장음표시 사용
apparently ritie at a later date than these sections and there- fore must also elon to Normandy. To Ormand ais maybe assigne the writin of the matterin the preliminar leaves hconsistin of extraCt DOm Various patristi authors, and of the declaration o belle concerning the Eucharist hicli, in theorde so the Provincia Councit, is attribute to the Councilo the Province of Rouen hel in O63, unde the presidenC OfS. MauriliUS. The orde for constituting V the Duke has apparently been constructe fron the materia furnished by the ' Consecratio Regis V hicli fornas par of the original content of the Pontificat. Some portions of thi orde have been omitted, others have been altered, to Suit the conditiones of the case sorwhicli the ne orde was intende to serve The additionalSectio relatin to the Consecration O Bishops provide so thedeiaile examination of the Bishop-eleCt, and for so me modifiCations of the orde containe in the olde par of the book. ut the Change are Ot O any ery great importance. t a be Supposed that, illi the exception O the H Consecratio Regis, for the se of hicli here ovi diem occasio in the dul edomo Normandy the Pontifical ossices of the original S. continuedio be sed in Normand jus a the Stood, or illi alteration Sof the lightest CharRCtCr.
It has been doubted hether his book was actualty written in Engian or in France cit certainly Seem to have been in Sein BrittanD and is ritte there, it Contenis ere probablycopie so the mos pari rom an Englisti book early On- temporary illi the ' Benedictional V of Archbisho Robert with whicli, in os of the ossices, as et a in iis collectio ofEpiscopa benedictions it is generali in Close agreement Them OS notable departure rom his agreement is in the orde fortite Coronation o aming. In the Benedictional ' as in themajorit of the Englisti Pontificat anterior to the NormanConquest the orde is that hicli is Commoni associaled illithe nam of Ethel red, and which was probabistintroduce in theti me of S. Dunstan. The Pontificalis Egbert' an Ponti calo
The content of these leaves, no stricti formin par of the Pontifical, have notheen include in his Volume. Mr. . . Roberison Historica Ess s I 87a seem incline to adopi aitet's SuggeStion, and to connec the adoption of this ne order illi the coronation of
Lanaletense both retain wha seem to have been the olde Order, Whicli probabinstood in the books Dom,hicli the were OPied. They Seem, he regarde a the representatives of thOS OiderbookS, O tali thei place illiin, an at the eginning of the Series of Englisti Pontificat whicli illustrate the variation OsuSage, and the development of this clas of Service-bookS, notoni in England , ut also in the eighbourin part of the Continent, in the perio die re the Norma ConqueSt. In the notes o the Pontifical offices containe in the preSent Volume an attemptias been adeo indicate the extent and Character of the variations whicli th book of this grou dis playWith regar to the arran gement of each of the offices The
The lontifical of Egbert V while the date of the book Dom hicli it is copi ed assum in that it is directi derived a leaSt
in the main, rom a single earlier S. cannot be accuratelydetermined Seem to represent an earlier Stage than any therbook of the grous hicli has come dorun to S in a form Practicali complete. Two fragmentar Pontifical Seem, O CVer, t Standis ea it one of these the earliest of the fragments ON
the early portio of S. Claudius A. iii. The original portions os Ponti aD Lanaletenses the lontifical
Edgar a Bath in 73, ather than Min the crowning of ither of dgar' Sons. S. DunStan was the officiant at ali three coronations anxit is perhap more lihelythat he followed in the later cases the fame order hicli as employed in thecoronation o Edgar tha that he adopte a ne orde either o Edwar o forEthelred The crowning of dgar a an occasion hen a De orde ma wellhaVe been adopted, and the fac that it a long delaye allowe more time o the Preparation o a caretali constructed orde than would in ordinar cases have beenavallabie. I exclude so this purpos the collection o Episcopa Eenedictions hicli formsPar of the Same volume a portionis,hichia perhapsae earlier than any of the fragment containing Pontifical offices hicli are bound up illicit. The fragmen in Claud. A. iii is apparently of the tenth, the idne Sussex S. of the lalter par of the eleventi, Centvry.
a large amount flagreement this is perhaps mos mari e in the case of the last two But the agreement etween them does no exten to the whole of thei Contenis the have apparenti dra n thei material in o me cases rom different SourceS. The secon in potnt of date of the fragment Containe in S. Claudius A. iii seem to standis ear O these in One CaSe here . Dunstan's book differs Dom that o Arch-bisho Robert, it agrees illi the alter The and writ in ofiliis fragmen appear tot rathe later than thali Archbis hopRobert' book A litan whicli fornas par of it ContentSincludes the ames os severat alni speciali Venerate atCanterbury. O these the nam os . Alphege is ritie in capitalS, hii that o S. Dunstan is mari e sor repetition. The Origina portio of the content of the Pontifical known
o S. Thomas of anterbury, no in the Public Librar of Douai Them S. itfel is assigne to the wel fili centurW; buty S. Lat. 943 of the Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris It is assigne to the alter par of the tentii century. Some of the delatis in the Consecratio Cis containe in his S. Seem to potiatio the accession o Edwar the Confessor a the time hen this parti it contenis Was revised The ritisti useum S. Add. 28, 18S, hich r. rere belleves toliave been writte for Herberi de Losinga Abbo o Ramsey, and Bisho ΙO9Ι-III9 o Thetford and orwicli, agrees illi the anterbur book in the cietatis of is Orde for ne Consecration os a Church ut iis date salis, apparently after the
in spite oscit late date it present so much resemblance to theearlier book as to malle it orth while to ake Some account oscit in connection illi them.
