The Stowe missal, ms. D II 3 in the library of the Royal Irish Academy, Dublin

발행: 1906년

분량: 162페이지


분류: 미분류


TH present volume contain a complete facsimile of the Ιrish S. known a the Stowe Missat, illi the exception os the Atracis seo the osset of St. John hicli occupy the rsteleve leaves These extractes have nothingo do illi theliturgica matter hicli sol lows, and there is reason to belleve that the were ni bound p illi it for convenience. Forpermission to reproduce the S. the Henr Bradstia Societyis indebie to the liberalit os the oyal Iristi Academy, in whos librarycit is no preservecl. The collotype plateS, WhichrepreSent the Xac Sige of the original, have been executed by the niversit PresS OXsorti. secon volume illiive the texti themissa and of the Iristi tinatis on themas a the end of it, literat intranscribed, together illi an Introduction an an Inde os iturgical Forms. Collotype reproductions os three page of the Atracis stom St. Johia, and of the metat case illiin hicli the S. is enclosed, ill also b included. G. . .