Icones Fungorum hucusque cognitorum. Auctore A. C. J. Corda. Pragæ, 1837

발행: 1838년

분량: 2페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 미분류


following up. We have long since been convinced that the commonly received notions of the structure in this genus are incorrect, and the publishod figuros very insuffcient. We cannot hoWever agree,

To the correcinesa of the nexi potnt, viz. that Sepedonium roseum accompanies Vertiorllum cylindrospora, Corda, We cara ourselves beartestimony. Whether it be a parasite or no demands surthor inquiry, Thero are figures of some very interesting neW species os Torula, and of some extraordinary productions nearly related to that genus. Helicomyces is asserted to be parasitic on the hairs of Sphaeria erilis, Dematia, miminthosporia, &c., and destitute of any properstroma. Helicotrichum, Nees, therelare, is, contrary to the opinionos Fries, a distinet genus. Pudoinia Bullaria is figured as a Phragmotrichum. Is the analysis is correct, the specios figured must be quite disserunt hom What we have now besore us, Which does not differ hom other Pucciniae, excepi in being more closely invested with the epidermis. Under miminthosporium apiculatum, a highly intere2ting analysis of the genus is given. The spore consista, Ist, os an outer light shin; 2nd, os an inner, hard, coloured, horny shin, Whicli incloses uinird, whicli, like the first, is light-coloured. Within this are thesepta, Which have a Proper membrane, and are not united at ali toine third coat, or connected With it. They inclose large drops of Oil, with whicli they are also surrounded. The apiculus is formed os a proper skin, and merely adheres to the spore, Without being clothedwith any of iis coats. The drops of Oil are What are somelimes called sporidiola, and they require further investigation. We do notdeny that the celis somelimes contain drops os an Oily fluid, but that the So-called oll-drops are somelimes true reproductive bodies isquite certain. The distinction belween the genera Doratomyces and Stysanos is meli mortii attending to, as it throws lirat upon a matterat present some What obscure. Some of the lalter Will probably bosound to be mere mamorphoses of Aspergisti. Chordostylum, Tode, an ill-undexstood genus, is Shown to be alliedio Pilobolus. The flocci of Trichiae are Shown to be Spirat vesseis, like the elaters of Iungermannia. The genus Choetomium is figurod


Tho sporidia of Choetomium murorum have a chinh On one fide,

liho iliose of the Sphaeria pedunculata, Dich. , and S. hippotrichioides,

The truo structuro os Sphaeronema is delinealed in a specios whichgroWs upon the buds of Dahlius, Whicli is ulmost identicat with S. blepharistoma, figured in Mag. Bot. and ZOOl. , Vol. i. The reproductive bodios of Tuber are beautifulty figured, under Tuber fuscum. In the common trussie me sind them just the fame, and by no means Auch as represented My Turpin in his memoir onthat genuS. Tho last illustration is perhaps the most important, being a complete confirmation of the vieWA on the structure of hymenomycetous sungi, publislied in a late number of this j ournal . It is most curious that Ascherson, Corda, Montague, Levellid, Brogniari and Decaisneshould almost at the fame time have observed the true structure os

the hymenium in typical iungi. It will not be thought invidious, ii aster calling attention to somany potnts of interest, sand there ure many Which We have not no-ticed,) we potnt out a seW matters Whicli might misi eud. The author is certainly too hasty in the proposing neW Species and genera :indeed, many of his species appear to be the conidia of other fungi, or anomalous formS of described species. Bispora intermedia appears to be a correctly draWn Torum antennata. Halysium utrum is hilama melanopum, E. B. t. 2358, Whicli has been neglected by authors. Iis nature is stili doubisul. Periconia byssoides is either incorrectlydrawn or is not the true plant of Nees, the flocci of Whicli are articulated and the spores curioiasty granulated. Tho species figured as Stilba appear to belong to other genera, Stilbum crystallinum is clearly Aspergilius albus, and Stilbum vulgare certainly not the true plant. Stilbum nodosum appears to be youngAspergilius magimuS. Other potnis might be noted, but we had rather again cali the attention os our readers to the meriis of the work, and recommend itvery strongly to their patronage. Commentationes de Leguminosarum Generibus. Auctore Georgio

During an interesting and extensive tour lately made on the continent of Europe, our valued friend Μr. Bontham devoted his timo, whother in tho sield or in the public and private museums, to the