장음표시 사용
that is mole thun an e said os Xenophon. Ei r Xenophon consider an emphaticali bad book.
by them nly heu thsenaro suli abierio note hi in accuraeios os Linguage, his salso tenses, and hi, genera disregard of Attic sage, and to volitthem in their Hii composition. Andocide8, Olithe contrary, has uel in his langu age, multorani style hiel ought to recommend limo thei avoui able notice of thos en gaged in educati iiii. A might be expected rom his ein a contem
porary o Thucydides, Antiphori and Aristophanes. and an Athenian citi gen o good family, his language is Attic of the pures type, and perseetly
iste no onlydrom hos questionabie constructions and expressioris, hiel in Lucian, Xenoption and the later riters have been singled ut by lii graminarian sor disapprovat, ut De lihewisei rom the mannerisDis and artificialit whicli are prominent in the compositions os Gorgias, Alei damas and the ther declaimers. further attraction is offered in his mattei .
si hieli is interesting in the highes degree glancing ascit oes, at the Sicilian expedition the charges brought against Alcibiades, thes mutilation os tho Hermae, the profanation of the Mysteries, the prosecutions that sol lowed interspersed ith
in the scene, of iis clites accuser Cephisius, of the iii forme Dioclides, of the notorious Callias son o Hipponicus, of the dem agogue Agyrrhius, o Pisander the perfect democrat. So oon O ripe into the persect ligaret, of hi κother accuser Meletus, a ea monilis later Oappea a the ceu Ser of Socrates. Ne may ad i.
that he oves us, here and there, and osten ut considerable longili, an interestin traiis of the inne lis of the Athenians, as et a certain facts of Atheni an polit an sinance, hicli, ut sor his speech De Mysteriis,' ould e ought
With respecto his style, at crities areunanimous in callin attention to iis extremo simplicity. Se this noted in his illa. ' In thi respect Andoeides is no Only by a the eastesto ali ho Orators, ut also the eastes of ali ho pure Atti prose riter Whose ork have been preserVed. Indeed the ni easter piceo thun his De Mysteriis is the fame author Speecli De Pace. The Oratio Funebris o Hyperides. Whicli is also easb , cannot et be brought in
here Or comparison, a bein meret a fragment. There ard it is triae, Ome se term o Attii
lai in his to Mysteriis'; ut these Pirust, illbo ound adequalet explaine aster tho est authorities deliberate opinion there re is
living Arist. Nub. 09 illi the Schol. ad loe.
families, the eryces, hos pedigre Ment backt Odysseus and Hermes Mysi. 4 l. 46. 47. De Redit. 26. Suidas in voc. Ἀνδοκίδης PSeudo-Plut Cit. X. Orat. p. 34B). In the War sliberation against Pisistratus, and in the militarylii eration against his Ous, the progenitor of
Andocides ad played a distinguishod par DURedit. 26. Myst 106). iis grandi ather Andoeides
Ael ' a Curtius remariis, Was a talented arideloquent mari, ut hos oligarchica sentiments exposed hi in to the constant attach of the popularparty. He ad atready as a Dun mari underthii ty years of age ad himself spoliesman of thoaristocratica circles, and opposed the popular
Peuce of Nicias immediat ely after iis conclusion. 'About the enixo May B. C. t 5, he Was involve lin the charge brought against Alcibiades os profaning the Mysteries and of mutilating the Herma In the case of Andocides, his alter charge, suggested by the saet, that the orat Hermes-bust vhieli rem ained uninjured throughout the wholi os Athens a the ne that stood e soro tho ous
Anclocides. xiii Andocidos and his ather and severat of theirrolatives ere arreste and thrown into prison. i 'rona his perilous position se rescue himselfand his associales Diving up the ames of suchiis the actua perpetrator as ere nown to hini.
t iunished With τιμια. O the ther and Grotes Hist. G vi. I says, Andocides himself,as par- donod, and was for the time an objeci apparently, o public gratitude But the characteri a statue- breuiter an informe could never e therWisethan odiolis at thens Andocides as itherbanishod by the indirect effect of a disqualibingilocree, o found that he had made so manyenemies, an incurre so much obloquy b hiseonduet in his flair, a to naalle it necessa sor him to qui the ity. ut rote' vie of the character of Andocides suggest a d ubiwhethor the fame angvage ould have been
applied to him i he had been a man of the stampos Cleon. Unde these circumstances Andocides Went abroad, and engage in Various commercial
Speculations On the establishment of the Oli garehieat ove mentie returne lao Athens, opingilia his conspicuous services to the Atlienian Hota Samos De Led il-l2 Would securo in awelcome But illis Ope a frustrate i, Win tot he politica hostilit subsistin belWeen the commander of the fleet and the head of the ligaretiy. Pisander, the leuiter of the Four Hundred, ad him arreste i. and accused hi of havin supported the part y opposed tori item a Samos De Re l. 14 . Didocides aved imself so the time by yingto the alta that stood in the colari. Shortly
i assed, though it Was aster variis cancelle Rodit. 27ὶ Andocides ad another attempto , oblata permission to etiam to Alliens. ut he was again disappotnted It was on his occasio thath delivered his speeeli De Reditu. Aster hi hoappears o have lived at lis sor severat ear . stili carrying on his mercantile pursuits tili at
AnctocideS. XVII no resumed his formor prominent positioni the state, and laid ut uel os the wealth eliud acquired by commerce in uitably discli arging
position o considerabi importando Boclis, tibi. Leon. Ithen. p. 160 soli. Hemianti, Polit Ant. Ibi . Three ear after his retiarn Myst. 32J, and ni a se monili bes ore the prosecuti of Socrates, his forme enemies, Callia8 Agyrrhius. Meletus and Epichares accused imis profaning the Eleusinian Mysteries, and of violatin certainlaws relative to the temple ut Eleusis, couplingthei charge illi the old accusationis mutila tingilie Hermae, and urgin against hi that he had nove been legali freed from hista rimo Andoeides succossuli defended imself in his speoch DUMysteritS'- speech surinas sing even that os Dem0Sthenes De Corona in iis alida city altho os dentaland of assertiori, and in iis per et adaptation ithe nil in tem a verdici in his avour. Subsequent to this and during the Corinthian
His speech De Pace, delivered on his return bulong to this period. The Athenians, however, influenced by the Succes of Iphicrates in do Atroyin a Spartan 0r of 25 men, and by the