Muscipula sive Cambromyomachia: The mouse-trap, or The battle of the Welsh ...

발행: 연대 미상

분량: 110페이지


분류: 미분류



in extremel mountainous, is no very sortile, excepi in the valleya Some os the Easter paris,'ein more levet, are extremel fruitsul Pespeciali alleasant vale inroughwhichalio Sever passes, in beautis ut meandors.


ties, and was successsu in many Warithe enterprises.

But he was an ambitious, perfidiova bigote strinee.-Ηs invitod Ethelbori, hincos themas Angles, to Hereford, to receive his nughter in marriage an ire herouslymurdere hia roya gu i ut in his omnialaceri and thenaeigodisponiis ingdom. To wipe orthis stat stomhia character, in the view of the morid, o to appense thε accusations os his own conscience, helaid great cour tothe olergy, and practised ali the monkiali austerities,whichmere so muchiateemed in that ignorant and superstitioua ago. e gave the tenthis his goodn to tho church madorieli donation to the cathedralis Hereford; and evenier- forme a pilgrimage to Romeri here his great pomeriand


Amr Philtips, in his celebrated translationis this odo a publiised in Addison's Spectator, o 229, I humhly conceive, mistinas the genuine senseos tho original, in this place. viis translation una thua: Twas this deprivla my foui os rest, and rais' sue tumulis in my breast; hic seem Expressive of an impetuous russie, hic is a rea pian, an in-eompatibio With the happines supposed in theirs stanEa, a WoII as inconsistent Wit the generat designiss the Ode; hic is, Uthinh, to pros8nt, nottho violent perturbation, ut the ecstatic silence, the soli confusion the gentie, thrilling, trembling, panting, dyin , and yet pleusing sensations os love: in a Word, to describe, no the tumultuous emotiona, but the son Ianguiahmenta of that tende passion.

thoraecam subjeci, sor severat ears to violent paroXysms, that indicated, ut leas in hi own opinion, Some Organiciderangement a th seat os lis and induce thsapprehensionis a sudilon dissolution Tho irs of these occurression the abo' mentioned day, and is thus noticed:

So much se eme necessar to a correct underatandingor the allusions in iliis de I may be satisfactor to there aderit add that aster severat earA the recurrence of



Entire eorrecines Was almed at in his publication, but the sollowing errours have scapo correction in the proos Whichahe reade is equeste to alus mit hispen. Notice of an other erroura in orthography, quantity or ther particular, that a b observed, mill egentesuli received by the Publishers. The old Englishorthograph has been intentionali preserved. ERRATA.

Pag 10, sine 6, eras tu h in Chambrorum. 2I, 10, eras the s in the wor cat's. 40, 6, D tealque ea telaque. 42, 4, o Septra rea Sceptra. 51, 3, in the titis, o REDITA rea REDDITA.63, 2. for occuli rea oculi. J4, 7 Dr stupefied ea stupified.