The Institutes of Justinian

발행: 1889년

분량: 298페이지


분류: 미분류


Io 3 iii. a. r. haaisaecla, i. o. have cognates ut not agnates, iii. s. 4.hanant of --caued competen , iv. 6 3 38. os division iii. o. 4.-os separation ii. I9. I. hunclina, accession is, ii. I. a and

stitute or disinherite in though in and ther ining may be done

ω eases in .hich it mill noldie evensor moneysaidi mist e, iii. 7. 7. oonvitiona in institutionis heir, ii I .m in lagaeses, iii. o. 3 and 33 impossibis, in illa, in. 4. Io: in stipulations iii I9. Ira a)temative an conjunctive condition in ilis,

ii. 4. II.


os place iii Is s. and of time, in. 9.u6 an a r impossibili is perso-

- es flaves an iniicien in pomer, liabilit of master an sather iv. 7 the various actions thereon o. - :plaintis generalty has an option be-

inrisis, G. M idiota, deas and dumb

dian, M. D mode os appotnimenti M. I and x cannot be sorced on a minor excepi sor conductis litigation, G. appotnte sor a single specific matter, ib. securitygium by, i. 24 V. II pr. et competitio sorsole administration et emo. Ormore curatore, i. 24. magistrates

flaves an certain animais , LA: animal hereunde ineluded M. I unlawsul illine more reciselydesinet, M. ara illustrations G. 4-M: does no include accident, G. x Iiabilit for negligenc unde the statuis, M. e meaning of the penalty under MP. i. G. 9 extensio of the statute by construction, M. I Q PIHnti ma elec helmeen civi remων an crimina prosecution ib. I Qchap. ii os the statute obsolete, M. I a chap. iii relatincto II thersorm os damam G. 3 penalty under, G. 4. Is iv. 6. I9 modisi

action, or actio in the case under, iv. 3. 6.

tofon ea ortho iis i. o. 5. 1ivom, a natural mode of acquisition. ii. I. the universia mode of tran


stiantis Ioas ociso equivalent to a

G. 7: ex pu a perpetua orperemptory, G. 9 and temporal o di. latory, G. Io effectis prosecutiones sui in face of the lalter, G. cim 6 33 dilator exception based on

of sallure os consideration, IlI. I

13. I.

uncertain person cannot ii. Ο, 5


8 ., i. 14.3 Damianimenti Mardiansor ome specific eum e no good, rb. 4: Atilian Mardians, and Mardians unde the lex Julia et Titia, Liso Pr. : ardians of these lalter hines ostenappoinred temporarid ib. I an a later mode of appointincta defixulto testamenta uuardian. b. x in Justinian's time G. responsibilityos mardian on determinationis ossice,

liabilit os appolatin magistrate,

not e brouo by a Person under Puber , G. 4: round justifyingsuspicion, G. 5, 9, an Ix interdi tion os administration pending the action, ib. 7 Mardian' obligation toprovide maintenano sor aes G. and Iora punishment os by preseo of the city ib. I and offer o securit is mardian, o baro his

hahitation right os distinet hom use

Misa extereat, ii I9. x mus have capacit at three times G. Q reentille to an intervat for delibera tion, G. M after ono accepting--no resign, unies unde age, G. et certain earlier exception to this ruae,

by the praetor to abstata stom me inherita e but no aster inte meddita missicit, G. 5 nee notaccepi, ut succeed by operation ofla..di i x semiae M suntly heira, represente by theis hilare ondecease, iii. I. I and 6 effecta os postliminium sit. I. famil heim ne stom the auccession here thean ator hac en adjudge Milt os

an action, im II. .


