Ribes aureum and Ribes lentum

발행: 1902년

분량: 6페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 미분류


24 Ribes Aureum and Ribes Lentum.

in tho driod stomor is about 16 mm. The facts brought out in the present paper AhoW that the name Ribes aureum Purshmust be restrictod to the Columbi a plant, Which ordinarily has passed under the name Ribes tenui orum Lindi. and that theΜisscuri plant, Which is frequently culti vated in old gardens and which commonly passes under the name Ribes aureum must be callod Ribes longinorum Nuit. Turning to the original description os aureum' Wo find tho folloWing citation of types. Uon the banks of the rivors Mis

Thomas Μeehan's paper on the planis of tho Lewis and ClarhExpedition, t to Dr. Ellioli Coues' notes on Μr. Μeehan's paper, t and to Dr. Coues' edition of tho History of tho Lewis and Clark Expedition, four volumes, 1893, it appears that of the two spocimens in LoWis' herbarium, noW on deposit in the herbarium of the Academy of Sciences, Philadelphia, one Wascollectod on the sile of the present town of The Dalles, in ore-gon, April 16, 1806, the other on the Μissouri Rivor, in Μοntana, at the junction of the Jefferson, Μadison, and Gallatin rivers, July 29, 1805. The cultivatod plant indicatod by

ferred to. Whatever the Montana plant might prove to be, itis certain that the Oregon specimen is the Columbia form, and tho cultivatod plant being the Missouri fori, Purghys Ribes

aureum is, therefore, a complex of the tWO.


Ribes Aureum and Ribes Lentum. 25 Columbi a plant Bibes tenui orum, retaining the name aureum for tho Missouri plant. Previous to this, hoWeVer, Berlandier had dividod Purshys Ribes aureum into tWo Species, aureum and savum,' a treaiment of the group in Which ho mas followod by Collat. There is, furthermore, a stili earlier segregation ofRibes aureum, in the year 1816, in the Bolanical Register, Which takes precedence over the work of ali these Writers. In the paper in question: Bibes aureum Was trealed by Κeras a species including both the Columbia plani and tho Misscuri plant, but the lalter Was made an unnamed Variety of the former With tho diagnosis Foliis villosiusculis, pedunculis villosissimis. '' Following this diagnosis is the citation: Bibes longi orum. Fraser's cat. 1813). Ad specim. plura spontanea lecta ad Μissolari fluvium a D. Nuttali et in Louisiana superiori 1 D. Bradbury in Herb. Dom. A. B. Lamberi asser


In Frasor's Catalogiae tho name Ribes longinorum is a nomen nudum, but in this paper by Ker, as Ahown above, a brief butcorrect diagnosis is given With a citation os type specimens anda type locality, and an excellent colored plate made from planis grown from Nuttali's importod seods or cultings. With reference to the type locali ty, it should bo notod that Nuttali and Bradbury did not ascend the Missouri farther than the easternpart of Μercer County, North Dahota, and did not, therofore, moot With tho Columbia plant. It may be meli to add, as a sori os postscript to this Ahortpaper, a suggestion regarding the mahing of supposed nem species in the aure um group of Ribes, Ahould the wide range and variable character of the group lead anyone to the publication of such species. The group is atready supplied With anassoriment of names amply sussicient for most nomenclatorial


26 bes Aureum and Ribes Lentum. namos I have found published in the group, as either specificor varietat designations, or as hybrids, are as folloWA:


