Commentationes de Leguminosarum Generibus. Auctore Georgio Bentham

발행: 1838년

분량: 1페이지


분류: 미분류


study os botany, With that energetic eteat whicli matas his citaracter, and whicli induces him to labour, not for his own improvement only, but for the public good. One of tho resulis of this tour has been the publication at Vienna os a 4to brochure, os 100 closely printed pages, under the liue above iven. Here are included a great number of most valvabie observations on many neW genera and Species os Leguminosae, chiessy Dom the Herbaria os Munich and Vienna, Where the collections Uere as et sewhere) thrown open to him Witha liberality Whicli has called sortii his gratesul achnowledgements. His Work, we are happy to leam Dom the preface, noW that Μr. Bentham is returned to London, is but the foremnner os a more eX- tensive one On this extensive family of planis. The Natural Arrangement and Relations of the Fumily of My-Culchera

This morti, one of the cheap and beautifulty illustraled volumes os Sir William Jardine's Naturalist's Library, weli sustains the character of that popular Series. Μr. Swainson's talent as a Zoological Writer appears to be peculiarly fitted sor wortis of this description,- his si tot shetches combino the beauty os a work of ari, with the distinctiaess and accuracy So requisite in subjecis connected With natural history. The texi is an extension os the author's remari S Onthis family, originalty publislied in the ornithological volumes of Larditer's Encyclopaedia, and contains much usesul information, conveyed in an agree te manner, and illustrated by thirty aecuratelycoloured plates, beautilalty engraved by Mr. Ligars. The Work is published at such a moderate price as to place it within the reacti osany person Wishing to purgue the study os natural history, but whomay hitherio have been prevented by the high price ut Which bookson such subjecis are usually brought oui. Much, lioWeVer, RS We are pleased With the generat execution ofiliis litue volume, me cannot but regret that Mr. Swainson has notbeen more accurate in the orthography os the scientific names. The same Volume also contains an interesting memoir and plate os Baron I alter, the poet, the physiologist, and the naturalist.