장음표시 사용
Uol. II. for 893. THE MIRROR O JUSTICES. Edited homoli unique S at Corpus Christi
intelligibie. Vol. VIII., or 804. SELECT PASSA GES PRO BRACTO AN AZo. Edite by Prosessor
This volum is in continuationis ol. I. and covers the reigns of Edward VI. Mary, and Eligabeth: the perio of the greates importance of the Admirati Couri, and of iis mos distingui Shed judges, Dr. David Lewes an Si Julius Caesar. It illustrates the foretgn polic o Eligabeth, the Armada, and other matter an documents of genera historica interest. The introductio treat of the Cour Domthe 4th to the 18th century, illi referenCes to Some State aper no hitherio printe or Calendared.
The Volumes in course of reparation ard
The Societ lia also contemplate the collectio os materiai sor an ANGLO-FRENCH DICTIO NARY sor hicli practica instructions have been hindl drawn pi Professor heat. The Counci wil beata to receive offers of hel in his collection illi a viewrio future publication.