lindloyanum beatonii longinorum

billi ardii

loudoni chrysococcum lucidum

cinerascens missurieDSecoccineum odoratum obracteatum

Oregonis abollaris palmatum

flavum praecox


proXimum fragrans revolutum


sanguineum gordonianum serotinum inodorum tonuissorum

intermedium tubi florum jasmini florum


lotobotrys villosum Rihes lentum. In 18 6 Dr. Asa Gray publishod' a varioty molle of Ribes lacustre, giving it a range in the Sterra Nevada os California at6, 000 to 10, 000 feet, from Mariposa County northWard. Under this name the plant has usualty passed. AS noW under-stood it is a species of Wide distribution in the wostorn Unitod Statos and olearly distinct from lacustre. In the matter of namos this litile currant has boon amply honorod. In 1894 Professor A. J. ΜcClatchie publishod a Bibes nubigenum'whioh ho had colloctod at an olovation os 10, 000 feot on the summit of Μount San Antonio, or Baldy, V on the lino be- tWeen Los Angelos and San Bernardino counties, fouthern Cal-ifornia. Three years later, the name nubigenum proving to bea homonym, the name montigerium Was substituted. t A carosul examination of a duplicato typo specimen indicatos that this plant inust be considered specificalty identical With Dr. Gray's


Bibes Aureum and Ribes Lentum. 27 lacustre molle. Μeanwhile Μr. Marcus E. Jones, in 1895, had publishod' a Ribes lacustre lentum based On specimens collectedat an elevation os about 10, 000 feet in tho Henry Μοuntainsand on Bothnap Peah, fouthern Ulah. In publishing the varietytho author callod attention to the possibie identity of lentum and molle, a potnt that could only be determined by an examination of the type specimens of the latior. This has noW been done and AhoWs tho tWO to be the fame. My attention Was recently called by Professor C. V. Piper totho faci that among the specimens referred by Gray to his Ribes lacustre parvulumi are some Which belong in reality to Ribes Iaeustre molle Gray, and the suggestion Was therefore made that the varietat nam e parvulum Ahould be talion up as the specific name of the plant under discussion. In his originaldoscription Dr. Gray characteriged his variety as With nearly glabrous leaves, Amalter than those of the type form os lacrustre, as occurring in the Rochy Mountains and north to BritishColumbia, V and as having been mistahon formerly for Ribes


reserabis to lentum. It is evident thureforo that the confusionos imo planis under the name parvulum stili continues, and indociding whioh of thom Ahould bo troated as the real parvulum, it seems proper to exclude the plant known as lentum. There-

foro tho first of tho spocimons in tho Harvard University Hor-barium cited above, collected in tho Rochy Mountains of British America, is designated as the type of Ribes lacustre parvulum

The name of the species necessari ly becomes Rihes lentum Jones) Coville ' Roso, for the varietat namo molle, is raised tospecifio rank as has been done by Μr. Thomas Howell, ' cannot be maintained, as it is a homonym of the earlier Ribes molle of Poeppi g, 1858. It is belleved that thoso aro ali tho publishodnames for the plant, although Professor Aven Nelson has recently distributed specimens With a herbarium name, the publication of Which, after the establishment of tho idontity of his plant milh Ribes iantum, has noW been abandoned. Ribes lentum is distinguishod from Ribes lacustre by iis

and especialty iis pubescent and glandular-hairy foli age. Tothis must be added another important character noted by Dr. J. N. Rose in Wyoming in 1893, namely the color and taste of the fruit. In Ribes lacustre tho mature fruit is dark purple oralmost blach, and to most persons nauseating; in lentum theborry is a bright red, and though rather dry is qui te palatable, indoed Dr. Rose found it in common use for jam. The species has a Wido distribution in the high mountains of tho arid west; from Arigona and New Μexico northmard in the Rochy Μoun- inins through Colorado and Wyoming to Idaho, and westWard


Ribes Atireum and Ribes Lentum. 29 across Utah and Novada through the arid eastern portions of California, oregon, and Washington. It has also been collected in solithern Britisti Columbia. It occurs On the east si Ope Ofthe Cascades in Washington, and again in California from the Sterra Nevada to the San Jacinio Mountains, but in Oregon ithas not yet been found on the Cascade Mountains though it hasbeen collected on Steen ΜOuntain, the Warner Mountains, Gearliari Μοuntain, and tho Paulina Mountains, ali elevations in the plains of easterii oregon and the last connected by a bellos timber With the Cascades, on the eastern Alope of Which thopiant ought somelime to be found.