At the Pontifical offices containe in the Benedictionat is Archbisho Rober are to e Mund also in the book of the Series. O the ther and it differs seo the majorit of theother book of the rou by way of omission It contentSinclude no form relatin to the trial by Ordeat. In his rQSPCCt, O ever, it agrees illi the lontifical of Egbert. The absenCe of Such formidoes not of courge, indicate that theyWere Ot inployed by the possessors of the book whicli omitthem the were mos probabi provide in an Other Volume. It i Perhap un necessar to a that the limitatio of the CompariSon attempte in the notes to a mali number of
Englisti Pontifical does no impi that these book ought obe regarde a standin by themselves, pari rom book of the Same Clas whicli ad their origi and their se elSe herethan in England It is ardinio e supposed that ither the formation O the development of the Englisli Pontificat was independent of externat influence the importance of the grOUPin hicli the Pontifical of Archbisho Rober has it place isno greater than that which would belondito any Compaci grOUPos similar book of equali early date proceed in stom nyother region equali wel defined. Some limitation in the
thos book whicli, in potnt of time an place, Stood earCStto the texi and thus to howio far the ex itfel might bere arde a representative of the region and the period o hichil belon S. With regar to the collection o Episcopa benedictionSwhicli forna therars par of the content of the volume, it maybe Sal that it present se potnts of specia interest. EXCePt for the benedictions for the festival of the aint specialty venerate in the Newm inster, S. Grimbald an S. Judoc, and 1 Or a Series of feria benedictions hich have so thei them the account of the Days of the Creation in the rst hapter os GenesiS, there is litti in ither division of the series hicli Sat ali unuSual. The reater par of the benedictions hichmake P the whole series, and almos the whole of those hichmak up the division Containing benedictions per anni circulum, are tot found no Ont in the MSS. ith whicli, o far a iis Pontifical offices are concerned Archbisho Robert' bookiS OS ClOSel in agreement, ut also in the lontifical
collection hicli form the basis os his series ad an influenceo the benedictions of the Englisti Pontificat whicli a betraced in later book as et a in hos of the earlies grou p. But it was by no means limite to England the comparisono even a mali number os authorities ii suffice to horu that iis se a widely extended. In the editin of the ext se a made, in the sirs plaCe, Osa transcript iven to the Societ by the late r. S. S. Lewis,sor hom it ad been made at ouen unde the directio of the late Abbe Savvage From his transcript after OUiSion, the texi a printed, and the heet were Caresuli Collated
punctuatio of the S. has also been followed, illi certain eXceptions. The sto mos frequently used by the originalscribe is the simple Oint .h; ut it is sed illi a differenc in
Value Correspondin t it position in relation to the line. Itseeme impracticabie to reproduce these distinctions accuratelyin printing and the have heresore been disregarded thepoliat bein place in ali cases a the sua levet. In the lisis o capitula the scribe' usage illi regar to the omission orinsertioni a potnt at the en of each heading, and e re andaster numerais, is irregular. In the teXt, e frequently miis the potnt a the en o a sentence. In the printe texi numeralsare in ali cases sollowed, butio preceded by a poliat; and thepoliat has been adde at the en of headings an sentences where the scribe ad omitte it. The later addition to theorigina content of them S are distinguished by bein printed in malle tyPC. Where musica notation occurs in the S. the fac is indicate by the se of asteristis place at the eginnin and enclo the word noted. The two lithographic lates representin the miniature and decorative work of them S are homirawings ad for the late Mr. S. S. Lewis for these the Societ is indebie to the ind-nes of Μrs Lewis. The collotype lates illustratin the hand-writin os particula pages ere ad Do photograph takensor the SocietWat ROUCn. In Conclusion must express y thantis Ot ni to the Chairma of the Counci an to the reasurer of the Societysor Such et a the neve sal to iVe to thOSe ho areengage in iis orla, ut to thers h have in Various waySrendere me Sem assistance. In particular Pwould destre toacknowledg the at which have received stom the transcripis
an notes placed by the Dean os Carlist at the disposa os the SocietW whil tom r. . . ichliam Leg in gratitude isespeciali due not ni se the work of comparing the printed sheet with them S., os hicli I have atready made mention. but also for the se of his transcript of the Ponti caD Lanaletense, an for insormatio a to the content of the series of Episcopa Benedictions in the Pontifical of S. Dunstan whichlia no been include by the Dean o Carlisi in his transcrtut