장음표시 사용
Navicula ammophila GRUN. Var intermedia GRUN. CLEVE, Syn. Nav. D. II, p. 30. Syn Navicula cancellata f. minuta GRUN. A. D. Tab. 2 f. l. deon noSt. l. 4 f. 82.
latior is a road obtus Species. I bellevo in contrar Nasicula ammophila to e the nostros relution, a thi Species has acute en is an a Similar Striation. Navicula cancellata ONK. Var. Sub apiculata GRUN. A. S. Att. Tab 46 f. 66-68. Icon. OSt. Pl. I f. 19.
Latera areas moderat et broad, Semilanceolate no OP ery
N angulos just Ahows that in os striation, I hin k GREGORY' and LEVE 'A form must se unito an specificallydistinguish0 fro Navicula palpebralis. The fossi specimen have seu bein distincti apiculate, I have rawn it in
Stria divergent in the iddie, convergunt a the eradS, ' ἡ
This for is mos olosset allie to P. Legumen thoughthe long and lendor alvos recal P. lauroptera I cannot be referre to this species ecause of the inflatioris eartho endes. I have also found it in . . LEVE ' notes, rom Latio Rossilingon in Sweden and rom Loch innor in Scot-
at the iddie, convorgon a tho nil of the valvo, - 10 in 10 3 , he median ne more distant and frequently Stronger. Foss. Ab HinderSmoSSen, frequent.
micidio of th broad th of tho alvo Striae ulmos parallel, Alighil convergent at the encis, 10 in 10 in. Foss. Ab Hindersmossen; at Pan otia fre8h . . P. T. LEVE oes nos distinguisti his species that hastho genera aspect o Pinnularia uide=isi GRUN. a more eloSely Atriate Americari species in from P hemipter Κ0ΤZ., probabi for the oason that both species have the samo number of Striae. Nevertheless, the are certaini different, a I could satis sy mysel by studying the sumples rommin-derSmoSSen, here both occur together. The tria Pinnularia hemipter is a coarsely uili, ather hori, linear-cunente SpecieS, Sometimes illi a more or es visibi band acrossilie tron striae, as in the Pinnquariae majores L. I havedrawn Wo 90cimens in L 1 f. 28, a, b P. hybrida has fine Atriae, though the valves ure large and Sometimes reachthe remari abi dimensioris of 30, 21 p. besides it is morogenti ta pering ro the id die, es cuneat e than P. hemiptera.
A thoro is no authenti figur of this strongi triundulato capitato forin, Phavo rara ncit in Pl. 2 f. 35. Specimensirom inland osten avo the area punctate, a state in CLE-vΕ's diagnosis The median inflation is frequently large thantho two thers as in tho ar Formica HB., rom America . The punctat for comes ear o P acrosphaeria BRkB. Pinnularia brevi costata L. Var. Subcnpitat n. Var. Pl. 2. f. 34. Valve linear, illi road, sub capitate, omeWhat Cuneate