장음표시 사용
meet sor repentance,' ' or rather for the coming of the
120 GREGORY THAUMAT URGUS horsoli prudent truly in ali things; nei thur has any Woman boon born like hor in ali generations. She was not liho tho
come to overpoWer thee With fear, but to repet tho subject of sear. Fear not, Mata, sor thou bast found savour With God. Question not grace by the standard os nature. For gracedoes not eniture to pass under the laris os nature. Thou
knowest, O Μary, things hept hid irom the patriarchs and propheta. Thou hasi learned, O virgin, things which were
λ Or, τῆς καροίας φρονοματι, in the thoughta of her heari.
ὐπιθωιν; others ὐπόσχεσιν, the Promise. η και λαμπάδα φωτος ἀπαστράπτεις.
ali manifestation φανέρωσιν) ; Ηo is His image in the pe son, and through His reflection tho Fathess) glory shines
Lord is mitti thee, and no spouse of earlli ; ' He Himseli ismith theo who is tho Lord of sanctification, the Father of purity, the Author os incorruption, and the BestoWer of liberin the Curator os salvation, and tho SteWard and Pr
vider of the truo peace, Who out of the virgin earin madoman, and out os man's fide formed Eva in addition. Eventhis Lord is with thee, and on tho other hand also is of thee. Come, theresore, beloved brethren, and let M tako up the angelic strain, and to tho ulmost of our abili retum tho
thee also is the perfeci man in Whom dWelis the wholo iuu
Water, the occult signa of the sea; so also our Lord Jesus Christ proceeti, Without fusion and without mutation, hom
ON THE ANNUNCIA NON TO MART123 the pure, and chaste, and undefiled, and holy Virgin Mary; persect in divinity and perfeci in humani , in ali thingsequat to the Father, and in ali things consubstantiat with us,
might provide participation in spiritual sustenance sor menwho livo like tho boasis os earth. Nor Was there even room
established heaven and earth; for though He Was ricli, sorour sises He became poor, and chose extremo humiliationon behais of the salvation of our nature, in His inherent goodness toWard us. He who sulfilled the wholo administration or righteousness) of unuiterable mysteries of the oeconomy or the wholo administration of the oeconomy in an unuiter te mystery in heaven in the bosom of tho Father, and in the cave in the arma os the mollier, reposed in the
rested, as it Were, upon the cherubim. Even there Was in truth His cherubic throne; there was His royal seat. Holyos the holy, and alone glorious upon tho earth, and holier than the hian was that Wherein Christ our God rested. To Him bo glo , honour, and pomer, together With the Father undefiled, and the altogether holy and quichening Spirit, noW and ever, and unis the ages of the ages. Amen.
and indivisibin the joy that is beyond conception, and perenniat. For since the holy Virgin, in tho liis of thossesh, was in possession os the incorruptibie citigenship, and Walhed as such in ali manner os virtuos, and lived a lisemore excellent than man's common standard; theresoro the
Word that comoth srom God tho Fathor thought ii meet to sumo the flesti, and endue the perfeci man froni her, in ordor that in the samo flesti in Whicli sin entered into thoWοrid, and death by sin, sin might be condemnod in theflesti, and that the tempter os sin might be overcome in thebu ing of the holy body, and that theremith also the begin- ning of the resurrection might be exhibited, and life eternalinstitutod in tho Worid, and fellowsbip established sor menwith God tho Father. And what shali Mo state, or Whatshali me pass by hore ' or Who shali explain What is incomprehensibie in the mystery l But for tho present let us fallbach upon our subjeci. Gabriel was sent to the holy virgin; tho incorporeat was despalched to her Who in the body pur-suod the incorruptibie conversation, and lived in puri and in virtues. And when he came to her, he first addressed her
for the whole creation, and the human race receives again
by thee ita pristino dignity. Hail, thou stat art highly
innity and equaliu missi the angeis. FG the holy Virginguardia caresully the torch oi virgini , and gavo diligent
me a mind so fim, and in deceive the man, has he turned his attach Mon me, as one endoWed With a more susceptible
128 GREGORY THAUMATURGUS rather, ΗΟ Ηimself, who is Lord os ali the heavenly po emand of ali creation, has selected theo as the holy one and tho wholly Iair ; and through thy holy, and chasis, and pure,
and undefiled womb tho enlightening Peari comos sortii fortite salvation os ali the worid: since of ali tho race of manthou art by birth the holy one, and the more honourabie, and the purer, and the more picus than any other; and thouhast a mind whiter than the sno' and a bOdy made purerthan any golii, hoWever fine, and a Womb such as the objectvdiich Egehiel saw, and whicli ho has describod in theso torms: And tho likeness of the living creatures upon thohead Was as the firmament, and as the appearance of the terribie crystal, and ths likeness of the throne above them Was as the appearance of a sapphire-sione: and above thothrone it mas as the likeness of a man, and as the appea ance of amber; and within it there Was, as it Were, the likeness of firo mund about.' Clearly, then, did the prophetbehold in typo Him who was bom of the holy virgin, Whomthou, o holy virgin, Wouldest have had no strength to bear, hadst thou not beamed fortit for that time or, is His throne mith ali that is glorious and virtuous. And with What motas os laudation, then, shail Wo describe her virgin - digni With What indications and proclamations of praise ahail Wo celebrate her stainless figure t With What spirituat song orword shail We honour her Who is most glorious among the angels Τ Sho is planted in tho houso os God liko a fruitsul olivo that the Hob Spirit overshadowed ; and by her meansare me called sons and heirs of tho hingdom os Christ. Shsis the eve blooming paradiso os incorruptibili , Wherein is planted the trae that giveth life, and that furnisheth to ali tho fruits of immortality. She is the boast and glory Oi virgins, and the exultation os mothers. She is the sum suppori os the belleving, and the succourer or example, κατόρθωμα)of the pious. Sho is tho vesture of light, and the domicileos virtve or truth). Sho is the eve floWing fountain, herein the water of lite sprang and produced tho Loraesincarnate manifestation. She is the monument of righteou i Ereh. i. 22, 26, 27.