The poetical works, Latin and English, of Vincent Bourne

발행: 1838년

분량: 340페이지


분류: 미분류



statin anti Titsisti,


I is difficultri r ad an admire any Or Withou feel in considerabis interest in the author personalty Froni admiring the production fili minit, o insensibi glido into septings of e-gari for the person, and ali that concertis the riter Wh has affordei us o much gratification; an it is ome consolation, hen ho himself has quille the stage, to contomplate, illi feelings os respeet, and almost os adoration, tho birth-place


restraine by scruples of conscience a to his sitnes for the sacre function: though, rom aletler ritton to his isse a hori time osore his dealli ho seem noto have been altogether satisfiexus to tho ourso he had purgued, and toliave suffere considerable anxiet during therema inde of his life On the subjeci. e cannot, hoWever fuit to commoni the honest of his motives, hen e recollec that a very valvabis preferment a rejected by him, in consequenee of these SerUPIOS. To a much in ruis of the orkS, Ouid, in the presentiay bo impertinent an needless. CoWper ranks him bove Tibullus, and On a lovo with vid on it is omethin considerable in his savour, that the fame poet Oo the troubleto translato no es than ineleen Os his productions into Englisti verso. What ad Vincent Bourn SO RVerseri expressin his ideas in Eng-listi, e cannot say ut the aversion is vident,

his lottors, is fise had rustod o his genius as cloah sor very thing that could disgust ouin his person an indoed in his ritings ho



and so indolent, that I los more than I go by

animato by the spirit of tho creature e describes. And with ali his drollery ther is a

and playfulnes of his ideas, than by the neu inessani purit os his Verse. 'With al th dosoroneo, hoWover, Whieli ema b disposed to panto the aste O COWper, We must admit, that tho partialit to hicli ho himselfilead guilty has influoncsed his decision On the merit Oftur author. His flo os ideas, his beauty o diction, his propriety of sentiment,


province heris alWays stricti classical a licensemay here and there e discovered, in hicli nopoe of the Augustan age ould have indulged. Yot ali that the severit o minute criticismma urge againSt hi productions, e ma Saselychallongo lis sirs of tho Roman elegiast toproduce any thin equa to his Thyrsis and Chloe, V or his iueia o Corydon: ' hil in

We have onlyrio add that in addition to his poetica effusions the present Olum containstwo lettsers of Vincent Bourne the ne to ayounilady, and themther Whioli,e have at ready mentioned to his is en and e thin W may With sas et offer to the public the present editionas the mos complete an accessibi form Oftur

Ianuar 1838.