장음표시 사용
AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OFANIMAL TAXONOMY AND E COLOGYActia Mologica Academiae Scientici rum Hungiaricae is published quarterly DomFebruary l 994 other issues in May. August and November) by the Hungari an Natural History Museum and the Biological Section of the Hungari an Acade myos Sciences with the financiat support of the Hungari an Academ y of Sciences.
INTRODUCTIONIn the year os l833 A. G. DAHLBO V si 806-l8 9) publis hed a paper is illi a
repori os eight Cheloni X JURINE species frona Sweden. Frona among the eight species si x hau been described as new species to science. In ille subsequentchecklist os the eight species the sit si names are the original species names gi ven by DAHI BOV. the seconil names sin italic s) indicate the present. valid specificnames excepi one species Ch. oculiator) where the sit si nanae rema ined valid
Taxonomic re marks. l. The se male lectotype and ni ne se male para lecto-
40 2) whicli type - series is deposited in the Museum sur Naturkunde oologi sches Muscum). Berlin. Oul os the tela type specimens I have seen ille se male lec-lotype and four se male paralectotypes. - In his original description NEES l. c.)has indicated that 'Feminam benevole communicavit Vir amicissimus KLUGUsilie se male is described by my good si te nil KLUG's kincliness). i. e. NEES received the se males si om KLUG's Collection whicli is at the moment sat least part ly) in ille Beri in Muscum by the way. ii is known iliat J. C. F. KLUC and C. F. NEES ah Esenbeck had a good personat connection). Consequently I regaris ille tela semale specimens as the syntype series of Siges OhuX gres ventio iratii pro per sor ille designation of the lecto- and paralectotypes whicli consideration agrees welt with thatos TOBlAS l. C.).2. Designation os ille semale holotype os Chelonus niticuliator DAHI HOM
is my holotype Card. - Remai k In the original description it is indicat ed in Swed isti that one single specimen had been fotmd sanit served for the description): Vitr
In coupling the se male and male fornas I rely upon GRAHAM is and VANACHTER HERG's identilication indicateis hel ore and whicli I accepi as authenticiax Onomic name. On the One hancl. as weli as upon NEES's original description si . c.) on the ollier. albeti he has considered the se male and male sornas in an opposite sense. The description hy NEES corresponds willi the authentic specimens alhand in ali respectS. Vari able seatures os ille semale si 5 2 23. - Ηody 3.7 i nam long 3. l 3. 9 3 2 2. 4 li
Distributioia: Europe. Russia. Mongotia.
Remai ks. - l. The apicat foramen of the male carapace, on the one hanci and the semale antenna wilh 26-29 antennomeres. on the Other, indicate the tran
Materiai examinod 2 oes syntypos and 2 22ε l o specimens.
temple helii nil cye broader than cye. Malar space one-quarter longer than has It widlli os mandi ble. Face just less than twice as wide as hi gh. in ner margin os cyes parallel: clypeus clearly less widethan face. Some hat more than twice as wide as hi gh distance hel cen tentorial piis one-l hirulonger than distance net ween pit anil lowest margin os cyc. Face concentri catly and upwariis, head aliove si rons ε vertex) rather transverse ly temple and check ruther longitudinalty willi dense rugulo-striation. duli: clypeus almost sinooth and shiny. - Antenna s hortor than bocly. as long as hcad. mesosoma and hals cara pace com hine l. with l8 antenno mores. Fit si flagellomere t vice as long ashroad apical ly. surther flagellonacres indistinclly shorte ning and attenuat ing so that penultimate flagellomere l. 2 times as long as bron l. Vesosoma in laterat vi e w l. 45 times as long as hi gh. Veso notum in laterat vi eiu projectinganteriori y similar to that os M. microohthalmus WESMAEL Fig. 2 l. see arro ). Notatilix distinct hysomewhal rougheneis sculpture os mesonolum. Propodcum latero- mediat ly willi a patio os tu her-CUt CS. Mesosoma rugosc. propocleum On anterior or hori Zon lal pari rought y rugose and On iis posterior or vertical part with carinae radiating around lunule. - Hi nil semur 3. 5 times as long as broad