장음표시 사용
Omino 26th of Januar 1857 tho Mastoris ilio Bolis submittest to tho reasur a proposal for the publicationos materiat for tho Histor of this Counir Do the Invasionis tho Romans to the Reigni Henry VIII. Τh Master of tho Rod suggestest that theso materials
should bo soleotest sor publicatio unde competent oditor Without resereno to periodicat o chronologicalarrangement Without mutilatio Or abridgment, refer.enue beta gi ven in the sirs instance, to uel materials
They expressed thei approbation os in proposui thatoaeli chroniel and historical doeumentishouldi editudin sueti a manne n to represent Witti ali possibi correoines the extis opuli Writer derived Domi collationos illo est S S., and that no notes hould bo added, excepi sueti as ero illustrativo O tho Various readings. They Suggested hoWever ilia tho prosa eo tomachi orkshould contain, in addition to tho particular proposed by the aster of the olis, a biographical account of the author, O saris authentio materials existest for that purpOSe, and an estimatem his historieal credibility and