Genera Plantarum Floræ Germanicæ iconibus et descriptionibus illustrata. Fasc. 27. Auctore R. Caspary

발행: 1854년

분량: 1페이지


분류: 미분류


that this Fasciculus weli deserves to sortia a portiola of the valliablework Willi whicli it is connected. It coiitains plates aud descriptions of murteen genera os Cruciferae, two of Ρapaveracem and the genus Calfha. These are illustrated in a rather more complete malauerthan was adopted in the earlier paris of the work. Concerning the other two fasciculi mentioliod above, it is harillynecessary to say that they are creditable to the eminent men Whose nantes are associaled With them.

We cannot conclude Without specialty directing the attention os ourbolanical readers to this Work, as having the unusitat properties oscheapness combined Willi excelletice. It is quite essentiat to every student os European planis, and by far the greater number of the genera illustrated in it are natives os Britain. The Mieroseope and iis Asyplication to Clinteat Mediolae. ByLION EL BΕΑLE, M. B. 8vo. I p. 282. The Mieroseope ; iis Hiδfory, Gnδtri otion, and Application8. ByJΛΒΕΣ ΗΟGG, M. R. C. S. 8VO. ΡΡ. 434. The former of these Works, as is implied in iis titie, scarcely comes Within our range of subjecis. Inasmuch, hoWever, as it trestis of the method os using the microscope, the means of cxamining and pre- Serving Object8, yc., We can recommend it iis containing a tolerablysatisfactory accoulit of the present state of knowledge upon these subjecis. It contains ut Wards of 200 woodcuis, and will forni auseful hand book to those members of the medicat profession Wholiave not sufficient time to procure the information frona the originalsources; sor it contains nothing ne . We must. Observe, that in regarit to the history, yc. of one or tWo Ρoinis, it is in error.

popular Work, and soruas one of the series of the Illustraled London Library. It may be salit to consist os two paris: a series of quotations, in bracheis, Dona various authors, in regarit to mici OSeopy and naturalliistory, and a number of annotations, Willi poetical abstracts by the author, and is illustraled with numero iis i OOdcuts. The quotations embody a considerable amount of information iapon natural historyanii microscopy, for there is about as much of One as of the other; whilst the remariis os the author exhibit complete ignorance of both these subjecis, as u eli as a total deficiency Os classical lore. Μoreover, the whole is Written in a remari ably loose and clumsy style, Wellcalculated to disgust an educated minit with the use of the microscope

Thus, we are tolli, that the Gnosia is of the Napicula species. That the scientisic name by Whicli the yeast-plant is known is

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