more assistance fromthe present publication as a teXt book, as it pre-