leved tot a uave or another nam 'siaave possesae in modisiith. G. 6: penalis os, unde the XII abies, ia- tered by the praetor, lex odinelia n, ib. 8 aggravatin injury, d fines, A. o platatis ea cho ea tmeen civit and criminal pro Mings,ib. Io person os illustrious rank may bring or desen crimina pro edingsthmum an altorney, G. accessorim, ib. II right to sue extinguished by

it. 17. any number of heir man instituted ii. conditiona institutions an institutions subjec to time limitation, G. 9 impossibis condition attached to institution invenas unWrium ib. Io institution cede is legacies o manumissions, ii. go. 34 institutiona by Waros penalty, G. 36. intontimi in connection mith renunci tionis omnership, ii. I. LM intentionos returning the testis domesticitfin

mos usua in disputes a ut posse si . At prohibitorri restitutory, and exhibitory ib. I sor obtaining m semion G. 3 sor retaining it, G. 4:sor moveriniit, G. ω simple and douiae G. 7 procedure on ib. 8 the interdictisse in maesis violent disposaeasion, G. 6 quorum bonoruns, G. 3 Salvianum ib. x in possiritis, G. 4 and 7 inrubi, G.

lianum, si x her right enlarged by Iustinian G. Canda, subiret to herdui os procuring them Mardians is

desentant, i . a. a. Iunian Latina t. s. x mccestion to,

iii. 7.4 modifled by the SC. Largianum and an edictis T an ib. their status abolla d by Iustinian ib.


in sale is the fixine oscit is test to a

manumisaionis Havea defined i. f. m. modes of effectiniit, G. timean place of in fraudis ditore, moided by the lex Aelia Sentia, i. 6. pr. but there musti an intention to defraud M. Dr change in thelaw of manumissioni minora, M. Pet


manumission is mili limite by the

rendere alave passes to surrenderer,

but flave eam mand manumission ista canae the damages Mid, G. 3Qwme actions are noxa by statute, othera by the edici, the actionsolio. the person of the delinquent, M. Dr effect os delici committe byclave agamst his omnis ter. G. 6 noxa surrenderis initore obsolete unde Iustinian ib. iis applicationto cases of misistes done by domesticanimala, iv. .

iii ara delictua obligation onso

of thino abandone by theis prerious

Donaulo in stipulations iii Is 7 sor



emancipation, i. a. 9.W-tor, cannot mari a man eis, iii. 9. a trus Praetor, ii 23 3 rimet laedici, i. a. 7 Dcontrasted .ith statuis, iii. . .

tinian, i. a. Privum ais an aiam: the contrae ia

is a.



Afinianum sit. I. 4 Claudianum, iii. a. Ira Largianum ii 7. 4: Macedonianum, ima. Orfitianum, iii 4 Pegasianum iit. 3. 4 and et Rufi et Scapulae, iii. . r. andala Tertullianum, iii 3: Trebellianum, ii a3. and 6. torritu a, helon to the clam osthings incorporeat, ii a x rustie 4L3. r. an urban, G. Ira meaninges praediat ' servit ea, G. 3 r modes of meating servitudes, o

milla) ii. a. pr. Hortensis i. a. 4: Hostilia, im Io pr. Iulia, on beryliv. 18. II on adultery, G. 8: against illega combinationario misecie mee o com ib. II on do Tyland ii. . Pr. o negligenoe in thecharge of public moneya iv. 8. II on publici private violence iv. 5.6 iv. 18. M on treaaon, G. M oneriorelon, G. 9 es ulla et Plautia. L 6. Iulia et Titia, . o. r. and 3οῦ

funis orbana, I. 5. 3 iii. 7. 4:unia Velleia, ii. 3. Papia Poppaea, iii. . a m 3 Pompeia,

Medom introduce by Leo G. cf. iii I9, 5 and 7 stipulations absolute, conditionia, and subject in time limitation, iii Is a stipulatio sorperiodica pament, theoretican a, solute, G. 3 Dconditionia defines G. -- ω sor acta ther than conve ance of proper . beat secured by a penalty ib. 7: oin promisors and promisees, iii. 6 stipulations offlaves, iii. 7. r. persona to clave in certain calles, ab a os flaves


of thir person, G. 6 at deat of

tute hel in the belles that he is

independent, G. 4.--- Pupillar et ii. 6. r. ln effectone mill so tW inheritances, M. a Precaution to eo en in M. QRllovable even .hen the testator dis-

of their principes' exceptio , IM

tonant amnora ii. I. 36 iv. 6.